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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Ian, I think you've got your alpha's swapped. One is opaque, zero is transparent. Your check for mouselook will run only once. You need to put it in a timer loop, as there is no way to detect the change in/out of mouselook. (Some changes to prims are detected and you can have a change(){} handler for them.) You also had "TRUE" for every one of your phantom status calls. I think you wanted FALSE during mouselook. I think you'll want something like this... key owner;default{ state_entry(){ llSetAlpha(0,ALL_SIDES); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,TRUE); owner = llGetOwner(); llSetTimerEvent(1.0); // check once a second } timer(){ if(llGetAgentInfo(owner) & AGENT_MOUSELOOK){ llSetAlpha(1,ALL_SIDES); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,FALSE); } else{ llSetAlpha(0,ALL_SIDES); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,TRUE); } }} I haven't tested it, caveat emptor! You might also reduce script execution time by doing the llSetAlpha and llSetStatus work only if you've detected a change in mouselook. As I've written it, something gets done once a second even if nothing has changed.
  2. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Hmmm, no idea about the follow, that's why I asked:) ... But I really ment 20 at a time, not the amount per second. Min and Max speed are the same, the trajectory is the same, doesn't that mean it wouldn't matter if you create 1 or 50 in theory as far as looks go? If you set the amount to 1 and the rate to .01 you still only use half the particles...500 shown at all time sounds reasonable for one object, well depending on the lentgh of the beam. Btw, I would really go with two prims, one emitter, one target, that way the particles don't cross, I think you can save on the number of them that way. That does require an extra script as far as i can think of though...so it's a tradeoff. I wouldn't think you'd generally want a firing rate that's faster than a decent frame rate, as that bogs down the viewer without creating anything additional for you to see. A 0.01s emission rate would just emit multiple sets of particles into the same rendered frame. I don't think I've ever used a rate faster than 0.1s. Maybe you'd want that to get a good looking trail of particles emitted from an object moving at high velocity, so the emission points of particles emitted within the same frame were different. That's the only reason I can think of to have an emission rate like 0.01s. As far as emitting a burst of particles with same min and max velocity, remember that the particles are emitted randomly about the defined area of the emission. If that's effectively a point, then burst count should be one. If it's an arc or spherical section, the particles in the burst will be emitted randomly along the curve/surface and so burst count does indeed make a difference in the look.
  3. The emission rate I used in the example was pulled from thin air, to give some sense for what the thing does. The rule of thumb I follow is to keep the number of live particles from an emitter as small as possible without compromizing the look. Total particle count is the product of the burst rate, burst count and particle lifetime. For my particular example, emitting 20 particles 10 times a second with a particle lifetime of 5 seconds yields a total particle count of 1000 for effect. I do think PSYS_PART_TARGET and PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK would conflict. It may well be that my method of setting and following the target is the same as following the source, which is also the target.
  4. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Madelaine ment the particle itself always faces the screen. What you want is very possible. I think all you need is some extra communication between the two ends of the beam. Something with on_rez or attach to start the communication should work. Yes, I did mean that the particles themselves always face the screen. DuLuna, if your goal is to have a stream of particles emit from a space and always travel to the chest of the wearer, that can be done. I've sent you an example in-world (just wear it, then touch it to Start/Stop the particles). The script is below. Particles usually travel outward from the emitting point or surface (as defined by the various emitting modes and angle specifications). You can make them return to the center of the emitting prim by setting the flag "TARGET_POS" true, and using llGetKey() to get the prim's UUID, which you'll then set as the TARGET. Enabling TARGET_POS will cause all particles to reach the target exactly at their end of life. This will interact with any velocity, acceleration and radius settings you choose. The best way to think of this interaction is to simply imagine what your original particle system was doing, with the additional constraint that all those particles must end up at the center of target at the end of their life. So if you emit particles at a large radius with no initial velocity or acceleration, they're