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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: TwoIron wrote: Let me make this perfectly clear since it seems so difficult. The software is broken. I spend money here. I'm posting about the problem. It's not about me being uninformed, it's about my right to opine about something that I obviously expect to work when I sign up and start spending money. If you boot lickers have a problem with me opining about something that isnt working...that is your issue not mine. Frankly I don't care if you people are too immature to deal with criticism that as valid. We clear yet? Cause if we aren't you can send me a private message and we can go from there. What you are seeing here is the complacency that comes with living here for years. If there is one thing I am not, it is Complacent. This "bootlicker" has been involved in Beta Testing, contributing to JIRA's and does speak up. But at least my comments are half way educated. Complacent my butt. Maybe I used the wrong word (I don't think I did). I know that I've lowered my expectations over the years. And it's hard to place the blame anywhere in particular. I could argue that SL was doomed to its trajectory from the start, not because of technical problems but because Philip Rosedale's vision wasn't something that could ever sweep the globe. Long ago I discovered that what I love most about SL is the people in it, not the technology under it. As I watch LL spend resources on other projects, I can only wonder if they are rowing in the direction I want to go. I too have participated in betas, filed JIRAs and attended user group meetings. I'd say that most of the encounters I've had with the Lab have been below (but not far below) the average I've come to expect from technology companies. Why don't I **bleep** more? Because an hour spent with my friends has, over the long haul, brought me more pleasure than an hour spent trying to get something fixed. I am more adaptable than LL, so I'll adapt. When someone comes along with expectations I know LL can't meet, I'm not offended. People have a right to expect things to work. People also have a right to be unable to make things work. I'm glad SL is here, I wish it worked better. My complacency comes from my belief that LL is in an unfortunately and perhaps unnecessarily tough spot. I won't cry over spilt milk.
  2. TwoIron wrote: Let me make this perfectly clear since it seems so difficult. The software is broken. I spend money here. I'm posting about the problem. It's not about me being uninformed, it's about my right to opine about something that I obviously expect to work when I sign up and start spending money. If you boot lickers have a problem with me opining about something that isnt working...that is your issue not mine. Frankly I don't care if you people are too immature to deal with criticism that as valid. We clear yet? Cause if we aren't you can send me a private message and we can go from there. What you are seeing here is the complacency that comes with living here for years. Unfortunately, SL never became successful enough for Linden Lab to make the improvements we'd all like to see. So we all adapt to the vagaries of SL living. There is little evidence to suggest the situation will improve greatly. Server side baking may help (we don't yet know what bugs that will bring), but there are plenty of other bugs lurking in the system. Meanwhile, the Lab has embarked on bold new adventures in the massively crowded world of mobile lightweight games, where they can enjoy losing market share to 14 year olds coding in the kitchen while Mom makes lunch (oh how I miss those days ;-) So, why do we stay here? Because even with all the warts, SL is the most wondrous experience of its kind. Okay, okay, maybe it's the only one... but it's still wondrous.
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: That was one of the most absolutely stupid surveys that I've ever tried messing up with ridiculous, nonsensical answers. Here's my advice: Come back when you know what the hell you're asking about. ...Dres I read the survey, which is pretty close to ridiculous and nonsensical, and shows a lack of understanding of SL and possibly RL. Nevertheless, I replied as best I could. And this raises an interesting question... Which will make the biggest mess, your answers or mine?
  4. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: ...shoots you. I expect copies. ...Dres (You did mean with a camera, right?) No, I don't think I could throw a camera hard enough to get the job done... and the recoil from a gun would knock me off my unicycle.
  5. Nuclear Slingshot wrote: That's also been my experience, but I figured I check anyway. I think Rolig is probably correct, garbage collection seems to occur on a per-object basis as opposed to a typical runtime environment. Thanks for the feedback. Yep, I've scripted quite a few things that rez temp objects, sometimes in waves separated by a few seconds. Those objects always start vanishing about a minute later, in waves separated by the same few seconds. From that I have concluded that garbage collection is queued on a per-object basis, perhaps into slots no more than a few seconds apart.
  6. Syo Emerald wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: *I hope she knows what shes doing :catindifferent: I don't know what I'm doing and I'm doing fine!!! ;-) I know, you are a big girl and you always do fine...just feeling kind of protective at the moment. :-) I try to suppress that instinct. It just gets me into trouble.
