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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Do you belong to one or more groups in which your role has the ability to share group liabilities and assets? Most of the time, people come here complaining that they are losing a few L$ each week because they are paying group liabilites. You may be gaining them because the group is earning and sharing income. You can check easily enough by going to your dashboard at secondlife.com and seeing what it says at Account >> Transaction History. In any case, my advice is the same as it would be if you were losing L$. Don't get too excited. L$8 is less than 4 cents US. That's not enough for a very big party. :smileyhappy:
  2. That is a surprise, and it stinks, too. You don't want to be stuck having to use 1.23 forever. It sounds as if your friend's avatar files in AppData may be borked. The 1.23 viewer is simpler, more tolerant of errors perhaps, so it can deal with the less than perfect files, but V3 can't. At least that's my hypothesis. The way to test it is to clear those files manually and force the viewer to rebuild them. Here's how .... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/cache_clear . Those instructions are on the Phoenix wiki site, but with only minor obvious changes to file names they apply to any viewer. Please note the first bit of advice on that page: "If you run more than one viewer, it is strongly recommended that you do NOT use the same cache folder for them all. If you do use more than one, create a new folder for [each viewer], as described here."
  3. You may request a review of your account to increase your limits by submitting a ticket. Premium account holders select: Billing and L$ ticket type LindeX Tier Review billing type Basic account holders select: Special Questions - Basic account or Guest Login ticket type LindeX Tier Review We'll review your request and get back to you within five business days.
  4. Juniper Ellisson wrote: [...] It seems like its a server-side issue, not client side. Otherwise why would it be happening on three different viewers? The more logical conclusion is that it's a problem with your computer or its Internet connection. Otherwise, if it were a server issue, there would be many other SL residents with the same problem. Open your Statistics Bar (CTRL + Shift + 1) and check your Ping and Packet Loss numbers. If ping -- a measure of how long it takes for a signal to travel to SL's servers -- is larger than 150-200ms, your graphics card could be getting information about your rapidly changing environment too slowly. Likewise, if you are losing more than a fraction of 1% of your packets, your viewer could be getting enough borked data to kill the connection.
  5. There a fix for this problem coming in an update soon. For now, try rezzing a simple cube prim as close to the center of your house as you can. Keep trying until you find the spot where you can do it. Then, rez furniture at that spot and drag it to where you want it. The problem is apparently that the servers are misinterpreting how close you are to the parcel boundary and are refusing to rez things that they thing are one someone else's land.
  6. Can you get to your store from here? You ought to be able to click on Shopping at the top of this page and then Marketplace >> My MarketPlace >> Merchant Home . If that's not working either, try using a different web browser. Firefox and Chrome usually work better than IE.
  7. There's a JIRA on this issue that was marked "Resolved" a year ago, but sounds like exactly what you are describing. It's Mac-specific. Taked a look >>> Crash in lltexturefetch just after logging in You may want to open a new JIRA, referencing that one and including all of your system specs. In the meantime, try opening yout Preferences >> Graphics >>. Rendering and disabling the box that says Use HTTP Textures. That setting helps most people but has caused crashing problems for a few in situations like yours.
  8. One typical solution is to use a communication channel that is based on the owner's UUID. You can do that in many ways. My favorite is to write integer my_channel = (integer)("0xF" + llGetSubString( llGetOwner(), 0, 6) ) + offset; where offset is an integer. If all scripted objects that should communicate to each other have the same definition in them, they will listen to each other but not to similar objects owned by someone else. They also won't listen to other objects owned by the same person but using a different offset. For convenience, you could have your script read the offset from your object's Description field, perhaps. That way you wouldn't need to dig around in the script itself if you decided to change it. This is not a "secure" system. It's not meant to be a secret code, just a reasonably unique large negative number to do the job.Just remember to put a changed event in your script that resets when the object changes ownership.
  9. You can always buy curtains in world or in Marketplace. They are a fine way to personalize any house, and you can take them to your next home in SL when you outgrow your Linden Home too.
  10. Just study the llSetTexture function in the wiki >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetTexture Notice the syntax? See where you put a face number? Imagine what would happen if you used the function twice.
