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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. Thought I'd share something I learned. I've discovered that more can be less. Had a model that was 97 prim, broke the mesh into 2 parts & now it is only 28 prim. So more mesh can equal less prim! Neat eh? :smileyvery-happy: This trick only applies to certain models where PE seems absurdly high & this is due to one complex part of model. Find the most detailed parts of the model & slice this off to make a seperate mesh piece. The resulting linkset can equal far less PE than the uncut mesh. Its interesting figuring out all how this works.
  2. if the item is transferable, you can send it your friend by selecting "share" in the menu choice while the object is in inventory. then from the people choices, select your friend's name there. another method is drop the item directly to an IM window of chat with your friend... or when the two of you are inworld together, you can drop the item directly onto their avatar, dragging the item out from your inventory. ...of course if the item is not transferable than you are SOL for sending to anyone.
  3. Yes, its a shot in the dark to post in forum with intention Lindens will read it and act upon your complaint. If you want the issue addressed it is best to file it as bug report on JIRA, or ask for help in a support ticket (I think this issue requires JIRA). Making use of the appropriate channels is how things get done.
  4. Good point Void! lol oops yeah I had a bunch of unnecessary function calls & math in there!? :matte-motes-silly: gotta watch out for that ....what you suggest is much better method.
  5. this call may not be optimal but will do the job (adjust it to your specific needs): llTargetOmega(ZERO_VECTOR,0.0,0.0); //resets Omega to pure zero. llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE); //turns it physical (if it wasn't already) so it can rotate llSetRot(llEuler2Rot(DEG_TO_RAD * ZERO_VECTOR)); //resets your rotation to pure zero. llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,FALSE); //turns physics off again if required Your rotation might not be setting true after because you need to turn on physics (at least temporarily) to rotate. Also Target Omega needs to be called again with an absolute zero or it will never stop. Your rotation must also reset to pure zero or the startpoint will likely slow-drift over time.
  6. For category change you can request one & maybe see it happen, but it requires making a JIRA to seriously propose it. The category of "building tools" >> "mesh" yes it is lacking... You put it down as >> "Second Life Website - WEB" >> "New Feature" and then just wait & see... if they think the category change makes sense, they will do it.
  7. Great idea for thread Madeliefste. I'd love to see a Linden answer, I believe they have a good plan for future. Myself I am just curious how many items on marketplace now are mesh so would enjoy better search tools. I think it is very very few mesh being added to marketplace, but cannot see clearly how many. You can search for "mesh" but obviously get thousands of non-relevent results that simply include the word "mesh" ...and with how broken marketplace search is, it is probably returning all the listings that contain "me", or words with "sh" in them, and similar words like mess, mash, miss, etc... as well :smileyvery-happy:
  8. If you are not seeing your items even on your storefront, you might need to set them to "active", hit "list" if it is available, or you might need to sync your magic boxes again. There is many possible reasons why items might not appear at all. What status do you see in "Manage Inventory"? For finding what people purchased from you, this is easy. There is two tabs, both are identically labeled simply as "Orders". One "Orders" is your orders of things you purchased, the other "Orders" will be orders people placed at your store. So if your being taken to your purchases, just click the other "Orders" tab. The other "Orders" choice is found under "Reports" heading, at your "Merchant Home".
  9. Thanks guys! I'd just love to see the kind of video a talented machinima artist could do featuring these birds! I'm no expert at making videos :smileyvery-happy:
  10. Latest video work me & my partner made featuring the new mesh birds in Second Life...
  11. Thanks for the info (and for your purchase) Maeve, yeah she could play with my birds just fine too, and now she has one of her own She was only affected by touching the mesh nest which delivers the birds, which I've now rebuilt so an alpha prim is touched instead. I think it is a case of a certain chain of things makes this happen: particular mesh + particular script + particular user = crash It might be not all scipted mesh could be affected.... it could be as specific as maybe only the pay function (which scripted vendors need) can be hit with this bug :matte-motes-bored: well Lindens might someday patch this bug... however I am happy that I found a workaround to fix it today!
  12. The issue originates from a scripted mesh vendor i made that you click to pay. Most people can use this vendor just fine, but one customer (there is probably more who experience this bug & don't tell creator) has trouble. Each time she touches the vendor she crashes. Now obviously I could put a prim alpha over the mesh vendor so she does not touch a mesh, that might solve it..... EDITED TO ADD: Found the bug is specific to her av touching that particular mesh. She could interact no trouble with any of my other meshwork. Tried my idea of encasing this troublesome mesh in an alpha prim... that worked for her, she was able to use the vendor. Highly recommend building your mesh items this way if you have a complex mesh that requires scripted interactions, otherwise some unknown percentage of users will experience annoying & persistent crashing difficulties when trying to engage with your creations! Should a JIRA be made about this? I'm not sure how to report this potentially widespread issue.... since I can not reproduce the bug myself.
