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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. 16 wrote: Boudicca Littlebird wrote: If the orbit has been pulled south then when the earth reaches the equinox it will be lat, we are coming up to an equinox so easy to prove, the next one is on the 21st of september at 11:12 am, so if there is a brown dwarf close in the south we should see it later As for now, the jet streams have moved, fact, weather all round the north is very bad, also the sun is more active than it has ever been and we are in danger of some huge flares, all these things support a brown dwarf star south of us. where i live RL i can just about see the South Pole on a fine day. if a big brown dwarf come schooming out the sky then i let everyone know ok + in the meantime ima make a dwarf catcher if it not work then all you guys up north can start your prayers when i say it not work k so if you guys not see any brown dwarfs up your way then my dwarf catcher will have worked pretty good if so then you guys not have to give me anything like money or nothing. not even a medal. maybe a ribbon for my hair. that be quite nice. not brown tho. i more like black ribbons mostly. sometimes blue or yellow is nice as well but anyways. is ok if you dont. i got heaps ribbons already really. bows as well ...dresses up like a brown drawf and runs around on your lawn.
  2. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: I have a message from a mod, don't think we should share anything, don't you agree. Saved by the mod, Boudicca. Enjoy your autumnal equinox, which I believe will occur right on time.
  3. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: I have a few youtube channels that I will watch the day after, they look at every number NASA publish, you say you have a telescope, but don't seem to know of the many programs and public telescopes there are, plus all the leaked ones, what time it is I will only have to wait a few days to get the times, don't think ill be sticking my eye on anything or trying to do any math, just wait, the Russians are very good at telling all NASA are wrong on every thing, lots of Russians claim to know all about this brown dwarf, was them that spilled the beans, so if a hoax blame them and the US republicans. So, unwilling or unable to critically analyze the information you receive, what criteria do you use to assign trust?
  4. Jacki Silverfall wrote: No sense trying to reason with Debbie Doomsday. Hiya Jacki, This has never been about reasoning with them. It's about reasoning to the audience. There are often people who are on the fence over these arguments, lacking the particular background to understand the concepts involved. I hope to explain things simply enough that those who don't have my peculiar education can get an inkling of how accessible the truth really is and how unwilling some people are to see it. I don't think this is a matter of intellectual capacity. It's more about attitude.
  5. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: just google it, wiki has the times, look there are billions of things on it even my cat walking across the keyboard can pull up one. try that, put your cat on the keyboard, see what you get. I am well aware of the published time for the autumnal equinox. What I asked is how YOU will know when it is 14:49 on Sep 22?
  6. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: oops wrong date it is september 22nd at 14:49 google it, lots of places tell you, plus there are lots of people on youtube that have channels that measure it, as you have no interest in this you have no idea on the 1000's of youtube channels covering this, you can spend hours looking at them all, lots have links to telescopes and just about every thing else, don't need to look just search it on youtube, lol, i could have put loads here, the john moore shows the leaked pictures of it, there are loads of pictures of this brown dwarf, but why should i, when i get what i get here. Who decides when September 22nd at 14:49 is? You are stepping into a tautology here, and I do truly appreciate your cooperation.
  7. Ceka Cianci wrote: Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Do you miss lucinda? LOL, i am sure she is doing great high in the sky, i think she is a star now, a brown dwarf and is coming to visit, lol. why miss her when you are here heheheh aaaanyways.. it was pretty easy..i was the first post..maybe the other was on that other alt that had the same background avatar..i forget that ones name..i think it started with a Y like Yalanda or something or Yander..i forget .. here is the link either way page 3.. 4 posts down.. the last link you will ever need link Ceka, an old friend of mine still clings to his belief that there are only 13 people on the internet. He'd appreciate this evidence, which strengthens an already impressive case.
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Just find the exact time of the equinox, simple, then you don't have to listen to anyone NASA included. How will you know the exact time without listening to the International Telecommunication Union, which sets the world time based on astronomical data obtained from, among others,... NASA? Stonehenge gives a visual indication of the Sun rising/setting in a certain position. It does not tell you how long it's been since the last time that happened. That requires clocks. You've claimed that the equinox will not occur at the correct time. How can there be a correct time without a measure of time what is independent of the observation? If the equinox comes early or late, what is it early or late from?
  9. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Just find the exact time of the equinox, simple, then you don't have to listen to anyone NASA included. How will you know the exact time without listening to the International Telecommunication Union, which sets the world time based on astronomical data obtained from, among others,... NASA?
  10. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: If the orbit has been pulled south then when the earth reaches the equinox it will be lat, we are coming up to an equinox so easy to prove, the next one is on the 21st of september at 11:12 am, so if there is a brown dwarf close in the south we should see it later. As for now, the jet streams have moved, fact, weather all round the north is very bad, also the sun is more active than it has ever been and we are in danger of some huge flares, all these things support a brown dwarf star south of us. As for what john moore is, he sounds like a yank that loves being a yank, but i am a brit and very happy that we don't have guns here. Absent any ability to determine whether Earth's orbit has been affected yourself, what will constitute proof to you? I have the tools at my disposal, which have already proved the Earth's orbit has not been affected. And as I have these tools at my disposal, you'll literally have to move the heavens and/or Earth to convince me.
