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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Mister Webwyre wrote: It's too bad that apparently links cannot have child links, as that would possibly simplify things, from the little I've read about LSL scripting so far. Mike Sadly, hierarchy is a powerful concept which appears to have escaped LL entirely. Imagine how lovely building would be if we could link things hierarchically. I don't think llMessageLinked is the right way to pass logic levels between gates, as the ID of a prim is determined by the link order at the time the linkset is created. This is an operation which is outside of, and invisible to, the scripts. The result is that the wiring of your logic system is obfuscated. I think it makes more sense to have your logic gates respond to messages directed to specific chat channels (so the channel number becomes the gate ID), or broadcast messages on a common channel (you could use llMessageLinked for this) and parse them for gate ID. The important idea here is that the identity of a gate should be something you can easily observe and control.
  2. Keli Kyrie wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Personally I'm not fond of any opinion that supports the thought that another person can actually "ruin" sl for someone,or any aspect of it. If that makes any sense at all. No one can ruin your experience, unless you let them. I live my Sl the way I choose to and believe others ought to be given that same opportunity. We each control our own sl, for our own self. If something, or someone, annoys me, sometimes I speak up and sometimes I simply walk away. It depends entirely on the situation at hand. I don't find it difficult to avoid the things I know I dislike, though. Or to, at least, pay them no mind when I do come across them. I don't really need to use mute, or give them more thought than I think they deserve. I don't sit and wish they were banned, or continue mulling over whatever it was that happened. It is what it is. But that's just me. Very good points Tari and I wish more people would handle things the way you do. But what do we do when these different people come together in the Forum? There is no mute button here and the Dragons, Trolls, and Vampires (virtual and metaphors) have just as much right to be here as the rest of us. How do we react when we can't walk away? Keli, although you have softened your rhetoric since this post, where you declared that we need trolls, your current contention that they have a right to be here seems not to be held by the Lindens, who have banned a few, some permanently. In the four years I've been in SL, I have filed one AR and have yet to mute anyone. Tari, while I'm in general agreement with the idea that we can walk away from unpleasant people and their behavior, that doesn't always ensure happiness. I have watched some of my friends endure the aggravation of unpleasant characters here in the forums and feeds. They are, to varying degrees, able to weather the abuse by ignoring it. But, to the extent they cannot, my enjoyment of SL is diminished by their unhappiness. So it's not quite true that no one can ruin your experience unless you let them. While we can try to make the best of a situation, as long as we have empathy and friends, our happiness will be affected by others. For this reason, I do not advocate inclusiveness to the point of amorality. Sadly, it is sometimes necessary to walk away from people we like to avoid people we don't.
  3. Mike, both examples you cite are highly constrained, which makes them feasible in SL. Do you intend to offer a demonstration of a pre-wired system, as in the Fetch Decode Cycle demo? Or do you intend for people to wire the gates themselves?
  4. Coby Foden wrote: What the heck is this trend with the downward lips? This makes me cry. :smileysurprised: :smileytongue: What next? This perhaps? Or what? lol I'd vastly prefer the rolling eyes, Coby. Maybe this is the estrogenic equivalent of macho?
  5. emmettcullen93 wrote: The fringed curtains of thine eye advance. - William Shakespeare, "The Tempest", Act 1 scene 2 http://www.on-this-day.com/cgi-bin/quote.pl?NonSSI "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" - The great and powerful Wizard of Oz
  6. emmettcullen93 wrote: today is my parents 14th aniversery yay. ... does the math and grins. Mom and Dad would be in their 61st year together if Dad hadn't run off into the void. Give 'em a hug and a wink from me, Emmett!
