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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Johnathan, Did you restart your cable/DSL modem and any router you use? There are quite a few things that can mess up your connection to SL. Nalates Urriah covers a bunch of them here... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Adding Google's (or another fast public) DNS server to your router's list may also help. Nalates covers that too. Good luck!
  2. Hi Kaytlin, You'll get your first L$300 weekly stipend sometime next Tuesday, and every Tuesday thereafter. You'll get the L$1000 signup bonus 45 days after your upgrade, sometime around December 7th. Here's the full scoop... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477#Section_.3.1
  3. Now we're past my pay grade. Oh, Rolig!
  4. Hi Samantha, You can only save full perm textures that are in your inventory. Once a texture is gone from there, even though the UUID and texture persist on the SL asset servers, you are no longer able to download it to your computer. If you ever gave a copy of the texture to a friend, you could ask for a copy, which you could then save.
  5. Olá Mayara, Eu não acho que você vai ter um bom desempenho da GT 210. Aqui está um gráfico pesquisável de pontuacões de desempenho para vários cartões. http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php Você vai encontrar o GT 210 pontuacão 184. Um computador moderno nível de entrada sem placa gráfica separada marcaria pelo menos 2-3x melhor. Se você realmente deseja executar "ultra" no Second Life, eu acho que você deve guardar o dinheiro para uma placa GTX 650 ou melhor (pontuacão 10x melhor), se o seu computador pode ligá-lo. Eu gostaria de ter notícias melhores para você. The question: Hello, I am looking to buy a videocard beginning of next month, and would like to know if the Geforce Gt 210 wheel plate on ultra with shadows, ambient Occlusion etc. My answer: I do not think you will get good performance from the GT 210. Here is a searchable chart of performance scores for various cards. http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php You will find the GT 210 scores 184. An entry level modern computer with no separate graphics card would score at least 2-3x better. If you really want to run "ultra" in Second Life, I think you should save money for a GTX 650 card or better (it scores 10x better), if your computer can power it. I wish I had better news for you.
  6. I think we should start using { for asides written by kinky people } and [ for asides written by straight-laced people ]. And I clearly need to find the right punctuation to keep from having my expletives deleted.
  7. You sure know how to decorate, Val. My specialty is warming up a place... Have a cozy Thursday, Kids!!!
  8. ...glares at you with the only eye that opens this early in the morning.
  9. ...runs to look up the definition of erudite, hoping it's something she can eat.
  10. Hi Trondheim, If your physics model really is a "simple cube", it wouldn't have the openings necessary to allow avatar entry. Your physics model must have doors, just like the actual building. It needn't have fine detal, but it must have some. If I've misunderstood... oops!
  11. Hi Nicole, You didn't explain your inability to log-in to your old avatar's account, so I can't say what happened. "Bella Caiben" does not appear in search, so that account may have been cancelled. I don't know if it's possible to reactivate an account that's been gone so long, but you could try opening a support case here... https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Select "Account Issue" from the "What type of problem are you having?" dropdown and "Reactivate an old Account" from "Account Issue". Linden Lab will contact you. If it's possible to reactivate the account, you will be charged $9.95 and have to answer some questions to prove you were the owner of that account. As for not being able to teleport to some places with your new avatar, are you sure that you correctly entered your birthdate on registration. If not, you'll have to prove your correct age to LL. Once again, open a support case. This time, you'd probably select "Account Creation Issues" from the "Account Issue" dropdown. You may also be encountering entry policies at certain sims. There are places that do not allow avatars younger than 30 days old. If that's the case, try again around November 19th. Good luck!
  12. Hi Francisc, I can think of two reasons for this: First, there's a "Freeze frame" checkbox in the snapshot window. I've checked that in the past and regretted it. Second, Microsoft's Skydrive was implicated in snapshot freeze/crash problems a couple years ago. Here's the unresolved JIRA... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28843 Maybe one of those is your problem. Good luck!
  13. Suspiria Finucane wrote: All things in moderation I've heard Including moderation. ;-).
  14. Vanha's told me that she's disabled RLV and removed the HUD and the problem persists. I've no idea what can cause a view like she's shown us. So Vanha, I guess I'll recommend removing every attachment and re-logging. If that doesn't work, I recommend a clean re-install of the viewer, on the theory that a setting file got whacked coincidentally with your hypnosis role play. Instructions for a clean install are here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Again, good luck!
