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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. AHA! Thank you for editing your post. I have deleted my earlier response, which is now irrelevant. Well, I did warn you that skin is not all one color, and that the color changes with sun angle, time of day, and many other factors. It's not easy to match skin color well. Still, you should be able to get close. The first thing to do is check those numbers again to be sure that you copied them right and entered them correctly. I can think of two possible ways to mess up (other than typos, which I am very good at). First, the numbers that you see in the Color Under Cursor display are actually RGBA values, not just RGB. That is, there are four numbers, separated by commas or spaces. Don't pay any attention to the fourth one (A), which is the alpha value. It's probably 1 anyway. RGB are the first three numbers. Second, as I explained in an earlier post, RGB values are traditionally on a scale from 0 to 255. For reasons lost to antiquity, however, RGB values for LSL scripts are on a scale from 0 to 1. It is slightly possible that whoever created your HUD is using that scale. If so, your colored object should look white after you put the RGB values in. To display the correct color, you'd have to divide each value by 255. That is, if RGB is <200, 90,150>, dividing each number by 255 should give you <0.784, 0.353, 0.588>. I truly doubt that this is your problem, by just in case....... There's another completely different way to approch this problem, BTW. If you look at the pic of your Color Picker window that I included in an earlier post, you'll see that there's a big rainbow-like diplay in the middle. Click a color anywhere on that display and you'll see its RGB values appear in the boxes to the left. You can make the color darker with the sliding bar on the right side of the window and you can see the color you have created in the small box at the bottom. If you are clever and patient, therefore, you can fiddle with that display to make a color that looks like your skin's color. Texture a blank prim with it to see how close the match is.
  2. As an alternative, consider rewriting your script slightly to give the new owner two dialog options: 1. Click a button to delete the notecard in the object. 2. Click a button to temporarily activate llAllowInventoryDrop, so that the owner can drop a new notecard into the object. With that script, you can set the object to no-mod and still have it possible for the new owner to replace the notecard with one that he has created.
  3. Rolig Loon

    Not rezzing

    Mesh objects can sometimes be slow to rez for some people and in some very busy sims. Try a different sandbox first, then try changing your graphics quality slider in Preferences >> Graphics.
  4. Exactly the same thing happened last week to a sim that I manage. When a sim is off line, it ought to disappear from the world map and a check with LSL scripted tools ought to indicate that it is off line. That's not what you and I are experiencing, so something is screwy. Still, do as Irene says. File a support ticket under the category Land & Region >> Report a Region Off Line. Linden Lab will respond very quickly. My sim was back up within an hour.
  5. Scotty Fearsum wrote: [...] A search in the market place only brings up items that look like a 'mesh' fabric. Interesting..... When I type the key word mesh into the search box in Marketplace, I get an endless number of pages, all of which show me mesh items. If I narrow the search by first selecting the category "Apparel," I get only mesh clothing. If I narrow it further by typing the key words mesh + shirt, I get 2013 pages of mesh shirts. If I narrow it still further by using the key words mesh + shirt + male, I still get 281 pages of men's mesh shirts. (Well, mostly. There are a few bogus listings.) All in all, I'm pretty impressed that the search engine works as well as it does. I've rarely had such luck in the past. It almost makes me wish that I were interested in buying a mesh shirt.
  6. Linden Lab only does region rollbacks at the request of the region's owner. Here's the lab's advisory to landowners.... When we perform a rollback, we set the estate back to the exact state it was in when the backup was made. All changes — everything that has happened between the moment the save happened and now — are lost, undone or reset. It is very important to understand what this means before you request a rollback. Some examples of unexpected consequences of a rollback include: People who are banned become unbanned for all parcels and the estate itself. People granted access suddenly find they are banned. Any land parcel changes are undone. Land sold or abandoned to tier down reverts to the prior owner, potentially pushing that person back over the new tier. Residents lose any land purchased after the backup, along with any content on that land. Recently edited parcel layouts revert to their prior form. Objects placed (rezzed) inworld after the backup are lost. No-copy objects are lost for good. Conversely, no-copy objects rezzed at the time of the backup but subsequently taken back into your Inventory reappear where they were. Warning: Deliberate use of rollbacks to obtain additional copies of no-copy content can be considered abuse and is dealt with accordingly. Any changes to builds themselves are undone: textures are reverted and prims reset to the state they were in at the moment the backup was taken. This may mean that recent tenants lose their prefab or their furniture and that new sale items disappear. Any terraforming that has been done is undone and any recent changes to land textures are lost. Script changes to objects performed after the backup point are lost. Scripted vendors that updated with new content after the backup have those changes removed. To read more about region rollbacks, see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Section_.8
  7. You really can't. Avatars cannot speak on a channel other than the public chat channel (0) without specifying the channel number. You can certainly use llTextbox to create a text field in a HUD, though, so if you don't mind clicking on a HUD button to activate the text box, it's a perfectly good way to go.
