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Lindal Kidd

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Lindal Kidd last won the day on April 21 2020

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    and Baker of Cookies

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  1. @Sammie Kiyori, Place your mouse cursor on your avatar, or on any convenient object...just not on sky or water. Hold down the CTRL and ALT keys while holding the left mouse button Move the mouse to swing your viewpoint anywhere you like. In this case, around to the front of your avatar Hit ESC to return your camera position to the default behind your avatar. This is called "mousing" or "camming", and old-time SL users do it so automatically they often forget to mention it or even think about it. It's terribly useful and much quicker than walking your avatar everywhere to peer at things.
  2. Maybe SL is now giving premarital counseling.
  3. Can you still exclude demo items with Booleans? I mean, type NOT Demo (with NOT in caps) in your search string. You may need to be more comprehensive, since the exclusion is case sensitive: NOT Demo, NOT DEMO, NOT demo. And exclude $L 0 results.
  4. Lindal Kidd

    Ruth hair

    Way back at the beginning of SL, we all used system hair, what you're calling "ruth hair". The classic avatar has sliders to create a wide variety of hairstyles, built right into the Appearance menu. Sadly, all of them look awful. This system hair also controls the eyebrows, so it's sometimes called an "eyebrow shaper". You'll also see names for it like "baldy" or "bald base". If all of the Appearance hair controls (except eyebrows) are set to zero, you're going to look bald...which is actually what you want.
  5. Call me old fashioned, but I'm still a fan of flexi hair. Yes, it does have the unfortunate property of going inside your body. But to make up for that, it has the delightful property of moving much more realistically with your body and with the wind than rigged mesh hair, which always looks to me as if you'd used way too much hair spray.
  6. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is ... well, beautiful. Timing makes a pudding delicious, so furries hear spoons jingling hypnotically in Ahern unless they poke spork into sensitive sexy mice. Whining solves pitchforks, but why and who, Caligula? Who and what mayonnaise does considerable
  7. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is ... well, beautiful. Timing makes a pudding delicious, so furries hear spoons
  8. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is
  9. In another thread, our favorite lion wrote (on Saturday), "In honor of my 58th RL birthday tomorrow..." I just saw that now (on Tuesday), on account of I don't hit the Forums every day any more. But I wanted to wish Love the very best year ever, in RL and SL! And since there's another really fun game thread going (Let's Write a Letter to Linden Labs), maybe we could do it one word at a time! I'll start: Happy
  10. The last entry that follows the rules was this. We can get back on track, if we all pull together here! Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without
  11. Open your Profile. Click on the picture you want to change. (Or right click, I can't recall). A window opens up to your textures inventory folder. Select a texture there and drag it onto the picture area.
  12. You don't need to do that. Things in your inventory cannot do anything bad to you; they have to be rezzed in world or worn. I don't know what other advice I can give. You seem to have changed all your hardware, your ISP, and your IP address (via a VPN). Hmmm...have you really changed ALL your hardware? I mean, maybe he could've installed something on another device in your local network that keeps infecting your PC. That's way over my knowledge level.
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