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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Shan, Are you sure you clicked "Save" before closing the Appearance window? I often forget to do that. If your shape is no-mod, you probably wouldn't have been able to adjust the Hover slider, but perhaps you can, but the change cannot be saved because the shape is no-mod? What happens if you switch out to a different shape and come back? If you wish to continue working on this problem with us, come back and edit your question (via "Options" on the right) to provide additional information. Returning with a new question will make it more difficult for us to keep track of your progress and will push other's questions off the front page. Good luck!
  2. You might need more than a few hours to familiarize yourself with SL. I've been here well over five years and I still have only a tenuous grasp on the thing. That said, if you're the curious type, you'll be happy to know that you won't outgrow SL anytime soon. Have fun, Satyyriasis!
  3. Hi Boagyman, I'm afraid I don't understand your question. Are you referring to the local/IM chat windows? I'm not aware of a check box for those, hence my confusion. Do you mean that when you single-click the Chat/Conversations toolbar button a window does not appear? If that's the case, you may have pushed the public chat window to the edge of the screen. Look carefully around the perimeter for it. This thread addresses a similar issue, a missing edit window. You might find the same recommendations for deleting a settings file will work for you as well. Good luck!
  4. Eagle, did you toss the SL folder from Library->Saved Application State? That may be storing a borked setting that's causing even a re-installed viewer to crash. The folder will have a name like "com.secondlife...". You should also toss Library->Caches->SecondLife and Library->Application Support->Secondlife, but I think you've probably already done that. Good luck!
  5. Hi Karine, "Internal Error" is usually associated with websites, so I'm going to presume (perhaps incorrectly) that you are unable to download the SL Viewer, but are able to access the forums. People have had difficulty using Internet Explorer here, so you might try another browser like Firefox or Chrome. You can also download the Firestorm Viewer (which I believe is more widely used than LL's viewer) from here... http://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads/ If I've misunderstood your problem, please come back and edit your question to provide additional information. You can do that by selecting "Option" over on the right. If you return to ask another question, it's harder for us to keep track of your problem and other's questions will be pushed off the front page. Good luck!
  6. Hi Ms. SilverStar, You cannot avoid server rental fees (tier) in SL. The terminology can be confusing, but "purchase" in SL really means "right to rent" or "setup fee" and "tier" means "rent payment". On the mainland, you can "purchase" land from others or directly from LL. What you have paid for is the right to rent that particular parcel of virtual land, but you have not avoided the rental fees. Similarly, to rent a private region from LL you pay a one-time setup fee and rental fees thereafter. If you sublet a region or part of one from a third party supplier, the arrangement is much the same, involving an initial setup fee (which they may call the purchase price) followed by your monthly rent.
  7. Hi Sehoy, There are no full featured viewers available for the iPad, nor any other ARM based tablet for that mattter. I'm aware of one iOS compatible text only viewer... http://www.pocketmetaverse.com/
  8. Madelaine McMasters


    Welcome to Second Life, Alice! There's a forum specifically for finding both help and jobs, you'll find it here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment You could peruse those threads to see the kinds of things people are wanted for in SL. For the most part, jobs seem to fall into either social/entertainment or creative types. If you have good social skills, there are greeter/dancer/performer positions at various clubs across SL. Such venues will want to see a pleasing avatar, so you'll have to search out some freebie items to elevate your look a bit above the standard SL new user issue. They'll also want to see an engaging personality, which is something RL wants from us as well. If you have 3D creation skills, there are opportunities either in the direct creation and selling of wares in-world or in the marketplace or (to a far lesser extent) in offering services to others. SL's learning curve is pretty steep, but you needn't master every aspect of creation to make saleable wares. Whether you take the social or creative route (not that being social doesn't require creativity, it certainly does) the more you are familiar with SL, the more attractive you'll be as a potential hire. And finally, I'm hesistant to recommend anyone spend significant time seeking employment in SL over doing the same in RL. The lowest paying RL jobs pay better than most would ever make in SL, but if you're going to spend time here anyway, you can learn from seeking employment. Good luck!
  9. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Please can we have a new ruling or, failing that, a new judge? Be careful what you wish for, you may get the old judge in new robes.
  10. Hi Jerilynn, While I'm grinning over the mental image, you might try rezzing the critter and resetting the scripts in it. In Firestorm: right click the cat and select Object->Reset Scripts In SLV3: Right click the cat, select "Edit", then go to the Build menu and select Scripts->Reset scripts. Good luck!
  11. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: The only stupid question is the one you don't ask - we all have forehead-slapping moments :-) @ All: Here's my stupid question inspired by carefully reading the llListen() wiki page (which I probably haven't done before) thanks to this thread - The wiki page (in notes) says, "The integer returned can be assigned to a variable (then called a handler) ..." and continues to refer to this as a handler, which I believe is incorrect. This might be a bit abstruse so apologies to everyone, but in the interests of accuracy: This value should be known as the llListen() handle - it is the means by which the script holds on to the llListen filter reference The function that handles an event - such as listen() - is an event handler The big difference is that you use a handle to manipulate the llListen() itself - llListenRemove(), llListenControl() - and a handler - listen() - to handle the events that arise from it. So, my question is - should I edit the wiki or does everyone prefer the way it is? I don't care for the wording either, though it didn't seem to prevent me from understanding llListen well enough use it. But that's probably because I understood handlers and handles long before encountering LSL. I think I'd change it on principle, as understanding the difference between a handler and its handle is of importance beyond llListen.
