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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Hi Kati --- This is a resident-to-resident Answer service. We're all SL residents like you, not Lindens, and Lindens never come here. That page isn't ours. However, it's correct, but the wording is a bit confusing. If you own a 1024 sq m parcel, the monthly land fee on it is normally $8. In the example, that is the amount of land that you hold, and therefor the amount that you pay the fees on. If you also own 512 sq m of land that you have donated to a group, you cover the land fees on that extra 512 sq m. with your Premium waiver. So, instead of being liable for $15 a month ( the rate in the next higher tier ), you are only responsible for paying the $8 for the 1024 sq m that you continue to hold in your own name. The missing bit here is that land you donate to a group still counts against your holdings. Group-owned land is held collectively by a group, not by any one group member. For the group to own land, its members must submit land contributions, donations that members make from their own personal land tier allowance. The group can own a total amount of land whose area equals 110% or less of the sum of all group contributions. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079
  2. I haven't taken time to test the new llAttachToAvatarTemp function yet, but it's my understanding that the only difference between it and the standard attach function is that the object disappears when you detach or drop it. You should till be able to get rid of it .... just not save it to inventory.
  3. Try rebooting your router. Also, less likely, check your anti-virus program. If it has updated recently, it may have decided that SL is an evil intruder. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/antivirus_whitelisting
  4. If it's a simple rectangle, rez a prim and make a measuring stick by stretching it to the length of the rectangle's shortest dimension. The rectangle's other dimension is 1560 divided by the length of your measuring stick.
  5. You could write one easily enough. In fact, you already have one that could do what you want with one simple change. It's the default "Hello, Avatar!" script. Rez a prim and take a look. While you have the Edit window open with your new prim, go to the Contents tab and click the "New Script" button. Then open the new script. This is what it looks like ... default{ state_entry() { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, "Touched."); }} Change that last line to llInstantMessage( llGetOwner(),"Touched." ); and the script will send you the message "Touched." every time someone touches it. I think you may find it terribly annoying to get all of those IMs (and your IMs will get capped after the first 25 if you are not in world), but it does what you asked for.
  6. Voice recording is not built in to SL viewers. You will have to use an external program to do that. Audacity is one of the best.
  7. You can do voice morphing with any viewer. If it isn't built in to yours, use Screaming Bee . I think that's actually the software that's in V3.
  8. Here are some common reasons for credit card failure: You entered the credit card number incorrectly. You did not enter the billing address or entered it incorrectly. It should be the same address that appears on your bill. You did not enter the name on the card or entered differently from how it appears on the card. The credit card is not in the list of accepted payment methods (see above) You did not enter the CVV (3 digits on the back, or 4 digits on the front for AmEx) or entered it incorrectly. The card is expired, or the expiration date was entered incorrectly. There are no funds available on the credit card to validate it. We send a US$1.00 authorization to ensure that a credit card is valid. This is not a billing, but the card must have at least US$1.00 available on it to pass validation. Your monthly payment limit is reached, and/or your bank is not authorizing any more transactions. The issuing bank has not pre-approved transactions with Linden Research, Inc. Contact the issuing bank to resolve the problem. If you are outside the US, your card may not be set up for international/overseas transactions (this is very common with Visa Electron). If none of the above applies, contact your credit card provider to determine the cause. You may also contact Linden Lab Billing Support. Please also note that Linden Lab does not accept most debit cards.
  9. You may want to wait a while before panicking, BTW.... Scheduled Voice Maintenance Tuesday, August 7th Posted by Status Desk on August 3rd, 2012 at 07:28 am PDT [Posted August 3 2012, 7:25am PDT] Our voice provider will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, August 7th between 2:00am and 2:30am PDT. Residents may lose voice access during this time. Once the maintenance is complete, to return to voice, log in again or disable voice in preferences, wait 10 seconds, and enable it again. Please keep an eye on this blog for any updates
  10. IMO, yes. We all agree to the Community Standards say, "Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited." This statement in the ad for the product says .... "Remote (Grid-wide) Spying -- In this mode you can spy on targets wherever they are in the Grid provided you give them a gift to wear with a discrete spy bug. As long as they wear it, you can spy on them any where (even in no-permission parcels)." There's a tiny bit of wiggle room, because the merchant is not telling you to give someone the "gift" without explaining what it does. However, I think it's pretty clear what the intent is.
  11. No. There was apparently a way to do it a few years ago with an earlier version of PS3, when you could run linux with it. Since then the PlayStation has changed and so has Second Life. This is not a game, though, so you really don't need a PS3 controller.
  12. Lamento que eu não entendi sua pergunta. Talvez a culpa é do tradutor do Google. Você comprou alguma coisa e então acidentalmente se recusam a aceitá-la quando foi entregue? Ou você apagar alguma coisa e depois esvazie a sua pasta de lixo? Por favor, nos dê mais informações para que possamos ajudá-lo. Clique no link Opções no canto superior direito da sua pergunta aqui, e selecione Editar. Por favor, não inicie um novo tópico.
  13. Esa es una pregunta muy buena. Es aún más difícil de responder en SL que en la vida real, porque hay que confiar en la gente que probablemente nunca se ven. El mejor consejo que puedo ofrecer es unirse a un grupo con personas que tienen intereses similares. Llegar a conocerlos bien, y aprender cómo son calificados. Comience a trabajar en proyectos pequeños, de modo que cada uno de ustedes saben que la otra persona se comporta y cómo reacciona al fracaso. Esto puede llevar mucho tiempo. Cuando finalmente se acepta que es compatible, intente colaborar en proyectos de mayor envergadura. Comencé esta manera yo mismo hace muchos años. Ahora tengo un buen amigo en el grupo que puede generar proyectos complicadas conmigo. Confío en su juicio y respetar sus habilidades, y ella dice lo mismo de mí.
