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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Rolig Loon

    Help cannot load

    That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today.
  2. Then use the solutions that were already posted to this thread.
  3. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Coin-Toss/m-p/893467/highlight/true#M2509
  4. default{ state_entry() { llSay(0,"Testing, 1 ... 2 ... 3"); }} No deal. OK, so that's the trick? I'm on Firefox and I have no formatting buttons. How did you get them back on yours? Greasemonkey is gone too. ETA: Never mind. I see what happened. It's the latest update to Firefox. Greasemonkey and Stylish were disabled somehow. They're back now.
  5. All I did was show you how an if test works. You need to fit that idea into the logic of your own script. If you want to switch the textures randomly, you'll need...... (1) A trigger to make the textures change (Touch. That part's pretty straightforward.) (2) A way to choose which end is up, at random (See llFrand) (3) A way to actually paint the correct textures on the top and bottom of your "coin." (This is the part you already have). So what you need to do is write step #2. The result of that step is what you will have to test with your if statement. Once you have that done, you'll have your basic coin and you can think about bells and whistles to make it look more exciting.
  6. All I can recommend is what I told Abigail. If your alts are stuck too, you'll need to find a friend or create yet another alt. It really stinks, but if you can't use Live Chat, this is the only way.
  7. I don't have the faintest idea, Charolotte. All browsers have that function, though. You'll have to explore.
  8. I see that the Lindens have "improved" our forums again and have wiped out the +LSL and -LSL buttons that we need for doing our script highlighting. It's been long enough since the last time they screwed this up that I can't remember how we have to repair it. Anybody know? Cerise? Void?
  9. The statement if(llSetTexture("c69a44a2-8bef-641f-50b5-790737a4bd3a",0)==TRUE) doesn't make any sense at all. You are asking llSetTexture to place the texture named "c69a44a2-8bef-641f-50b5-790737a4bd3a" on the top face of your object, but that action is not something that has a TRUE/FALSE outcome. It's not a testable condition. I imagine that you are trying to ask whether that texture is on face 0 of your object. If so, you'd need to ask something like if (llGetTexture(0) == "c69a44a2-8bef-641f-50b5-790737a4bd3a"){ //Do stuff if that if statement evaluates to TRUE}else{ //Do other stuff if it's FALSE} Even though that's syntactically correct, of course, it won't do what you want. After all, face 0 remains on the same part of the object even if the object is turned upside down.
  10. You have to make that change in your browser. In Firefox, for example, open Tools >> Options >> Applications and scroll down until you see second life in the left column. Then browse to your preferred viewer and indicate its location in the right hand column. Thereafter, Firefox will know that when it sees "second life", you really mean "redirect to this specific viewer."
  11. The in-world display and the "official" record can be out of sync with each other at times. So, click on it to get it to sync with your actual balance, which you ought to see at secondlife.com under the Account >> Transaction History heading. If your balance went down because you paid someone, you'll be able to see who got the L$ by looking at that Transaction History too.
  12. You'll have to ask Debs or one of the other owners or managers politely. They don't have to tell you why you are banned, so don't be surprised if you don't get any answer. People do sometimes get ejected or banned by accident, but owners of popular sims don't just ban for the fun of it.
  13. Could it be http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enceladus/217/151/80 ? Or maybe http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enfield/76/144/45 ?
  14. Flannery Salvadori wrote: It works on my desktop computer which is on the exact same connection as the laptop which is what's baffling me. Also my bandwith is set to 500 and cmdlinedisablevoice is FALSE. Well, at least you have eliminated those possibilities. Unfortunately, there's not much left. I didn't say anything earlier, but I assume that you have checked your hardware, your connections, and the sound & media settings in your own machine. If those are all OK, all I can think of is that your laptop is simply not up to handling voice.
  15. Thank you for not just asking "How do I fix it?" :smileywink: Here's why ...... That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today.
  16. Oh, rats. There's a stray parenthesis in that URL. I just removed it.
  17. Wireless certainly doesn't help, and it may be contributing to your problem. You can lose a lot of bandwidth on a wireless connection, and you get potential interference from every electronic device within range. If you can switch to a direct cable connection, do it. One common problem with voice really is related to bandwidth. If you set your Maximum Bandwidth in Preferences >> Graphics too high, you are potentially dedicating all of your incoming bandwidth in SL to handling textures, movement, communication, animations, etc. and leaving nothing for voice. Try lowering your Maximum Bandwidth setting to 500 or even lower. If voice works at all and is not choppy, try raising it a little at a time to see when you start to have trouble again. It's a delicate balancing act. If the setting is too low, you'll start to have more lag and rez times will go up, but you'll have voice. You can counterbalance some of the negatives by decreasing your draw distance and doing other things to reduce lag. Ultimately, though, there are limits to what you can accomplish with your machine and your Internet connection. One final thought, unrelated to bandwidth but sometimes a cause of missing voice .... Go to Advanced >> Debug Settings, and in the window that opens, type: Cmdlinedisablevoice - then ensure this is set to FALSE.
  18. Not to be unnecessarily flippant about it --- I know, it's really the principle of the thing that counts -- but L$14 is less than 6 cents USD. Even if it never shows up, you probably won't end up in the poor house for 6 cents.
  19. Rolig Loon