  11. Awwww... you did fine, Peter. I know it was hard. Actually, I would get rid of the lines completely if I were doing this project. They are going to be a pain in the neck no matter which way you do it, and will probably increase your prim count unnecessarily. Besides, realism isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  12. llGetAgentSize only works if the agent is in the sim. Otherwise, it returns ZERO_VECTOR, which is the same response you get if the UUID is a non-agent.
  13. Sorry. That's what happens when I type freehand and don't bother to compile. :smileyembarrassed: I'm glad it worked, though. I'll go back and add the missing parens now.
  14. I can't get in world to try this, but can you test this way? list temp = llGetParcelDetails( llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP, PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER]);if (llList2Key(temp,0) == llList2Key(temp,1) ){ llSay(0,"The parcel is owned by a group.");} Edited to add missing parentheses. Thanks, Talia
  15. Three to five business days, usually. Be sure that you have actually completed both steps of the withdrawal process, however. When you sell L$, the proceeds go into your Dollar balance. They sit there until you tell Linden Lab what to do with them. If you want to pay them out through PayPal, you have to issue a credit request. See more information at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015#Section_.2
  16. That web site has trouble with some browsers. Try switching to a different one. Firefox works for most people, and so does Chrome.
  17. This is an extremely common problem. We hear about it here several times a day, and in most cases it's extremely simple to fix. That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked image. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilities here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today. If the problem is chronixc and doesn't respond to the cures on that wiki site, THEN start worrying about more serious issues. It doesn';t sound like that's necessary in your case, however, if this is an "occasional" problem for you.
  18. Visit the Particle Lab in world, do all their tutorials, play with the freebies in their sandbox, and have fun. That's the way we all learn.
  19. You are a newbie as long as you consider yourself one, but there are always things to learn. SL is a complex place and it keeps changing, so there will always be parts of the experience that are new to you , no matter how long you are here. I've been around for over 5 years, and I discover something new about SL almost every day. Like, for example, what's a "login nic"? I have never heard the term before.
  20. It sounds as if you already know the answer. It is NO, you cannot get a Transaction History older than 30 days. That information is not available.
  21. Well, you may have just been living on borrowed time with wireless, because it does give a lot of SL residents problems. Still, if it's been OK for you that long, it's unlikely to have suddenly turned on you. My bet is that your ping time shot through the roof, or you have had a massive packet loss. If you can get in world long enough to check your Statistics Bar (CTRL + Shift+ 1), see what those numbers look like. If it takes more than about 200ms for a signal to get to San Francisco from your machine, or if you are losing more than a fraction of a percent of packets, SL's servers will drop the connection. SL is much more sensitive to instability than online games are, and certainly more than static things like e-mail and web browsing. Take a good look at your router. Reboot it just in case. Check too, to be sure that you don't have data cables running over unsheilded power lines, or any other obvious things that could mess up your signal. And I know you don't think it's the wireless, but look around to see if there are any new potential sources of interference (a new power line running through your back yard, or your neighbor's lights dimming suspiciously when he cranks up the TARDIS). It might not hurt to check with your ISP too, to be sure they aren't doing something odd to your service.
  22. I'd be surprised if the landowner had set the perms so than Everyone can terraform. That would be a griefer's paradise. The perms are probably restricted to the group that the parcel is set to, and you need to have a role in that group that allows you to terraform group land. Open the group's panel and click the Members & Roles tab. Find your own name, highlight it to verify what role you have, and then click the Roles tab and look at details for the role that you have been assigned. The associated abilities are listed at the bottom, so scroll through them until you get to Parcel Powers and see whether the box for "Always allow 'Edit Terrain'" is checked. Many landowners only give terraforming rights to people in a managerial role.
  23. Put the texture on an annoyingly huge prim, facing up, and park it no higher than 300m above the surface.
  24. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote [...] #1 - Second Life doesn't provide a voice mail type facility for offline messages. Nope. I was a surprise to me too --- well, not really, because I have never used Voice in SL, but still ..... We do have voicemail. If you have your IMs set to be forwarded to e-mail when you are not in world, a voice message is apparently delivered as a sound file attachment. We had a question about this just a couple of weeks ago in Answers. I responded the same way you did and was corrected >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Every-time-someone-voice-calls-me-it-goes-straight-to-voicemail/qaq-p/1492977/comment-id/22040#M22040 (See the Permalinks). More than this, I do not know.
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