gonna scoot to the target faster than if you had a small radius. They've got a greater distance to travel and the same particle lifetime to get there. Unlike other emission modes, particle lifetime will affect particle speed, as regardless of how or where you launch the particles, they will reach the target at the end of their lives. If you want to slow down the flow, increase the particle lifetime (and adjust your velocities and accelerations if necessary). I hope this helps! ETA: Although any particle emitting prim you wear operates in your avatar's frame of reference (moves with you), particles are emitted into the world frame (their initial motion is relative to the world, not you). You'll see this clearly if you walk while wearing the example emitter I sent you in-world. // Inward Particle Emission Demostring myState = "off";myParticles() { string TEXTURE = ""; float AGE = 5; float RATE = .1; integer COUNT = 20; vector ACCEL = < 0,0,0 >; float SPEED_MIN = 1; float SPEED_MAX = 1; vector START_SCALE = < .1, .1, 0 >; vector END_SCALE = < .01, .01, 0 >; vector START_COLOR = < 1, 1, 1 >; vector END_COLOR = < 1, 1, 1 >; float START_ALPHA = 1; // 1.00 float END_ALPHA = 1; integer INTERP_COLOR = TRUE; integer INTERP_SCALE = TRUE; integer EMISSIVE = TRUE; integer PATTERN = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE; float RADIUS = 1; float ANGLE_BEGIN = PI/8; float ANGLE_END = 0.0; vector OMEGA = < 0.0, 0.0, 0.00 >; float LIFE = 0; integer FOLLOW_src=FALSE; integer FOLLOW_VELOCITY = TRUE; integer WIND = FALSE; integer BOUNCE = FALSE; integer TARGET_LINEAR = FALSE; integer TARGET_POS = TRUE; key TARGET = llGetKey(); list particle_parameters = [ PSYS_PART_FLAGS, ( ( EMISSIVE * PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK ) | ( BOUNCE * PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK ) | ( INTERP_COLOR * PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK ) | ( INTERP_SCALE * PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK ) | ( WIND * PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK ) | ( FOLLOW_SRC * PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK ) | ( TARGET_LINEAR * PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK ) | ( TARGET_POS * PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK ) | ( FOLLOW_VELOCITY * PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK ) | ( TARGET_POS * PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK ) ), PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, START_COLOR, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, END_COLOR, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, START_ALPHA, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, END_ALPHA, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, START_SCALE, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, END_SCALE, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, COUNT, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, RATE, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, AGE, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, ACCEL, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, RADIUS, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, SPEED_MIN, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, SPEED_MAX, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, TARGET, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN, ANGLE_BEGIN, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END, ANGLE_END, //PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE, INNERANGLE, //PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE, OUTERANGLE, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, OMEGA, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, LIFE, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, TEXTURE ]; llParticleSystem( particle_parameters ); // Turns on the particle hose! if ( (AGE/RATE)*COUNT > 4096) { llOwnerSay( "Your emitter creates too many particles!" + "Please decrease AGE and COUNT and/or increase RATE." + "Give a hoot, don't pollute!"); }}default{ on_rez(integer param){ llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llParticleSystem([]); // stop any running particle system myState="off"; } touch_start( integer num_detected ){ if(myState=="on"){ myState="off"; llParticleSystem([]); llOwnerSay("Off"); } else { myState="on"; myParticles(); llOwnerSay("On"); } }}
  5. Hi Blazey, I had shutdown problems a couple years ago with my 2.33GHz MacBook Pro. The problem turned out to be a dust bug (bunnies are too big to get into a laptop) that had stalled the GPU fan. I had to pop the top to blow it clean (prolly not possible on a unibody MacBook Pro, the bottom would have to come off and that won't expose the fans). If the fan is stalled, temps will climb quickly and when they reach the top limit, MacOS will start throttling back the GPU clock. That eventually peeves SLV to the point it crashes. I don't know how to tell if a fan is stalled other than by examination. You may be able to blow compressed air into one of the grills under the hinge, but that didn't work on mine. Good luck and welcome to the forums!