    Magnum down

    As the grid status report says, file a ticket and get in line .... Ongoing Issue with Offline RegionsPosted by Status Desk on November 12th, 2011 at 10:29 am PST[postED 10:28AM PST, 12 November 2011] We are aware of a problem that causes regions to go offline more frequently than normal. Our developers were alerted to the issue over the weekend and continue to work around the clock towards a solution. We understand how disruptive this is to your inworld experience. If your region is offline, please go to your support portal and submit a case using the following types: “Land & Region” > “Report an Offline Region”. This queue is being closely monitored to ensure the fastest turnaround possible. We will post an update as soon as we have more information on resolution.
  20. Vista Animations has several very nice ones that do not have cheesy mouth movements. You can buy typing anims that have very subtle hand motions, ones that wave your arms excitedly, and four or five gradations in between. Like you, I turned off the goofy default typing anim years ago, but these Vista ones have made me change my mind.
  21. Are you sure that they aren't just being VERY slow? LL has been having serious issues with lag and with servers going unexpectedly off line on some sims for the past few days. I noticed last night that it was taking much longer than usual to upload a couple of textures. Try just waiting and staring at the screen for a minute or two to see if it ever comes up. If not, try going to another sim and trying it. Pick a nice quiet one like Smith or Pooley that never has lag.
  22. Oh, darn. Yes, it sounds as if you have run into https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6608? There's really no easy cure, I'm afraid. As long as you are wearing that tag, you won't be able to log in, and you can't remove the tag without logging in first. Try this .... Log in with your alt and find the owner of the group. Explain the problem and explain that other group members will also have the same problem if he doesn't change the tag. Then, ask him to eject your main av from the group. When you log in, you can rejoin the group, but you won't have the nasty tag. If you are the group's owner, then pray that you were wise enough to make your alt a co-owner AND that she was wise enough to not wear the tag. Unfortunately, she will not be able to eject you from the group (NOBODY can eject a group owner), but she can shut down the entire group by ejecting everyone else, changing the group to "join by invitation only," and then leaving the group herself. If you are the sole remaining member, LL will erase the group within 48 hours for insuficient enrollment. You will not be able to use that group name again. ETA: If even that oesn't work, your only hope is to either file a support ticket or (better) talk with Live Chat about getting you loose.
  23. That's a really broad question, so it's hard to answer without knowing which factors you are interested in. Perhaps the best thing I can do is to point you to a couple of resource pages and let you wander .... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Help/Land http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Land I know that's kind of a broad brush non-answer, but you will find what you were looking for in all of that stuff, plus a lot of very usefull information that you ought to be aware of anyway..
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