  12. Good morning, Kids. It's Moooooooooooooooonday!!! Don't Monday just make you wanna get up and... ???
  13. Mac users get 793 as well, as reported and confirmed here.
  14. I don't understand your question, Wodan. Please come back and edit (use the "Options" button on the right side of the page) your question. Ask it in your native language.
  15. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Weekend! Woot! Peace! Good morning, Hippie!
  16. Whether or not a user-to-user contract is binding is probably of little importance when you have no means of enforcing one. If this potential land purchaser were to sign a contract, then renig on it, you'd be looking at a user-to-user dispute. Linden Lab does not get involved in those. In that situation, what leverage would your friend have? None.
  17. Hiya Sherilyn, It's wishful thinking on the part of the web team. They were hoping the development team would have been on the 271 thousand, seven hundred and ninety fifth build of version 3.6.7, but Monty had a beer at lunch and they fell two short. Still, with nearly a third of a million builds since the last version, that's like what, ten thousand builds per day? Or about 21 builds per second? Give 'em credit for cranking out fixes almost as fast as they crank out bugs! ;-)
  18. Pandora Wrigglesworth wrote: Woohoo! My cash out finally cleared! Wonderful Pandora! Don't spend it all in one place. ;-)
  19. I'm not aware of any way to make standard avatar eyes glow, so I'll guess you are wearing prim eyes, or some other attachment that gives the appearance of glowing eyes. You'll have to remove that. You can try right clicking on one of your eyes. If "Detach" is available in the resulting drop down menu, select it. Alternatively, you can open your inventory window and search for "worn" to find everything you are wearing. Select the most likely candidate and remove it. Finally, you can go to your "Outfits" window to see what you're wearing and again, remove that which seems most likely to be a glowing set of eyes. Good luck!
  20. Hi Akeldame, Are you wearing mesh clothing? If you wearing no clothing layer items under mesh things, failure of another's viewer to rez the mesh item would reveal your underlying skin. The solution to this problem is to clothing layer things that don't show through the mesh top. The recent upgrade to Server Side Appearance for rezzing the avatar skin has, I think, virtually eliminated the old "others see me naked" problems of years past. ETA: Rolig has informed me that his no longer applies - Just in case, you can always re-bake your avatar via Ctrl-Alt-R. That will force the servers to rebake all the clothing and skin textures you are currently wearing and to update the final baked texture that's distributed to all other avatars. ETA: This always applies - It's also possible that your friends are pulling a prank. Not that I'd ever do something like that mysel... never mind. ;-)
  21. Hi Destynee, Caveat inquistor... default{ touch_start(integer total_number){ integer weightMin = 100; integer weightMax = 200; list listSizes = ["Eat Something!","2", "4", "6","8","10","12","14","16","18","Eat Less!"]; list listColors = ["Red","Orange","Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet"]; list listGenders = ["Female", "Male", "Other"]; list listPersonalities = ["Calm","Happy","Sad","Angry","Manic", "Type A", "Type B"]; llSay(0,"Size: "+llList2String(listSizes,llFloor(llFrand(llGetListLength(listSizes))))); llSay(0,"Weight: "+(string)((integer)(weightMin+llFrand(weightMax-weightMin)))); llSay(0,"Color: "+llList2String(listColors,llFloor(llFrand(llGetListLength(listColors))))); llSay(0,"Gender: "+llList2String(listGenders,llFloor(llFrand(llGetListLength(listGenders))))); llSay(0,"Personality: "+llList2String(listPersonalities,llFloor(llFrand(llGetListLength(listPersonalities))))); }} I haven't tested it, and it is terse, but it might work. Edit the weight range and list elements as you wish. Pardon my editorializing! ;-)
  22. Hmm, I have four viewers on my Mac. I edited my answer to show you what I see...
  23. You lazy bum! Here's the difference between you... me... Hippie... Lia... Good morning, Kids!!!
  24. Hi Ava, The only way to texture your little bit of the sim is with prims. If the terrain is flat, as in a typical cityscape, that would be fairly easy. You'd just rez a cube, stretch it out, squish it flat, part it just barely above the ground, then texture it, perhaps using repeats to get a good compromise between texture size and sand grain size. If the terrain is complex, you'll have to cobble together several sculpty prims to cover the ground while trying to match the elevations. The scultpties would be phantom, so your feet would sink in wherever the sculpty was significantly above the underlying sim surface. There are vendors of sculpty terrain prims for that purpose (been ages since I used 'em for exactly this purpose, so you'd have to go hunting) so it can be done. Good luck!
  25. And to expand upon Theresa's explanation, these "bunk bed" sims will have no SL sky, so no Sun or Moon and no shadows from them. But, if you don't mind those losses, it might be very nice to have a huge expanse of flat terrain on which to build a little world.
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