  6. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I have no choice as to how other people feel about me or what I have done. It's easy to tell a person that has no sense of humor, they aren't the problem. It's the ones that purposely take offense to what you have to say, even though they know it was just a joke, in order to try to silence your voice, that I take issue with and will continue doing so. As you've already stated, I'm sure this thread (or this post, at least) won't last too long... though I do hope a few people get to read my words before they are struck down by the powers that be, once again. ...Dres I've read your words and I find them troubling. I agree with Pussycat's observation that "Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long." Blaming someone for not getting the joke is a tired old trope, an attempt to absolve oneself of personal responsibility. Most people do indeed have some choice in determining how other people see them. The ability to make those choices comes from something called empathy. Empathy is not perfect. People have it in varying degrees and use it for varying purposes. Drag out that old trope if you wish. Don't be surprised if I set it on fire. I believe, both you and Pussycat, mistook my words as meaning something that they do not. When I wrote them, I was thinking of a specific incident that happened to me here. I told a self-referential joke, that could never have been mistaken as anything but a joke, then had someone bash me about the face and neck over it, when the joke was not directed at them nor did it have anything to do with them. Yet, they felt it necessary to use their fabricated indignation in order to tell me how I should refer to myself and represent myself in the forum... in other words, they were trying to silence my voice. Sorry, that kind of thing doesn't fly with me. So you see, there was no bigotry involved except on the part of this person, that told me I need to stop letting it be know all over the forum that I'm gay. I've heard that too many times to just let it pass. I hope this clears that up a bit. ...Dres This does cool some of the heat that got me to respond, so thanks for the clarification. I'll let my comment stand though, as it's not dependent on context and aimed at the trope more than you. I suspect you don't actually believe it. I believe that I control my actions and are responsible only for what I do. I have no control over how people feel about me and therefore cannot be held responsibility for that. I try treat people with respect and to be the best person that I can be, sometimes I fall short... everyone does. If someone wants to take one of those instances and use it to paint me as some sort of monster, that's their decision and has little to do with who I really am. In fact, it shows more about their character than it does mine. If that's what you consider a "trope", then so be it. ...Dres Well, I think you just showed you don't believe the trope. Treating people with respect generally gets better responses than treating them with disrespect, which shows that you can (on average) affect what people think of you. Of course there's always an outlier that gives you pause, but that's life. There are people who are disrespectful and say the target is resonsible for "feeling" the disrespect. Your wording walked close to that idea and that didn't seem like you. I'm glad we cleared it up. As for your self-refential joke, I use my Snugs alt for that purpose... to poke fun at myself. Curiously, I've been told by several people that they find that either creepy or offensive. It is indeed hard to please everybody.
  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I have no choice as to how other people feel about me or what I have done. It's easy to tell a person that has no sense of humor, they aren't the problem. It's the ones that purposely take offense to what you have to say, even though they know it was just a joke, in order to try to silence your voice, that I take issue with and will continue doing so. As you've already stated, I'm sure this thread (or this post, at least) won't last too long... though I do hope a few people get to read my words before they are struck down by the powers that be, once again. ...Dres I've read your words and I find them troubling. I agree with Pussycat's observation that "Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long." Blaming someone for not getting the joke is a tired old trope, an attempt to absolve oneself of personal responsibility. Most people do indeed have some choice in determining how other people see them. The ability to make those choices comes from something called empathy. Empathy is not perfect. People have it in varying degrees and use it for varying purposes. Drag out that old trope if you wish. Don't be surprised if I set it on fire. I believe, both you and Pussycat, mistook my words as meaning something that they do not. When I wrote them, I was thinking of a specific incident that happened to me here. I told a self-referential joke, that could never have been mistaken as anything but a joke, then had someone bash me about the face and neck over it, when the joke was not directed at them nor did it have anything to do with them. Yet, they felt it necessary to use their fabricated indignation in order to tell me how I should refer to myself and represent myself in the forum... in other words, they were trying to silence my voice. Sorry, that kind of thing doesn't fly with me. So you see, there was no bigotry involved except on the part of this person, that told me I need to stop letting it be know all over the forum that I'm gay. I've heard that too many times to just let it pass. I hope this clears that up a bit. ...Dres This does cool some of the heat that got me to respond, so thanks for the clarification. I'll let my comment stand though, as it's not dependent on context and aimed at the trope more than you. I suspect you don't actually believe it.
  8. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I have no choice as to how other people feel about me or what I have done. It's easy to tell a person that has no sense of humor, they aren't the problem. It's the ones that purposely take offense to what you have to say, even though they know it was just a joke, in order to try to silence your voice, that I take issue with and will continue doing so. As you've already stated, I'm sure this thread (or this post, at least) won't last too long... though I do hope a few people get to read my words before they are struck down by the powers that be, once again. ...Dres I've read your words and I find them troubling. I agree with Pussycat's observation that "Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long." Blaming someone for not getting the joke is a tired old trope, an attempt to absolve oneself of personal responsibility. Most people do indeed have some choice in determining how other people see them. The ability to make those choices comes from something called empathy. Empathy is not perfect. People have it in varying degrees and use it for varying purposes. Drag out that old trope if you wish. Don't be surprised if I set it on fire.
  9. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: There's a another thread here where the commenters seem to be laboring under the impression that war does not solve anything. Yet, those same people are most likely posting from safe western nations that came into existence, due to a series of wars. And for those laboring under the impression that you read that entire thread, Perrie posted Phil Och's "Outside of a Small Circle of Friends", which indicts self absorbed indifference to the suffering of others, and CSNY's protest song "Find the Cost of Freedom" which makes no statement about whether violent conflict solves anything, but rightly reminds us of the cost of freedom. I posted Twain's "War Prayer" to decry blind faith in country, religion or dogma of any kind. Celestiall, before you make blanket statements, look under the blanket?
