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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Sy Beck wrote: Can anybody here devise me a new set of rules for Monopoly. The game as it is, seems unduly oppressive and I will no longer put up with being squashed under the capitalist, jackbooted heel of my partner's tiny silver boot! Would you mind so much if it was a black patent leather stiletto, wrapped around a nicely pedicured foot at the end of a fish-netted leg? (Never mind that the next step in that visual is a lampshade).
  2. Bobo Bolero wrote: The NY TImes reported on November 6 - in an article by Quentin Harvey - that Second Life founder Philip Rosedale has put his efforts and enthusiasm into a work exchange service called "Coffee and Power." Does this new interest signal the demise of Second Life? In the article Rosedale refers to Second Life in the past tense. “The problem with creating an immersive 3-D experience is that it is just too involved, and so it’s hard to get people to engage,” he said. “Smart people in rural areas, the handicapped, people looking for companionship, they love it. But you have to be highly motivated to get on and learn to use it.” it's unclear to me if SL is in his past or if it will soon be in our shared past as well. What do you think? Does Second Life have a future? Coffee and Power is something completely different from SL and does not compete in any way. The most important thing to note is that Philip's assessment of immersive 3D being "just too involved" is spot on, and is the real limit to growth. This is even more problematic in a world that's going mobile and lightweight, both in technological and human terms. I think SL has a future, as we're a loyal, if not addicted bunch. But, I think we must be realistic in our expectations.
  3. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Oh, please, don't make me think! Awww, c'mon C. You do it so well, and you're cute when you do ;-)
  4. Charolotte Caxton wrote: It is my understanding that the Vampire subforum is a temporary thing, a sort of spotlight of one of the biggest cultures in Second Life. I doubt the forums are a good gauge of the Second Life community, almost everyone I have ever met inworld draws a blank stare if I mention the forums, that, or it's a peculiar AO they are wearing. As I said, I don't know if we're representative of the whole of SL. Like you, I doubt it. And, if we're right, the forums, atypical and invisible, are a peculiar place to promote, don't you think?
  5. Ann Otoole wrote: At least it isn't lagging up the grid like the breedable lag pets that spreads like a virus. Ann, can undead Meeros mate? If not, we may be onto a solution to both problems.
  6. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Void Singer wrote: You can come sit next to me Del.... I missed the origins too. I'll PM the both of you. I think I still have a copy of the original post. Ah, you're smarter than me Dillion! I almost posted a detailed descriptiong of what happened here...just seconds ago. Then hesitated.... *laughing* I'm at work, and can't linger here in the forums, but will also send PMs to Del and Void later when I get home. Darnit, Celestiall that would have generated a tea-spitting moment for me!
  7. Perrie, I'll quote all of Lyle's post, then comment on it. Lyle Maeterlinck wrote: Hi Charolotte, great question. The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life. If there were vampires running around trying to bite everyone in real life, surely there would be some people who were upset. I think it has been an interesting social experiment to see how a curse of this kind can successfully spread through a virtual population. I think it's even more interesting if people think of the vampires as "despised", as people might despise a real vampire curse. However, in real life, fending off the vampires wouldn't be quite so easy as just saying a simple 'decline'. If you are truly bothered by the requests, we provide a simple way to protect yourself: the garlic necklace. The vast majority of our players don't go around sending random bite requests, so I hope you won't judge our system based on the actions of a few. Lyle's system encourages people with underdeveloped social skills to violate the TOS, or at least annoy people and that was the intent. That's worthy of spite. He designed the system and finds it interesting that it actually works as intended. That's also worthy of spite. I wonder whether LL understands how this system works and that so many people despise it. Last week's grand Vampire Parade doesn't seem to have gone well (has it?), suggesting that LL is a little tone-deaf. At least the RedZone fiasco didn't have LL filling the forums with free advertising for the security/drama obsessed sub-culture. It is customary (albeit often difficult) for businesses to attempt to measure the success of their marketing efforts. If the forums are a useful gauge ( I don't know if they are ) we can perhaps hope for improvement.
  8. Sy Beck wrote: Celestiall's ban has been rescinded, well done one and all and to those who also fell. https://my.secondlife.com/rodvik.linden Wonderful news! On the down side, I'll now have to watch myself again, as she'll find any holes in my logic and poke me through them. Welcome back, Celestiall! ;-)
  9. valerie Inshan wrote: /me sends Maddy a garlic necklace and 666 big hugs (my hugs work great against vampires too). :smileywink: Thank you so much, Val!! Armed with that necklace and 665 hugs in reserve, I shall fearlessly return to pinching vampires on their bums.
  10. /me drags herself away from satirizing vampires long enough to say... Hi, Kids!
  11. Ellyn Elan wrote: Charly Muggins wrote: It's funny, when I have tpd places stripped to my gstring the hostesses seem less than enamoured with my contribution to lag reduction. Were you TPing to a formal dress requirement sim? If so, then the fault is yours. You should have put on a black bow tie, black socks and patent leather shoes with the g-string. You're right Ellyn, a bow tie at least. To avoid running afoul of "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service" it seems the g-string might be the wrong choice for minimal-lag dressing. I suggest just a shirt and shoes... and the bow-tie for formal.