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Happy Monday to you Hippie! *sighs* 5 days to go before the weekend... Oh, to be a dog. Happy Monday, Val, Hippie and all the Kids at Sea!!!
  12. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: sorry ot as far as the bit about " Your claim that tectonic plate drift towards" and stopped reading, now could you please tell me were and when i said that, this has nothing to do with plates, this is about a brown dwaft near us, millions of miles away and has nothing at all to do with plates, it is very hard to hold a chat here with people that just invent things i say, please read it again. The problem is that when you have no knowledge of the science underpinning the world you inhabit, it's quite true that you don't know what you are saying. You are the one inventing things. You've claimed that the US will not only drift south, but drift closer to the center of the Earth. You don't understand that you said that because you don't understand the Earth's physics. Here is a direct quote from you "the earth orbit right now has been pulled south a bit". As I stated, I have recent and direct observational evidence that this is false. Saturn and Mars are precisely where my telescope expected them to be, using orbital data that's at least 15 years old. If some odd object is approaching our solar system and upsetting Earth's orbit, it would also be upsetting the orbits of the other planets and my telescope would no longer be able to predict their location accurately using data that predates the arrival of your imagined object. My telescope continues to operate flawlessly. That's all the proof I need that you are wrong.
  13. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: No, if you do the math then we are not affected that much the usa is moving south we are just twisting, the sea level at the equator is about 500 feet higher than the poles, so if the USA moves south towards the equator then they could see a 500 foot rise in sea level, here in the uk we just twist a bit south west so no more than a foot or 2, the main worry is how fast it moves, it it is a jolt then we could all get tidal waves, but if gradual then we wont, if you look at the north pole which is moving it suggest it will be gradual, so the USA will see a slow rise in sea level and have to move to higher ground, the dissinfo gang are making out it extreme so to discredit it all. I might add that lucinda talked of the planet crossing the sun's equator as being the time of greatest stress on the planet depending where the moon is, wel we are about to pass though the sun's equator, so could see large earthquakes that could make the planet jolt a bit, as lucinda no longer shares info with this forum we will have to just guess. You have to do more than math. Your math must be based on some knowledge of the situation. Your claim that tectonic plate drift towards the equator would submerge the North American Plate under the ocean completely ignores the physics that explains why the Earth is an ellipsoid and not a sphere. The drifting plates are floating on the Earth's core, just as the water is floating on the Earth. As a plate drifts towards the equator, it will move away from the Earth's center, as dictated by rotational inertia. The physics of this was well understood by the early 1800's. There will, of course, be gradual changes in sea level caused by changes in mean global temperature and local landform distortions. The time scale for this tectonic drift is measured in the millions of years, which places any changes well beyond our horizon of interest. The time scale for climate change is considerably shorter. If there were even the slightest alteration in the orbital trajectory of any of the planets, a great many amateur astronomers, including me, would be making a great deal of noise right now. One of my robotic telescopes was built in 1997, using ephemeris data of the day. It is now 15 years old and continues to find celestiall objects with pinpoint accuracy. If there had been even the slightest perturbation in Earth's orbit, my telescope would reveal it. There are thousands of amateur astronomers around the world using such telescopes and all of them would be thrilled to discover anything amiss. So, I have direct first-hand evidence that the Earth is orbiting exactly as predicted 15 years ago. There is no reason for me to guess in Lucinda's absense, I have now, as I had then, all the tools I need to discount her claims as wild imagineering.