  14. Open your Statistics Bar (CTRL + Shift + 1) and look for two numbers near the top of the display: Packet Loss and Ping Sim. If packet loss is more than a few tenths of a percent,you are losing important data between your computer and SL's servers. If ping time is greater than about 150ms, it's taking way too long for information to get there. (I typically have 0.1% packet loss and about 50ms ping time.) Either of those could account for SL's servers not getting the message that you are trying to rez something, or trying to buy L$ through your viewer. Suspect your own router first. Re bot it by unplugging it from the power for a few minutes. If yu have been on wireless, GET OFF IT. If neither of those steps cure the problem, see http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ for more suggestions.
  15. We started getting more of these pink posts two weeks ago, but I knew that LL fixed the viewer code last March. I just typed "Pink" into the JIRA search and up it popped. Lucky, I guess. Half the time when I search the JIRA, I get garbage.
  16. If you're getting complints about using megaprims, I suspect it's because you are hogging the area at ground level. Build in the sky, where you don't block other people or their view. Rez a small prim (maybe 2m x 2m) and ride it up to 800m. Then either stretch that prim to mega-size or rez a new megaprim on it and start building.
  17. That's unfortunately a common experience with wireless in SL. We generally advise people to avoid wireless if it's at all possible because it usually results in lower performance. Wireless was never designed to handle high-volume continuous data streaming, and it's susceptible to all manner of interference. Your cell phone and garage door opener, fluoresecent streetlights, and even your smart refrigerator can interfere with the signal. If it's not protected, you can also lose bandwidth to everybody else in your Starbucks or apartment building. You're better off getting your Ethernet adapter fixed and forgetting the wireless.
  18. Baloo has the right idea. IMO, Voice was one of the most annoying features LL added to Second Life. Ok, but if you have it, it ought to work ...... Check your Maximum Bandwidth setting in Preferences >>> Network & Cache. The way it's supposed to work is that Voice and streaming media use any bandwidth that is left after your viewer uses whatever you gave it with Maximum Bandwidth. If there's little or no bandwidth left, Voice and streaming media are supposed to cut out. People usually come here complaining that their Voice doesn't work, so I advise them to lower Maximum Bandwidth and give Voice more to use. You may have the opposite problem. Your setting may be too low. For best performance, Maximum Bandwidth should be 75% to 80% of your measured download speed (http://www.speedtest.net/ ). It's a long shot, but it might work.
  19. Check with your ISP. Some systems restrict bandwidth usage at certain times of the day in order to load on their systems. Coprporate networks do that to discourage employes from plauying games during office hours. College campuses do it at certain times of day to reserve bandwidth for educational uses. I am told that one major network in the UK does it to manage traffic at peak times of the day. If your ISP or IT department restricts bandwidth at 4 p.m. every day, you'll lose your connection to Second Life then.
  20. It's likely that you have run into a bug that's affecting some SL residents who are using the latest V3 upgrade and have NVidia Beta drivers. Two solutions: 1. Go to Preferences >> Graphics and turn off Basic Shaders. That will disable some other graphics features that you have been enjoying, but will get rid of the pink. 2. Go back to the NVidia site and download Beta driver 304.48 . If you're curious, here's the problem ..... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29228
  21. Each account you have with SL has contact information associated with it, including an e-mail address. You should be able to simply open secondlife.com and log in with any of your accounts, navigate to Account >> Contact Information and look at what e-mail address you provided. Rinse and repeat for any alt accounts. As far as LL is concerned, each account is separate, as if they were owned by a different person, so you won't find a shortcut way to get information from one account at a time.
  22. If you can see yourself at all, then you have a shape and a skin. You can't have an av without them, so I assume you mean that you don't have your "normal" shape and skin. It sounds as if you have done a Character Test but it hasn't completed somehow. The best way to clear this one is probably to delete your setting files and force your viewer to create new ones. Use a file manager (like Windows Explorer for Windows system, Dolphin, or some such) to locate the settings folder. In its default location, the folder is hidden on most OSs. To find it, you will need to show hidden folders. Here's where to look: Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\SecondLife Windows Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife Windows 7: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SecondLife linux: ~/.secondlife To preserve things like saved chat logs, rename the SecondLife folder - for example, append the current date to the name, such as: SecondLife-Summer 2012 If you do not need to save chat logs, then simply delete the entire folder named SecondLife, and everything inside it. Note that if you are using anothr viewer, the name of the settings folder will probably be something like Firestorm or Imprudence instead of Second Life.
  23. Not really. The only sort of lag you ought to expect is the rez lag associated with seeing the offsim object iteself. Most screens and offshore islands are pretty large and can be seen from far away. Your graphics card therefore has to render large (1024 x 1024) textures no matter which way you look. Those take more time than the smaller textures on most other things. Most people these days have cards that take that challenge in stride, though, so that rez lag isn't much to worry about. There shouldn't be any problem at all with objects that rez across more than one parcel.
  24. Open Preferences >> Network and look for Chat Log Files Location. Click on the Open button to open the folder on your computer. There is one subfolder for your av and each of your alts.
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