  12. Sy Beck wrote: Klint Clowes wrote: I’d go to the top of the Castle and yell, "The End is neaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!" And I'll be right behind you to assist in your prophecy. I don't often laugh out loud at the keyboard, Sy. Thanks for that visual!
  13. Sy Beck wrote: The situation could be further exacerbated by a moving of the goal posts too, that tends to lead a balls up or is it a tip off in basketball, I forget? Yes, tip off. You get a tip off first, I'm sure. Oh yes, but who's moving the goal posts? The teams? The refs? The owners? Personally, I think the fans are moving the goal posts, perhaps out of the stadium.
  14. Sy Beck wrote: Charly Muggins wrote: I hate all umpires, referees, linesmen etc. Anybody that has authority ONLY because of their position to enforce laws that they probably barely understand, in relation to an activity they are almost certainly not competent to participate in themselves, and for which they have little or no empathy. Power corrupts and absolute power makes you a complete PITA A good ref will always give a warning and then give their reasons for a booking or a sending off though, as I'm sure some of your former teammates will attest to. This brings up the question of whether one is dealing with good or bad refs, or whether it's the case of the teams thinking they're playing one game while the ref thinks they are playing another. Or worse yet, what if we've got simultaneous games of soccer and basketball being played on the same field (by some of the same players) while the ref is actually playing high stakes poker? Confusion for the win!!
  15. Neal, forgive me for potentially cheating... This one is really cheating. Though I was with these friends when the pictures were taken, I am not (yet) in view.
  16. Dres, I've posted to Rodvik's feed before, and he has replied. I PM'ed him in the forum today and will wait a few days for a response there before adding my voice to the chorus on Rodvik's feed. If I do finally chime in, I might sound like Ethel Merman.
  17. Pamela Galli wrote: And yet today I capitulated and started putting snow on rooftops. :-( It does snow somewhere in November, right? Like Montana? New England is still digging out from under last week's huge snowstorm, Pamela. You are not too early!
  18. Keli, for years now, I haven't done my decorating until Dec 26, when I can go to the garden stoe and purchase a fully decorated fake table tree for $10. A week later, I donate it to the Community Center. There's nothing for me to store in the attic, nothing for me to put together or take apart and I get a new style every year. For $3 I can get enough candy to make me sick to my stomach for days. I do the same for all the holidays, picking up the sweet deals on the leftovers the day after. I hope to carry this tradition of being a day late right through to my funeral.
  19. Treasure Ballinger wrote: Replying to my own post, heh. Also meant to say that I'm not anti child av. I have child av friends that I deeply respect, and I understand why they do want they do. It's not my SL thing but I don't fault them. They stick to the TOS just like I do, to each his own as long as you play by the rules. If they are out there breaking TOS then like anyone else, I'd say that should be dealt with but not just because they chose a child av. If my experience is any indicator, adult avis acting childishly vastly outnumber child avis. Marianne McCann is a wonderful embodiment of childhood revisited. I'd welcome that bespectacled li'l rascalette anytime, anywhere.
  20. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: special ones I made just for Maddy were first rolled in motor oil and then fresh clean kitty litter (to give them the proper crunch.) Cinn, thank you so much! After my encounter with a certain wild cat this week, this is just the ticket!
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: Hi Cinn, hi everybody! I just saw a note from CiaoBella saying that Lillie's dad has had complications and is back to ER. Let's keep him, Lillie and her family in our thoughts and prayers... :smileysad: Lillie, we love you. Hang on hun. Yes Val, we're all hoping for the best. Lillie's father is in need of every good thought we can send his way.
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: The hawt secky photos are buried in another G-rated thread. Yes, it seems a natural reaction for cats to bury my snapshots.
  23. While sharing a nightcap with Ms. Nightfire, I was apprised of her situation. I concur with the general sentiment that the unseen right hand of LL doesn't seem to know what the heavy left hand is doing. I hope the decision is reconsidered. Until then, be thankful that the glare of the stunning Celestiall is not directed at us... or at least you. I assured her that root-beer does wash out and that black does not stain easily. She remained, as always, skeptical. Damned intellectuals.
  24. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I am really impressed with what you have done. Your advice can really be useful to almost any resident. A tiny suggestion though - possibly you could find someone to post your items for you. It adds an air of detachment and mystery that's so popular in these times. Me too, though I would further the suggestion, by suggesting you add some substantive links to some suggestive stuff then post something subjective on Facebook suggesting this thread. ..Dres I thank you both for your kind comments, but must confess that I have an aversion to anything substantive and a downright loathing for anything Facebook. My interests are carnal, not social. Given a choice between Mark Zuckerberg and Torley Linden, can there be any doubt where I'd wiggle my tails?
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