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  1. Hi I am looking for a person who can create custom hair for a few of my Avis, this can be tricky because I am trying to fit the hair or combined the mesh hair to my heroine suits that has a mask. Also I am using a bento head, please let me know! I hope too that it is not too expensive!
  2. owh and pls send an offline im and landmark for one more time
  3. I'll start going there on friday the 9th I am currently not in my own country and is currently busy but I will be there
  4. I have already tried resetting my AO, but it does not tell me that its on or its working.
  5. My avatar appeared in cloud, I dont know wh, but I have clear caches, reinstall viewer, restart computer, stop animation from the viewer. it still appeared as clouds again idk and why did this happen. but my friends see me well in SL (I am visible to them, while I am not visible to myself in sl). is there a way besides changing to an non-human shape avatar?
  6. My Avatar couldn't move just because I was trapped in a rlv thing and I got locked (cant move and cant teleport), suddenly idk what menu I clicked it says restriction on rlva menu restrictions and thats where it has the (Invoke Stand, Invoke fly, Invoke running). After this I escaped from the rlv thing thanks to my friend, but after that i couldnt walk, fly, or stand or even sit down the restriction menu doesnt show the (invoke stands and etc...) anymore.
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