  7. Hi Naomi, welcome to Second Life and the forums! If you are taking about the little "crinkles" on either side of the nose near the bottom, I'm afraid that's the result of imperfections in SL's computer model of the face. It is possible to edit aspects of the nose in "Edit My Shape" (right click on your avatar and you'll see that option) to potentially improve things (or make them worse ;-). Those crinkles used to drive me nuts. I've just had to make my peace with them. (I recommend that solution to many of SL's problems, just accept 'em and move on.) As for editing shoes, it's probably easier to edit the size of your feet! Most women's shoes are designed for a foot size of zero. If the shape you purchased is modifyable, you can reduce the foot size in "Edit My Shape" if it is not already zero. If your shape is copyable, make a copy before you edit, or remember to "Save As" rather than "Save". I sympathize with your frustration over Second Life's steep and never-ending learning curve. I've been here for four years and still find SL really confusing!
  8. 5-16-2012 After hearing of a Canadian driver who hit a moose and then drove 28 miles to work unaware of the accident, one-time presidential hopeful John Edwards takes the stand at his corruption trial and claims he must have rear-ended his mistress, Rielle Hunter. 5-16-2014 After two years of investigation into the mysterious lack of oxygen reported by pilots of the nearly billion dollar a copy F-22 Raptor fighter jet, defense contractor Lockheed Martin adds little flippy vent windows near the front of the canopy to bring fresh air into the cockpit. In another concession to wary pilots, full crank down windows are installed, allowing them to order fast food during in-flight refueling. The F-22 quickly becomes the most popular plane in the nation's arsenal.
  9. “If you can't swallow your pride, you can't lead. Even the highest mountain had animals that step on it.” - Genghis Khan
  10. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good day all! Happy weekend! On this day, May the 12th, Hippie bowman was born in Battle Creek Michigan! Here is a video of Kellogg's cereals at Battle Creek Michigan! Best to you each morning! Peace! You must have been so excited when the airplane was finally invented and you could see Battle Creek from the air! Happy Birthday Hippie!!!! Meanwhile, in history on this date... 5-12-2013 Hippie Bowman refuses to log into SL, fearing a repeat of 2012's birthday "celebration". 5-12-2014 After 36 years of advertising "Get all the cash and benefits you deserve", personal injury lawyer Lyon Shyster is crushed to death while preparing dinner in his kitchen when the bed in the room overhead crashes through the ceiling. Rescuers at the grizzly scene blame the nearly tragic accident on two tons of cash and benefits found stuffed in Shyster's mattress.
  11. The switch from stationary to mobile computing has ramifications far and wide. It is not a fad, it is a sea change and it will catch some off guard. Too many people are focusing on the hardware differences between mobile and desk-bound devices. That's not the crux of the matter. What is important is the change that going mobile makes in the way we interact with the rest of the world though our devices. When we're mobile we can't give the sort of cognitive bandwidth that we can in a quiet room, looking at a big screen. Nielsen just reported that, for the first time ever, we are spending less time watching television in classic manner. The number of households that have a TV has declined for the first time in 20 years as well. These data points are very new, and so may not represent anything lasting, but they've got the attention of a lot of people. Because we can't bury ourselves in an interface while navigating the real world, tools like SL will be relegated to niches. I think there's a brighter future for augmented reality, where virtual services seamlessly fit themselves into our daily routines. We're seeing the very beginnings of this with location aware applications and natural language interfaces. The future will be about computers adapting to our needs, not our adapting to theirs. Rather than bringing virtual worlds to our desks, it seems we're heading in the direction of bringing our real worlds to larger circles of friends, and virtual tools out into the world with us. We may overload ourselves with shallow connections until we sort through the etiquette we need to manage the deluge of data before us, but we'll get there. We will still need powerful computers with large screens for many applications, but do we really think we'll still be sitting in chairs in front of glowing screens 100 years from now? It's just a matter of time, but computers as we've known them are on their way to extinction, only to be replaced by computers we don't think of as computers. I don't know if SL will go extinct, but I don't see it thriving in a mobile, cognitve bandwidth limited, social networking future. After four years of fattening/flattening my ass on a chair while dancing in SL, I can see some benefits to "out and about" computing.
  12. XNXP, where X is right on the dividing line, the first X because of effort pushing it there from I. SL is a haven for Is practicing their E.