  7. Syo Emerald wrote: *I hope she knows what shes doing :catindifferent: I don't know what I'm doing and I'm doing fine!!! ;-)
  8. Orca Flotta wrote: Wow, sweetb, you must be the most beautiful top model in RL then. Congratz. Else, why would anyone wanna look like their RL self in SL. Imagine all the fat, flab, crooked noses, stompy short legs, wrinkles, bad haircuts, bad clothes ... oy vey. Also the avatar build system in SL is much too restricted to even coming close to something realistic. "Professional" avie creators are trying and failing time and time again. Have you seen the likenesses of Barack Obama, Michael Jackson and others? Terrible. And please stay away from the photosourcers and morphers. Creepy is too nice a word to describe the results. Orca, If you had taken a second or two to look at SweetB's forum badge, which shows her RL face, you'd have seen that she is indeed beautiful (and cute as a button ;-). That you were unable or unwilling to expend that modest effort to understand this situation before commenting sarcastically on it speaks volumes. I have vitiligo and have considered making my own custom skin to approximate the "Guernsey Cow" look I sport by the end of summer. Would it offend you to see uneven pigmentation on my arms, chest and face? SweetB (may I call you SweetB? ;-), Marianne Little (who is a walking encylopedia of SL fashion knowledge) has given you a Marketplace link to a creator who will attempt to map an RL photo of your face onto a SL mesh head. Temper your expectations, this is a difficult thing to do at all, much less do well. If you try it and are happy with the results, there are folks out here in the forum that would love to see a picture. Good luck! Maddy
  9. Tex Monday wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: And the next question I was about to ask but then searched the forums and found the answer, was: how does a picture or post make it into "Trending", and that is with two (2) Loves (:heart:) from what I understand. ...and, as I'm absolutely positive would happen, since the Loves are anonymous except to the OP, it might be incredibly easy to use two alts to game the system. Hmmmmm..... *goes around and double likes with my alts, every stupid thing I've ever said....* I can't get Snugs to even understand the pictures I post, much less love them.
  10. Randall Ahren wrote: People don't remember happiness because it doesn't leave scars. But pain and sorrow? That gets carved in stone. That's not at all what decades of clinical research and centuries of human history show. Humans are quite adept at forgetting pain and sorrow and remembering happiness. That is generally credited for our ability to co-exist with each other. It would be hard to explain the march of human progress if we were biased towards the negative. There are certainly exceptions, but the evidence doesn't support your statement in general.
  11. Opinions seem to be falling into two camps... 1) RenderVolumeLODFactor, which should be set to four or so for proper rendering of small sculpties or those at great distances. 2) Prims not being shown because they're not on the interest list. Right clicking where the prim should be places it on the interest list and makes it visible. I've had experience with both issues and from what I'm seeing here, it looks like #1. I see sculptie distortions in the patio handrail and in the decorations at the bottoms of the posts in the lawn. Every prim I see in the "ok" image appears to be visible in the "not ok" images, so I'm not seeing evidence of an interest list issue. I believe this is a LOD issue. ETA: I have noticed that LOD sometimes resets to 2 after I've set it to 4. I'm so accustomed to opening the little Firestorm tools window to jam it back to 4 that I forgot about it.
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: Anjelikka wrote: Well...you can't enter a singing contest unless you can sing.... Hollywood uses many special effects....but most of all: Why give up before you got started? Would you really want to listen to someone sing who sounds like a cross between Bob Dylan and a dieing dog? Please noooooooo! Just let me listen to the dying dog.
  13. Hi Penelope, Val has suggested some alternative viewers you might try. OS X 1.5 (Leopard) is getting a little old, but it was working for you a few days ago. If Firestorm just stopped working, and other viewers give the same result, I wonder if something in the OS broke. Have you done the usual stuff like run Disk Utility to verify your disk? I don't recall how far back in MacOS history it was that fixing disk permissions sometimes helped, but you might also try that from within Disk Utiility. If that doesn't work, perhaps a clean install of Firestorm? Go to Library/Application Support and move the Firestorm folder to the trash (or to your Desktop or somewhere else if you wish to preserve chat logs and the like), then try re-installing Firestorm. Good luck!
  14. Good morning Hippie and Val! Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to sleep. ;-)
  15. I stopped looking for eyes when I saw those from Fashism (now called IKON). I haven't had the time to compare carefully to see what makes them so darned appealing to me, but for the first time since I'd been in SL (five years), I finally thought there was actually something behind the eyes of my avatar. Eyes are damned important, so it's worth trying out several creators to see what works for you.
  16. 16 wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: 16 wrote: so i want a axe You're welcome to use my tomahawk. is it battery powered?? Battery powered? What's the matter with people these days?! No, it's not battery powered. You grab it by the handle and swing it with your muscles, whacking away at the bean stalk while swearing profusely. All this battery powered instant gratification annoys the heck out of me. I have a torch, too. You can burn it down and make soup from the beans. Gah, what am I thinking, you eat beans from a can, don't you? And you use an electric can-opener? I know your kind!!!
  17. I want to not grow up to be this kind of scientist... I miss Gary Larson :-(
  18. 4-2-2012 ACME Rockets and Congressional Lobbying, LLC, quietly posts another recall notice for their problem plagued X-51 Solarian Interplanetary Battlecruiser in Orion's least read newspaper, "The Nebulizer". A wiring error in the left armrest of the Captain's chair has resulted in swapping of the "Obliterate" and "Tea" functions. The recall notice advises anyone being approached by an X-51 to avoid mentioning crumpets.
  19. Your retreat is lovely, Anjelikka. I've done my best to repair the smoke damage that resulted from trying to cook a meeroo in your oven.
  20. 16 wrote: you have to jump 9 times Or once...
  21. 16 wrote: so i want a axe You're welcome to use my tomahawk.
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