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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie, now that you have a whizzy new graphics card, I'm gonna have to start wearing makeup ;-( Wondrous Wednesday, Kids!!!
  2. 7-31-2012 Half of India goes dark when Rajesh Warrior falls off the roof of an overcrowded commuter train approaching Mumbai and knocks over the small Honda generator that's been powering a large portion of the World's second most populous nation since 1991. In a hastily convened press conference intended to allay American fears that its aging and decrepit power grid might befall a similar calamitous fate, US President Barack Obama explains that this sort of freak accident is impossible in the US, where the passenger rail system is in worse shape than the power grid, and so nobody rides it. 7-31-2019 Veterinary epidemiologists discover a proponderance of abnormally large and muscular farm animals along the 2018 Tour de France route. Blood testing of the animals reveals high levels of performance enhancing drugs. Soil testing along the route unearths abnormal concentrations of the same chemicals, leading scientists to conclude that roadway runoff of cyclist's perspiration is the likely cause.
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: Rawring at last! This upgrade rocks! (he'sn't he a beauty?):smileyhappy: Thanks all! S/he is! I've some to expect smooth updates, but this one was fantastic. One click and 30 minutes on each machine and they're humming happy tunes.
  4. 7-29-1956 US President Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower, unravels Harry Truman's "The Buck Stops Here" and sheds personal responsibility by signing Congress' resolution authorizing "In God We Trust" as the U.S. national motto. 7-29-2021 Daisy Outdoor Products, manufacturer of the famous Red Ryder, Carbine Action, 200 Shot, Range Model Air Rifle introduces the Rumsfeld Model One Fully Automatic 20,000 Shot, Laser Guided, BB Gun. The gun, affectionately known as the "Rummy", is capable of firing 3000 rounds per minute. Within two years, preschoolers across the US are using the Rummy to defend their lemonade stands from attack by maruading packs of hungry, pot smoking teens, college football coaches, and priests. 7-29-2025 Fifty years to the day after vanishing from the Red Fox restaurant parking lot in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, the remains of Jimmy Hoffa are discovered under a tremendous clump of wild daisies growing in the middle of the abandoned restaurant's tarmac. Retired Detroit Police Detective Vinnie Moskowitz recalls seeing a corpse in the parking lot on the day of Hoffa's disappearance, but said "We seen so many of doze tings, we din't tink it was impotent."
  5. 7-29-2009 One year after joining Second Life, Wisconsin native Madelaine McMasters is berated by her widowed Mother for allowing the family estate to "go to pot". When the younger McMasters notes that the advancing greenery is "not pot Mom, it's kudzu", the elder McMasters replies "Kudzu, schmudzu! Get off your fat ass and do something about it.". The younger McMasters immediately turns her back and escapes to her Second Life island, where her partner berates her for allowing their tropical hut to be overrun by noobs in search of sex furniture. When Ms. McMasters points out that their island has no sex furniture, her partner exclaims "Get off your fat ass and do something about it".
  6. 7-27-2012 The great US drought of 2012 claims another victim, as online gaming company Zynga, creator of Farmville, watches both its user base and share price wither on the vine. 7-27-2012 Chik-fil-A announces an all you can eat buffet for Boy Scouts who prove they're "all man" by belching "God Bless America" in tune.
  7. Tracy Redangel wrote: So we can upgrade directly from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion? I still haven't upgraded to Lion . Also, I quickly glanced at the price, and it's only about...$20 for the upgrade? Well that's a big improvement over the days when it would cost $100 to upgrade, woot! Yep, I upgraded one iMac directly from Snow Leopard. The $20 gets you a license to upgrade five (I think) computers. I upgraded all mine from the same single purchase.
  8. I just switched all my Macs to Mountain Lion and I'm liking it. It seems just a hair faster. I've noticed no change in V3 performance. And good grief Val, with all that lovely French cuisine around you, why would you eat at McDonalds?! ;-)
  9. Anti-aliasing will help, but if you are looking close up at low-rez textures, there's not much you can do. Hi-rez snapshots on my Mac are about 5000x3000 pixels and a panoramic view of my home in Forgotten City can be breathtaking, with every stone and brick clearly delineated. But, if I cam in to examine a single brick, which might be a 128x128 texture, it's a fuzzy mess. Unlike RL, SL does not often reveal hidden beauty when you get out the microscope.
  10. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL Maddy! I have to say that finding this picture on Google made me laugh for 10 good minutes, and still laughing looking at it right now! I think I won't delete this one from my photo album! Yep, I imagined your delight over finding that pic. It really is a keeper. I hope that poor kitty got lots of TLC after the ordeal.
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: WTF??? Who gave you permission?!!! That is a violation of my intimacy! *sighs and grumbles* I hate to show my nudity in public. But nothing can stop me from loving you guys. Big hugs and meows!!! Plplplplplplplplpl!!! (she says, spitting out a few tummy hairs while laughing). We're not crazy about you showing your nudity in public either, Val. But we love you just the same.
  12. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie! Yay, it's a bright and sunny Thursday, woot, getting ready for the weekend! Hugs and love ya! This frustrates me, Val. I can't blow raspberries on a fuzzy tummy! Good morning, Kids!!! Hippie grabs his portable shaver and shaves a nice area on Val's tummy. Will that do Maddy? Peace! ... puckers up and dives in. Thank you so much, that'll do, Hippie!
  13. 7-26-2016 Penn State's football program celebrates its return to bowl game eligibility by hosting "Nittany Nipple Night". Drunken students doff their school shirts and Jell-O wrestle for season tickets. 7-26-2020 The Texas State Legislature passes the United States' first mandatory concealed carry law. All Texans over the age of fourteen are required to carry semi-automatic handguns. The Texas Rangers promptly relocate to Juarez, Mexico and rename themselves the "Hombres Asustados".
  14. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie! Yay, it's a bright and sunny Thursday, woot, getting ready for the weekend! Hugs and love ya! This frustrates me, Val. I can't blow raspberries on a fuzzy tummy! Good morning, Kids!!!
  15. Lia Abbot wrote: We have a cat that licks you when it wants attention. Trouble is, I think her tongue is made of sandpaper. Oooh, I wouldn't mind that behavior in a companion. I'd just stock up on aloe lotion.
  16. Val, that dog reminds me of a colleague's office pooch who was very demanding of attention. If you didn't give her a scritch behind the ears, she'd head butt you until you gave in, and her nose was sharp! After a day working with him on a project, I went home with bruised thighs from the dog's persistent prodding. Emmett, Val might not bite, but I've been known to nibble... so watch it!!! Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  17. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: They had me right up until... "She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler Le Baron" Those are cars I take it? I don't think I'd take either of them... well maybe an old MG.
  18. I've got perpetual rain/snow falling in front of my lighthouse and nowhere else. I enjoy feeling like Joe Btfsplk ;-)
  19. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Cake is pretty cool They had me right up until... "She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler Le Baron"
  20. 7-24-2012 On the 115th anniversary of Amelia Earhart's birth, TIGHAR researchers, hoping to find evidence that Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan landed at Nikumaroro Island, head back to Honolulu after encountering unexpectedly difficult exploring condictions. Meanwhile, Earhart welcomes Sally Ride to the hereafter, where they both suit up and go barnstorming through the heavens. 7-24-2012 Pope Benedict XVI denies rumors that he and Joe Paterno were college fraternity brothers.
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: And you sure are a lady Lia. Here you go, hugs you my sweet pal! Lia's a lady? She's always seemed more like a princess to me, Val. Hugs and Hi, Kids!!!
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