  15. Slow down there, cowboy. And welcome to Second Life! As Rolig says, there's a lot of baby step stuff to learn before you go galloping off across the grid. You don't draw anything in SL. You only manipulate 3D objects that have already been created, either in-world with the build tools, or out-world with 3D creation tools like Blender. There are tricks, like rezzing a cube, then telling it to be a sphere, or rezzing a sculpted object and swapping between preloaded sculpt maps, but you cannot generate shapes algorithmically in LSL (other than perhaps Lego wise, but that will eat up prims in a heartbeat, and you must learn about Land Impact). Rolig gave you some things to read. Go through those materials or you will keep coming to us with what appear to you (and to anyone new) to be simple questions that require us to give very long answers with lots of background that can be gleaned from the Wiki and Knowledgebase. SL has quite a learning curve. If you love to learn, you'll be a happy camper. If you have a specific goal to achieve by Friday, uh oh. ;-).
  16. Marigold Devin wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: sirhc DeSantis wrote: '... people that can stand more before getting bored...' Sorry but no. Never understood this thing called boredom in any world, SL or RL. For one thing theres 15k sims I have yet to visit (actually possibly more, I can't keep up) Outside of that, a list several kilometres long of 'ToDo' .. Stuff still needing learning... Then again even when the power went out a few days ago I still had paper and pen. Boredom? What a luxury eh YAY! I have a "to-do" list too. I hope I am never bored. Even at the bus stop, or in a long queue I have a book or magazine with me to read. If I don't have a buddy to chat with. Even without a book or magazine, a bus stop can be an interesting place. I like to watch other people and imagine their back stories. The world becomes much more interesting when it's populated by spies and aliens and incompetent terrorists. ;-). There's a bloke who always carries a sports bag with him, but he doesn't look to be the sporty type, so I've nicknamed him "the man with his wife's head in the bag". I love it, Mari! There's a always a marauding gang of wild turkeys in my neighborhood. Some years back, one of the hens had a bum leg. I called her Ms. Hoppy. My neighbor called her Miss Lonely Heart, on the presumption she'd never find a mate. After watching the randy toms, I got the impression she'd have a better chance than her girlfriends, simply because she couldn't outrun the guys. After seeing her hop through a few coyote laden winters (with the rest of the girls slowing their foraging so she could keep up, which was very cool to see) I began to think she was a pretty tough bird. Last year I was thrilled to see her with a bunch of chicks in tow. Now her **bleep** kids are digging up my gardens. I didn't see her this spring, so I presume she's retired to florida with the Mister. Yes, that's certainly where she went. No boredom here!
  17. http://www.amazon.com/Visualizing-Quaternions-Kaufmann-Interactive-Technology/dp/0120884003
  18. Rolig Loon wrote: Or, if it's a lonely prim, not the child of some other prim, just use llSetColor. :smileywink: That's for wimps!
  19. Freya Mokusei wrote: I'm good at numbers and bad at words. I agree that you are good at numbers.
  20. Kurt Jiagu wrote: Having been in sl for over seven years now, I have seen many changes during that time , some good , some not so good , and having thought it about it a lot , was wondering how many still think SL is the same experience for them that it was when they first discovered sl .......... and am I the only one who thinks there seems to be far less people in sl now than there used to be , despite the seasonal fluctuations ... ?? share your opinions It's impossible for SL to be the same experience for me as when I first discovered it. I am not the same person that first logged in almost seven years ago, nor do I live in the same real world. The thrill of the new belongs to the noobs. The rest of us must resort to other ways to get our thrills.
  21. Marigold Devin wrote: sirhc DeSantis wrote: '... people that can stand more before getting bored...' Sorry but no. Never understood this thing called boredom in any world, SL or RL. For one thing theres 15k sims I have yet to visit (actually possibly more, I can't keep up) Outside of that, a list several kilometres long of 'ToDo' .. Stuff still needing learning... Then again even when the power went out a few days ago I still had paper and pen. Boredom? What a luxury eh YAY! I have a "to-do" list too. I hope I am never bored. Even at the bus stop, or in a long queue I have a book or magazine with me to read. If I don't have a buddy to chat with. Even without a book or magazine, a bus stop can be an interesting place. I like to watch other people and imagine their back stories. The world becomes much more interesting when it's populated by spies and aliens and incompetent terrorists. ;-).
  22. Yoshimaster96 wrote: How do I change a primitive's color? https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast#llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast Look for PRIM_COLOR, and note that you must specify the desired prim face, the color and the transparency.
  23. Hi Vanha, I've never seen a view like that, but if it's the result of wearing a HUD, remove the HUD. Right click your avatar and select "Edit Outfit". You'll get a window showing everything you are wearing. Look in the "Attachments" section. If you find a HUD there, right click it and select "Detach". Or, you can open your inventory window and search for "(worn" (no right paren) and you'll get a list of everything you are wearing. Again, look for the HUD, right click and "Detach" it. After you've detached the HUD, find it in inventory, right click it and select "Delete". Good luck!
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