  8. I have never used Audacity for anything serious, so I can't tell you about it. You can certainly do what you want with Adobe Soundbooth, though. I can crop a sound file to any length and can compress or stretch it without changing pitch, too. That is very handy if I want to daisy-chain a series of sound clips that are exactly the same length.
  9. Or here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/What-does-RGB-value-mean-in-shoe-HUDs/qaq-p/1668907 . Don't expect miracles. Your skin isn't all one color. If it were, you'd look flat and pasty. Your skin is shaded. Not only that, but its color depends on the color of whatever light is shining on it, so it changes at different times of day and every time you walk near an artificial light source. So, get as close as you can and don't worry to much about it.
  10. Forever, unless they are on land that you have been renting or paying tier on. If you rez things on land and then stop paying rent (or land fees), then your objects will be returned to your inventory when you are kicked off the land. If your account no longer exists, the objects essentially disappear. This is one good reason not to cancel your account when you leave SL. If you simply walk away without canceling the account, those returned objects will still be in your inventory if you decide to come back. If you rezzed the objects on someone else's land -- a group-owned parcel, for example -- they will remain there until the parcel owner deletes them or the parcel change ownership.
  11. Take a look at https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php , which is on your dashboard at secondlife.com, in the Land Management tab. The screen looks like this, in part..... So $25/month gets you 1/16 of a sim, or 4096 sq m. As a Premium member, you have a waiver for the first 512 sq m. of that, so you'll actually pay $20 instead of $25. If you go up to the next higher tier, you'll be over your $25 limit. Read more about land us fees here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043#Section_.3
  12. One of the challenges of adding to a thread that's a year and a half old is that lot of things change in SL during that length of time. When the OP posted the question at the top of his thread, llSetKeyframedMotion was not yet available. If I were answering today, that's what I would recommend. It's smoth, easy to script, and much more compact than something like the Smooth Door script. In fact, Dora Gustafson has an example of a pendulum script at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Dora_Gustafson/Pendulum_motion that is very close to what the OP wanted.
  13. The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) components of color are each expressed as a number between 0 and 255, so pure red is <255,0,0>, pure green is <0,255,0>, and pure blue is <0,0,255>. White is <255,255,55> and black is <0,0,0>. You can get all other colors by making various linear combinations of those. If you open your Edit tool's Texture tab and then click on the Color Picker window, you'll see this ... See where the RGB numbers go? Your HUD probably has a display that looks like this too. OK, so all you need to know is where to get the right numbers. Each viewer in SL does it with a slightly different button. I believe it's true, however, that all viewers put a Color Under Cursor toggle switch in your Develop (CTRL + Alt + Q) menu, in the UI Submenu, even if they have a shortcut button somewhere else too. Click on it and you should see a display of tiny numbers in the lower right corner of your screen. Those are the RGB values of the color that your cursor is hovering over at the moment. So, find an area you want to analyze, hover your cursor over it, and copy the numbers on a piece of paper. When you select the object that you want to make that color, just open your edit tool's color picker window as I showed you above, or the similar window in your HUD, and type the RGB numbers in. Hit Select.
  14. Coby Foden wrote: solstyse wrote: There is alrady talk of changes that'll make current mesh clothing obsolete. That talk is talk from people who don't know the facts. The present mesh clothes will not be obsolete, they will continue to work the same way as they have been working so far. The only thing is that the present mesh clothing do not know anything about the mesh deformer, the mesh deformer does not affect them. The fact is: the present mesh clothes can still be worn even when the mesh deformer has been implemented. There are no plans whatsoever to make the present mesh clothes obsolete. Not "obsolete," perhaps, but outdated. (See here.) The deformer will not work on the current version of rigged mesh clothing, so you won't be able to resize any of it. If you want mesh clothing that fits your avatar, rather than have an avatar that fits your mesh clothing, you'll have to toss the stuff that's in your closet now.