  14. Syo Emerald wrote: 1. People telling me facts about their rl self without being asked to do so 2. People asking within the first 30 minutes for my real life informations 3. Senseless gesture spamming instead of real chatting to prevent the club looking asleep 4. Religious people who can't keep their believes inside their heads 5. Talking with a weak sound qualitiy and/or eating besides talking. ... tucks her lollipop into her cheek with her tongue while telling you all about how she got the scar on her knee from looking for bugs in the field across the street when she was eight, which was better than sitting in church and listening to... well she doesn't remember a word of it, so she doesn't know what she was listening to. Did you ever cut your knee open and get stitches or sit in a church, watching the ceiling fans and the chandeliers, Syo? \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ \o/ \0/ \o/ ;-)
  15. Ashy Calcutt wrote: 1. Blingy Jewelry 2. Random Friendship Requests/Teleports 3.Constant Group Invites when I didn't accept it then a min later they send another one 4. People who Judge Simply they are not a human av 5. Security Orbs Don't have enough time to teleport out Ashy, I am sooooo tempted to send your big fuzzy nozed avi a friendship request as I teleport you to join "For Humans Only" at a kiosk I'll set right next to my sparkly, lightning fast security orb. But I'm too busy polishing the diamonds on the soles of my shoes. Am I the only one who sees all these lists of pet peeves as challenges? ;-)
  16. Lia Abbot wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Happy Saturday, Ms. Abbot, Mr. Bowman and the rest of you Kids!!! I'm off to the Wisconsin State Fair in a few minutes. If I appear listless at breakfast tomorrow, it'll be because I'm still digesting a chili cheese dog, a pickle on a stick, a cream puff and a root beer float. Wish me luck ;-) Sounds delicious Maddy. If only I knew what those things were. Do they do candy floss? It's all good, Lia. A chili cheese dog consists of the cheapest skinny hotdog you can find (imagine a banger ground so fine and colored so pink you can't tell if it's meat or bubble gum) on a long white spongy wheat bun that has given up any aspirations of being actual bread, smothered under a pile of chopped raw onion, grated cheddar cheese (which Wisconsinites consider the only true cheese but you'd think unfit for baiting a mousetrap) and chili (a stew of onion, tomato, a mix of chilis and beans, perhaps some corn and yet another unidentifiable meat). A pickle on a stick is usually a large cucumber pickled for the better part of a US presidential term in a salt brine containing garlic, dill and other spices and then impaled on what's left of the cheap wooden sticks that carried our handheld 4th of July flags only a month ago, before we accidentally set fire to the fabric while waving them along with our sparklers. A cream puff is a heavy dollop of oversweetened whipped cream pressed between two halves of a sliced puff pastry that's so laden with butter you could treat a hippo or the entire women's (men's for you) Olympic beach volleyball team for sunburn by rubbing one on them. Root beer is a sweet carbonated beverage made from a mix of Pepto-Bismol pink Canada mints and that dark brown water that you see in leaf filled puddles in the woods after a late autumn rain. A root beer float is made by filling a frosty mug to the top with root beer, then adding a generous scoop of real New York Vanilla ice-cream which is made in Kansas using artificial vanilla and unspecified milk byproducts. And, if "candy floss" is that stuff that looks like Mrs. Slocum's hair and has the consistency of steel wool, yes they have it and it's called "cotton candy".
  17. Happy Saturday, Ms. Abbot, Mr. Bowman and the rest of you Kids!!! I'm off to the Wisconsin State Fair in a few minutes. If I appear listless at breakfast tomorrow, it'll be because I'm still digesting a chili cheese dog, a pickle on a stick, a cream puff and a root beer float. Wish me luck ;-)
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: I'm not sure what's more yummy in this lovely picture: the Sunshine Mango Parfait, or you! While you are playing with shiny vibrant colors, I am still in my night shots period! Loving my horses under the moonlight. :smileyhappy: Hey, he's drinking my bathwater!!! Yeah, and he's asking why you are not in it so he can eat your hair: he doesn't have anymore straw to chew. I am in it, and I can't hold my breath much longer!
  19. valerie Inshan wrote: I'm not sure what's more yummy in this lovely picture: the Sunshine Mango Parfait, or you! While you are playing with shiny vibrant colors, I am still in my night shots period! Loving my horses under the moonlight. :smileyhappy: Hey, he's drinking my bathwater!!!
  20. You'd never catch me serving desserts like that. ETA: Though if it would attract such beauty, maybe I should reconsider?
  21. Keep both hands on the wheel, Hippie. That house probably drives like a Lincoln Town Car. Hi Val and Lia!!!
  22. 8-3-2012 In a last minute attempt to ensure gold in the Olympic 100 meter sprint with a sub 9.4 second goal, Jamaican runner Usain Bolt, having just witnessed Sarah, an 11-year-old cheetah, clock the 100m in 5.95 seconds at the Cincinnati Zoo, decides to have Sarah chase him during practice. 8-4-2012 One day after the ignominious start of Usain Bolt's cheetah training, Olympic officals deny a request by the US Track and Field team to allow Bolt to "carry" Sarah in the 100m sprint, stating that "Residing inside the stomach of a cheetah does not constitute carrying."
  23. 8-2-2012 Ignoring that the expulsion of eight badminton players from the Olympic games for throwing matches to face easier opponents in future rounds marked the strategy as a failure, the United States decides to play to lose against China in the race for world economic supremacy, with the hope of going up against Brazil, India, Russia or hopefully Canada, at some later date. 8-2-2013 CIA operatives reveal the most sinister terrorist plot to date when they infiltrate a madrasah in western Pakistan where young men and women are taught to use cell phones to text unsuspecting western teens as they drive in their cars. The ramshackle classrooms are filled with mimeographed "1337 pr0n" dictionaries. One year earlier, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that texting while driving was the number one cause of teenage deaths.
  24. Lia Abbot wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie, now that you have a whizzy new graphics card, I'm gonna have to start wearing makeup ;-( Wondrous Wednesday, Kids!!! I think you'll need a little more than makeup Maddy. May I suggest... I think that'll work!!!
  25. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Maddy! Seems I found you in Google search: Hugs you!!! One of the rare instances where I did not use the rear-view mirror. I prefer that because it has a built in makeup light.
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