  13. Jo Yardley wrote: But the graphics with a game work fine. Right. It's clearly not an inverter issue, as you were able to demonstrate the problem with a screen capture and I'll presume that your desktop and other applications look fine. Do the UI elements of your view look okay to you? If so, then the issue is likely in the viewer's rendering of the SL scene, not with Window's handling of the viewer application itself. As Arwen mentioned, it may be that your viewer is using a gamma (brightness/contrast) correction that's wrong for your new computer. While Windows will use your system gamma to display other applications and the UI elements of your viewer, it is possible that your viewer applies yet another gamma correction to scenes. Could it also be possible that your Windlight setting has been corrupted. You might try playing with that. Good luck, Jo.
  14. Dillon, that Buster Keaton short absolutely made my day. I was taken back to my youth, watching Buster, Charlie, Harold, Stanley, Oliver and others on the wall of the family barn. What a wonderful way to spend a lunch hour. Thanks so much for finding it!
  15. Let him that is without stone among you cast the first thing he can lay his hands on. - Robert Frost
  16. 5-10-2016 Archeologists discover a branch of the Lascaux cave complex hidden behind a pile of rubble and are suprised to find a wall painting that unambiguously depicts an alien visitor waiting for his partner to sit on a pose ball. The painting is thought to prove that not only did aliens walk amongst us more than 17,000 years ago, but that they fought off boredom by dancing in virtual worlds. The irony that humans survived and aliens did not is completely lost on the scientific community.
  17. 5-9-2013 Baptist Pastor Sean Harris founds "Punch and Judy", a non-profit bible study and dating service that pairs gay men and lesbian women with the goal of setting them on the straight and righteous path to glory. 5-9-2021 DNA testing reveals that the 51 "virgin babies" born to Punch and Judy couples in the eight years since the organization's founding are either the first recorded cases of human parthenogenesis, or miracles. Pastor Sean Harris, touring the Bimini islands on missionary work with Reverends Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard, was unavailable for comment.
  18. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Well, Mr. Hippiepotamus, I'll have you know that I found a place to rez my Pink Palace. So neener, neener, neener!!! LOL Maddy! Is it bigger then an airstream? Peace! Way bigger, and right over the drawbridge it says "If this palace is a rockin', don't come knockin' ". LOL Maddy! You never cease to put a smile on this tired old hippies face! HEHEH! Peace! You just want me to take you off the ban list. LOL Maddy! Am I on it? Peace! Ever since you wouldn't let me rez the palace in the middle of your spaceport. You rocket jockeys are all alike.
  19. Hippie Bowman wrote: Eloise Baily wrote: 1945 - My dad was born. Miss you Dad. x El Awwww! My Dad is gone now too, and I do miss him! Sigh! Peace! So young to lose him, El :-( Mine's gone too, but he was born in 1920. Hugs
  20. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Well, Mr. Hippiepotamus, I'll have you know that I found a place to rez my Pink Palace. So neener, neener, neener!!! LOL Maddy! Is it bigger then an airstream? Peace! Way bigger, and right over the drawbridge it says "If this palace is a rockin', don't come knockin' ". LOL Maddy! You never cease to put a smile on this tired old hippies face! HEHEH! Peace! You just want me to take you off the ban list.
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Well, Mr. Hippiepotamus, I'll have you know that I found a place to rez my Pink Palace. So neener, neener, neener!!! LOL Maddy! Is it bigger then an airstream? Peace! Way bigger, and right over the drawbridge it says "If this palace is a rockin', don't come a knockin' ".
  22. Well, Mr. Hippiepotamus, I'll have you know that I found a place to rez my Pink Palace. So neener, neener, neener!!!
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: 5-8-2012 The Wild Things rejoice and the rest of the world mourns as Maurice Sendak vanishes from his bedroom for the very last time. someone made a wonderful Machinima using charactors of his..i wish i could find it..it was really done well.. found it..it was in the machinima forums... posted up and made by Loki Eliot The wild rumpus Wonderful it is, Ceka. Thanks for finding it. And Loki, thank you so much for making it.
  24. 5-8-2012 The Wild Things rejoice and the rest of the world mourns as Maurice Sendak vanishes from his bedroom for the very last time.
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