  10. Lillie Woodells wrote: *grumbles* Do we have this argument here too? *swears under her breath and mutters about pictures* No arguments today, Lillie. The first snow of the season is falling gently outside, and I am as one with the flakes...
  11. Carole Franizzi wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go polish my Energy Spindle. I've never heard it described that way before. I think my polishing technique (or lack of it) was one reason for my divorce. Stop hinting. I'm not showing you how to polish your Energy Spindle. NOR will I do it for you..... Oh, I was on the wrong spindle (for ten years actually). /me breathlessly corrects her mistake.
  12. Carole Franizzi wrote: Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go polish my Energy Spindle. I've never heard it described that way before. I think my polishing technique (or lack of it) was one reason for my divorce.
  13. Wildcat Furse wrote: Aaahhhh now I understand why I am a black cat in second life ..... IT WAS YOU YOU YOU YOU CAROLE who turned me into one!!!!!! :smileymad: *meows* PS. I tried a few times to break the curse (see purification process below), but it didn't work out so well really...So anyone a solution here please?????? Wildcat, I may have your solution. When you visited my fireplace, it was set to "Sin". If you care to return, I can set the switch to either "Curse" or "Spell". However, I must warn you that I've never tried those setting. It's possible you'll emerge swearing like a trucker or totally intolerant of leetspeak and ESL'ers.
  14. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hey Maddy! Was that last night!? Peace! Yep! As usual, we all got a li'l silly while Lillie tried to retain her composure. She didn't stand a chance.
  15. Charolotte Caxton wrote: That is correct, set to 0, you will not see movement in your viewer, also, if you are not wearing avatar physics layers, no one will see you move regardless of their settings and also if you set your slider to 0 no one will see you move, either. What I attempted to say was that depending on how others have their settings set to in their viewer, is how their system will interpret your settings. Sounds like it's time for experimentation, no?
  16. Void Singer wrote: Although I currently lack the facilities to bring some of the more "interesting" effects to fruition Void, I am so relieved to hear this. You and I may both be... Ineffectve and unstoppable. It's a heady mix, ain't it?
  17. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Avatar physics are seen according to the users settings. So what looks good to you will look different to another. Also, a laggy system will cause extreme movements, as opposed to the smooth movements that are required for the subtle or low key effect you are seeing in your own viewer. You know how avatar imposters look kinda jerky? Its because your system isn't trying to fully animate them, so it is with laggy and or underpowered systems. Please see discussion HERE, at the bottom, under comments, notably this one by Bea Linden: The avatar physics (AP) slider in your graphics preferences controls the frequency of movement updates in your Viewer. (Hopefully, the fact that it's a slider and not a button makes it clear that you can select in-between positions.) A low setting means the AP movements look jerkier, since the updates are less frequent. A high setting means the AP movements look smoother. So the AP slider doesn't "damp" the movement -- you still see the full range of motion unless you have the slider set to 0. The AP slider only affects smoothness of the movement. Hope that helps! Charolotte, your understanding of how physics works does not match mine, though you do describe the way physics worked back when third party viewers like Emerald implemented "breast physics". When that feature was first introduced, SL itself was not aware of breast physics. It was a viewer only function. The physics settings in your viewer applied to all avatars in view. With the introduction of avatar physics into SL itself, my understanding is that the slider settings of other avatars are now transmitted to your viewer. The result is that each avatar in view can have different physics coefficients, including "Off". This interpretation is supported by the following lines in the link you referenced. ___________________ Can other people make my body parts bounce? No, absolutely not. That's one of the great things about this feature: you have complete control over how you appear to others. ___________________ The problem Aylin is experiencing is one I've seen myself. I was helping a friend adjust physics sliders to achieve more realistic motion (I've net to see anything that looks real to me) and noticed she described seeing motion that was not consistent with my view. I believe she was running SL V2 and I was running Firestorm, but I'm not certain. I switched to the same viewer she was using and noticed that breast motion was far less severe. I switched back again and she was back to the exaggerated motion I'd originally described. It appeared to me as if the two viewers were interpreting the physics coefficients differently.
  18. Aylin Moonshadow wrote: So last night was the second time I had this happen to me. I was dancing at one of my favorite clubs, Junkyard Blues, when a MAN IM's me out of the blue and tells me that my boobs are 'bouncing off the wall' saying, "Hi Alyin.. how are you? Your physics are on steroids it seems " So this is the second time a guy has said something to me. Of course I could have asked why he was staring at my boobs but I do know men will be men. Me personally, I like boob bounce. I like watching my own boobs bounce in SL and I know my GF likes them. But I thought what I had chose was pretty subtle. I use the Tonya presets from Firestorm/Phoenix. I am wanting to look natural. So how much of what you see is affected by your computer. I have a fairly decent computer, 3GB processor and a gtx250 card. And what I see doesn't look like steroids to me. And I think my boobs are pretty average sized for SL. Maybe slightly larger when compared to RL but I am not going to poke any ones eyes out with them. Or could this guy be one of the anti boob bounce crowd in SL? Hi Aylin, I have heard, and it has been my own experience, that the viewer (which implements the physics), does indeed affect the intensity of the jiggles. Unless and until there is uniformity across viewers, I think you jiggle at your own risk.