  15. The script I posted earlier rotates a prim ( a drop earring?) around its Z-axis, so it aways remains visually attached to the earlobe, although the actual attachment point is the prim's center, below the earlobe). The OP is concerned about rotating that same drop earring around its X- or Y-axis. In that case, the earring still rotates around the attachment point but does not appear attached to the earlobe except with its Z-axis is vertical. He wants to know how to move the earring UP as it rotates. To calculate the offset, you need to know the X and Z dimensions of the earring prim and the angle (A) through which it has been rotated around the Y-axis. With at information, you can calculate Offset = X * sin (A) / 2 , where the offset is negative (moving DOWN) if PI/2 < A < 3*PI/2 and positive (moving UP) elsewhere. This script does that (almost) ... vector HomePos;float X;float Z;default{ state_entry() { HomePos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL]),0); vector size = llGetScale(); X = size.x; Z = size.z; } touch_start(integer num) { list temp = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); rotation LRot = llList2Rot(temp,0) * llEuler2Rot(<0.0,10.0*DEG_TO_RAD,0.0>); vector VLRot = llRot2Euler(LRot); if (llRot2Angle(LRot)*RAD_TO_DEG >= 90.0) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POSITION, HomePos + <0.0,0.0,X*llSin(VLRot.y)/2>,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, LRot]); } else { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POSITION, HomePos + <0.0,0.0,-X*llSin(VLRot.y)/2>,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, LRot]); } }} For reasons that I can't explain at the moment, probably because I am too tired, the script's calculated offset doesn't change smoothly. I'll either figure that part out later or leave it as homework for the OP. :smileytongue:
  16. Why not? What happens when you try? Exactly what error message do you get, if any? How far through the login process do you get? What sort of computer are you using (What model? How much memory? What graphics card?) How are you connected to the Internet? Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT to add information that might help us find a solution. Please do NOT start a new thread. You asked the same question before. Did you try the things that were suggested there? I see that Nalates asked you for the same information that I just asked for.
  17. The title of your note and the contents disagree with each other, so I'm having a hard time figuring out what your question is. Exactly what is she trying to do, and what is happening? I assume that she's wearing an alpha clothing layer, but does it hide her or not? Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  18. Look harder? It's supposed to be a hunt. It's not fun if it's easy. :smileytongue:
  19. No, there's no waiting list. If you want to change to another style of Linden Home, you need to abandon the one you have now and then request a new one. You can do that up to 5 times a day. Getting a Linden Home is much like buying a house in RL. The one you really like may not be on the market when you go looking, so you can either choose a different one or wait until one that you prefer is available. BTW, you should be aware that all Linden Homes are on 512 sq m parcels and they all have the same 117 prim allowance, regardless of style. Whether you choose a single story or a two-story version of the Meaowbrook style, you will have the same space and prim constraints. You may want to consider applying your 512 sq m land fee waiver to a parcel of your own choosing on the mainland instead.
  20. Temp rezzed prims. The PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL parameter sees only permanently rezzed prims. I could have counted PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP as well, but that would give you a momentary count that's confusing at best.
  21. Yup. We're all unpaid resident volunteers, here to explain how SL works or to commiserate and offer wise suggestions when it doesn't. If you are a Premium member, you can also get technical assistance with Live Chat or by filing a support ticket. If you have a bug report or want to suggest an improvement to the system, as you do, that's what the JIRA is for.
  22. Re-installing is overkill, from one perspective, and insufficient from another one. If you do a simple re-installation, all you are doing is downloading and replacing the exe file and the dll files that are in your Programs directory. The cache and associated files that are probably damaged are in your AppData folder, where they are unaffected by reinstallation. So, you have replaced the wrong end of the viewer. The probable solution is to clear your cache manually from outside SL. Here's how >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear . Those instructions were written for Firestorm users, but they will work for any viewer, with some obvious minor changes. If you are still having trouble after you do that manual cache clearing, try rebooting your router by unplugging it from the power for 3 or 4 mnutes. That will clear its RAM and let it get a fresh grasp on your IP address. AVoid wireless too, BTW. That's a poor choice for SL anyway and it may give you trouble during login if you are already on a flaky Internet connection.
  23. No SkyDrive, eh? Do you have Amazon's Cloud Drive? It has the same problem. Other than that, your best chance is to troubleshoot your Internet connection. Take a lok at Nalates's blog for suggestions >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  24. We can't do a thing. We're all SL residents, just like you, not Lindens. Lindens never come here, in fact. The only thing I can suggest is to file a JIRA report in their fancy new system so the the developers know what to work on.
  25. I'm not aware of a limit, but I have never known anyone who has 3800 items either, so you may have wandered into uncharted territory. I suggest submitting a support ticket under the category Marketplace >> General Marketplace Issues.
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