  13. Seems to me there is a MAJOR bug with the new mac viewer. If you turn shadows on... ALL transparent objects in SL derender? Even something 1% trans disappears! Are other mac people seeing this happen to their Second Life..... or is it just me? I'm just working around it, no big deal to me... but this must be causing some confusion out there.... Anybody know status of this? Is there workaround... or perhaps it is known bug & there is a Linden fix in the works??? Should i file a JIRA? I suppose this JIRA already exists if it affects all mac users. If I could find it I would vote on it :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  14. If its an option (sometimes not an option if you have many stuff script-linked by linkset number).... try delinking the problem piece (unless that is the whole build) set your measurements on the individual piece and then relink it after you see a positive take.
  15. Thanks for lots of feedback people....the birds are now done today, except for adding their birdsong (they will sing whenever you see beak open). Sound editing was complete six months ago, so its just a matter of loading these samples into SL, and this bird's ready for release. @ Chronometria, that transition to triangles you were seeing is the lowest LOD (level of detail) setting. It is directly linked to draw distance. If you increase your draw distance (mine is 512m), it hopefully becomes far less noticable for you (triangles only appear for breif second as mesh first comes into view from quite far away, it would be only a few pixels on your screen), similar to the effect when a sculpty first rezzes at a distance. I'm happy to see there's some solid interest in these, although I wonder why some people who have viewer 3 can't see them still at all. Would they just be on older computers? One guy came through, he had Viewer 3 and apparently had a good machine, with graphics settings all cranked up & still could see nothing at all!
  16. thanks for visiting! some people see them great... others not so much... @Anita: primcount is nice! each bird is 3PE, which is equal to 3 prims :matte-motes-smitten:
  17. These birds aren't available at my shop yet... but I thought why not let people see a sneak preview of my work today! Visit my nondescript sky platform today to see these new animated mesh birds... coming soon to SL. All new AI system allows them many natural life-like behaviors! You will need a mesh-compliant viewer to see them! If you are unsure whether you can see mesh properly yet -- this is a great way to find out. Pro tip: If you only see flittering paper-thin triangles.... you're doing it wrong.... :matte-motes-bashful: I'm very happy with the way they look so invite all to check out new creations! ***My avie will be inworld there, so feel free to leave feedback or anything :smileyvery-happy: I'll be AFK (off to walk along the beach with my partner, relaxing after marathon coding sessions) but I'll respond to any questions or whatever when I get back! Cheers!
  18. I had this same trouble before. I think it is probably just your edits are suffering packet loss. It could be your ISP, or internal to SL. Pressing enter after typing the number may help it "take" immediately. I remember this worked for me before anyways, good luck with it!
  19. LOL at Poenald's brain control, yeah with my scattered attention I think that would be disastrous :smileyvery-happy:
  20. The new feature would be: The dashboard button tabs remain clickable, but also become draggable -- from left to right & right to left. You could then just pull the dashboard out by click-dragging any of the right side button tabs. This additional functionality would put the dashboard completely under the user's control, so it can be as narrow or as wide as you wish! No loss of function, no change seen by any users who do not use this feature. The change would only be noticable when you try to drag the dashboard open. If you try it currently, nothing happens. Go ahead & try this action. Doesn't it seem intuitive that you should be able to do this? I can propose this idea as a JIRA New Feature Request, if this is a change other people wish to see too. What do you guys think of this idea?
  21. I've done a bunch of experimentation now and what I like doing best (its all personal taste of creator probably) is just optimizing the model so I have minimal PE anyway, then just keep LOD self-consistent from High to Low. If PE is 1 (or less) why try to cut it lower with detail removal by distance? I find it really spoils immersion if you use different models for each LOD as the human eye is very good at picking up subtle changes in shape. Myself I find this effect really disconcerting! In reality objects do not shift and transmute as you move away from them at all (exception is things made of jelly .... or ghosts! :smileyvery-happy: ) so I try to avoid this in my models, so far with complete success. I've not had a model yet with a PE I'm unhappy with, thus I don't cut any corners with LOD.
  22. Thanks guys! It sounds like beta, at least mesh beta is running inconsistently these days. I got in later finally, it was suddenly working fine and saved myself $L47 finishing up my bird I used to load up stuff always just on main grid, but at these kind of prices I'm making sure to save my money now... it adds up.
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