  19. Carole Franizzi wrote: You haven't ,by any chance, caught youself posing in front of the mirror with one hand stuck inside your cardie? If you haven't already, my powers tell me that you probably will at some point in the very near future. Under the mirror, Carole. It's on the ceiling.
  20. Wildcat Furse wrote: Goodmorning everyone hugs and kisses...:smileyvery-happy: *meows* PS1. my trip to Austria is cancelled for next week (the Austrian supplier comes to us instead) :smileymad: PS2. there is a mouse sitting on my head .....:smileymad: PS3. there was a mouse sitting on my head ..... but now it sits in my mouth :matte-motes-delicious: Where were you last night when I was a li'l mousie? Happy Thursday, Everybody!
  21. Carole, for as much as I'd like to take an interest in your RL life-style, as an accidental semi-pro cult leader, I'm afraid I can only be interested in my own goal of world domination. I stumbled into this vocation rather recently, and effortlessly, I might add. Have you ever discovered, by accident, that you have a latent talent? Like being able to stretch a blade of grass between your thumbs, bring it to your lips, and blow a kazoo like sound loud enough to attract heaps of scorn in church on Sunday? Well, that's how I discovered my latent talent as a Kool-Aid wielding leader of impressionable young minds, by attracting scorn. Unlike my ability to hurl a D above high-C through even the most impenetrable of Old Testament parables, my prowess as a cult leader is both effortless and unconscious. Well, it's even better than unconsious, it's other-conscious. Here's how it works... Though no effort of my own, I mysteriously transfer alternate perceptions of reality into the subconscious minds of conscious people (Transferring alternative perceptions into the minds of the unconscious would prolly require effort, right?) These other minds then perceive my powers and, apparently sensing my grief at not being able to perceive them myself, describe them back to me. Imagine my surprise to discover how awesomely powerful I am. Not only am I the fearless leader of a cult (someone described it as a coven, but I wouldn't dream of letting someone else dream of me encroaching on your turf), but I am responsible for the tone of this very forum.... Yes I know, ain't it fabulous?! So, you go ahead being a witch while I wait for someone to update me on my progress in my quest for world domination. I can't wait to learn how well I'm doing. /me hands you a big glass of Kool-Aid. I made it myself!
  22. In all the commotion in Lillie's kitchen this morning, Hippie and I confused his blue spray paint with my hair spray. Somewhere out in the cosmos, there's a spaceship with lustre and body that'll make a fella swoon. Meanwhile, I've been rejecting the advances of amorous Smurfs all day. Happy Wednesday Everybody!!!!
  23. Void Singer wrote: all you have to do get those other pretty colors and letters is answer questions in the answers section.... yes really, that's it. but I find it funny that you surmise SL as his only shot at success... you don't seem to get the method to his madness... and there is a method. it's do what he enjoys doing, and let the occasional successes fund all the "failures", which are never really failure to him, but time spent doing what he loves and getting paid for it. each new project adds a new aspect towards better understanding of various problems, and all that education gets carried forward to the next project giving it that much more chance of success... he's not measuring success in merely dollar signs, but rather in his freedom to do as he pleases (which is really all those dollar signs are good for). whether he makes another gold mine or not, he's still beat most people at the game of success on that point alone. I've seen this at work watching other serial entrepreneurs at VC dog and pony shows. They are not always successful in their endeavors (NeXT anyone?), and we can often see their failures coming a mile away. But they sometimes see successes coming a light year away. Fortunately, they don't take "no" for an answer. We get to gloat over their inevitable crash and burns, but we also sometimes gasp when they slip the surly bonds of Earth. Watch any public presentation by Philip. You can see him staring off into his vision. Right or wrong, he's got one and that makes him interesting.
  24. Dillon Levenque wrote: Void Singer wrote: :: thwaps dillion in the back of the head Gibbs style :: what'd I tell you about about not taking compliments and being self-deprecating? hint: I told you I'd thwap you in the back of the head Yeah, yeah. /me tousles Dillon's hair and pinches Void, McMasters style.
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