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Sprout Evergarden

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Everything posted by Sprout Evergarden

  1. ll of this talk of aliens and Crazy on earth has inspired me to return to the home planet.
  2. needs two more eyes than it would be fitting for east asian depictions of demons Gave the demo a try it's kinda cute
  3. don't care everyone that has fallen for the Smoke and mirrors that is the proprietary AO map has has been hoodwinked over false advantages and universality made second life a Worse place because of it. and that is my Position no mater whatever snappy rejoinders anyone come up with. And it is My Pet Peeve.
  4. I did ask they stared they wont because of a partnership with *Introducer of propritary AO* and i stand by my analogy because it is poison for the compatibility we have enjoyed in Second life until now Secondly any "advantage" it has is Fiction pure smoke and Mirrors
  5. The issue is i bought a Fantasy Tatoo set the designer of it made it to work with a Eye shadow form a another shop who unfortunately drank the *Proprietary UV* cool aid like a Jonestown cultist here is the picture of the ad with creative clipping to see what exactly i am looking for and part of the Tattoo set it is to go with as well as what it looks like on my prefured Skinset so you can understand why i dont want change (monetary considerations aside))
  6. it starts "The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from" - Andrew S. Tanenbaum Computer Networks, 2nd ed., p. 254.
  7. The head is the Catwa HDPRO MajerSoft whish i chose because i liked the shape of i also like the hud and found it the least confusing the skin is :[P]: & []TRAP[] - Atharia Skin (F) - Shizuko Both do not use *Proprietary UV* and finding good quality Fantasy skns is a war without worrying my about does this support this UV or that anger came while looking for makeup and finding some i liked and it being for *proprietary UV* only only than going to MP to see if i can find something even remotely the same to find that everything made in the last year and a half not supporting what i own in favor of a Vendor locked System As far as buying something else it wont be happening and I wont be buying any *propratary UV* anything ever because i will not support vendor lock in its the bane of the real world IT industry and it would be sad if it became a more common in SL also i highly doubt even with a the *proprietary UV* head you could use a proprietary makeup BOM with a SL Standard Skin and is far as it having a higher definition there are some extremely talented artists who do some amazing things with the old uv (the "spots under the eyes on my skin for example) so I have a hard time being convinced that it effects anything other than the ears. Scylla up above very eloquently put my issues in a fantastic post thank you for finding the words i was far far to frustrated to convey.
  8. its not Support its not choice it's lock in i understand you like what you get but to people who recently bought stuff that has be dumped its infuriating my choice has been take away the skin i adore which by the way is highly detalded aand was not cheep would be unusable if i moved just so i can use new make up their is absolutely no reason i should change my avatar or not be-able to buy makeup for what i have PERIOD
  9. defectivebydesign is a statement used in protest of DRM and proprietary standards extinguishing standards that are perfectly fine so i repeat it is defectivebydesign
  10. still not useful to me i have a CatwaPro HD head and a skin i like both are not evox both are less than a year old and expensive both of them i like and have no need to replace and now when i shop for makeup everything made recently is for EvoX its a proprietary plague and defective by design
  11. I have a Big peve right now makers that assume you use EvoX and everything is moving to support this proptary UV only only Please for the love of god include a Standard UV in the box as well I bought this Catwa Pro last year i am not buying a new head just to support Embrace and extinguish tactics
  12. I recommend Aii and Ego why just Have regular eyes when you can have Beautiful pools of hellfire
  13. I remember back in 2006 subscribing to the podcast this came from i learned about SL from it. It is interesting to look at how Phil looked at the technology at the time, and where second life has gone sense
  14. they had to make the conditions of the eula match the name of the body. because that Eula SUX (sucks)
  15. This is why I don't use an Avatar that Reflects my RL Race. if your East Asian your a Fetish object back when I did use such an avatar I have been told I should were a Sailor outfit, Kimono or *Insert some other Traditional or Stereotype clothing style here* because "it's hot" Anime freaks ask if they can date me so they can have a weal Wifeu etc. Which is why Most of the time I am either a Animal Some sort of Fantasy creature. When I do use a human Avi which is super rare I use a darker complexion
  16. You see the exact opposite a lot as well people with arms that reach down to the knees or my personal favorite hands that are way too big or as I jokingly call them in reference to a Fallout 4 Perk Magazine "Mutant Fists"
  17. I am currently in Northern Wisconsin on the Shores of Lake Superior enjoying the cool lake breeze because everyplace else is hotter than a cow on fire. in September i will start heading south west. this year i plan to take the old Route 66 and take in all the old road side stuff before it's gone for example one of the arrows at Twin arrows has fallen over
  18. I would check with some of the shops that specialize in anime style stuff I don't know any of the names but I have see it around the grid once or twice searching "anime:" in MP would be a good place to start
  19. I have thought about making a male alt than I look at the clothes and it turns me off
  20. SL I have too many hobbies to nail things down so I will just mention my real life info I am in my late 60's, I have Advanced degrees in Physical and cultural anthropology and taught both at universities for 20 years until I became sick of dealing with University students and went back to uni and got my Teaching credentials and taught Middle school history until I retired. I did a Short Stint in the Military to pay for my education I used to fly airplanes in RL In my youth I did things that would make Indiana Jones turn white Like dive scuba dive in a Mayan sacred cenote ("Well of sacrifice") In my retirement I live in a Motor home and travel.
  21. People were separated from the rest of humanity for 40,000 to 50,000 years on a remote Island continent are of course going to have a different world view from the rest of us due to a difference in selective pressure. To put some perspective on it the Ancestors of the Australian Aboriginal people traveled to one of the world's most remote places when Both modern humans and Neadertalls were competing with each other in Europe they were an extremely intrepid people As as Anthropologist I am still wrapping my head around how this could have happened https://allthatsinteresting.com/ancient-australian-dna-south-america But tribal instincts and including of "others" is a well documented anthropological phenominon we all do it and it is most assuredly not a thing distinct to "Western" cultures.
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