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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. So have placebos and even known placebos... https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/placebo-effect-depression-treatment
  2. Though I suffer neither anxiety nor depression, my emergency backup kid has both, as well as ADHD/executive function disorder. He's had some success with various medications, particularly in rotation. Unfortunately, he uses medication as an excuse to not do other things that might help, like keeping his life simple so it requires minimal organization and planning. This is the second edge of pharmaceuticals in general, they sometimes allow us to ignore or avoid preventative and therapeutic behaviors.
  3. A typical cigarette contains ~10mg of nicotine, of which ~1-2mg makes it into the bloodstream upon smoking. Eggplant contains ~100ng/g. So, to get 1mg of nicotine from eggplants, you'd have to eat 1mg/100ng or 10,000g. That's 22 pounds. You'd have to eat ~150 lbs of taters or ~300 lbs of maters to get one cigarette's worth of nicotine. You'd probably couldn't eat enough nicotine laden veggies in a day to match what you'd get from second hand smoke. Even thinking about eating that much food would probably cause far more anxiety than the nicotine could counter.
  4. L'il, If you decide to go with MacBook Air, wait until after Apple's Worldwide Developer conference opens on June 6. The rumor mill believes a new Air will be announced then. It's expected to be faster, come in a rainbow of colors( with white keyboard rather than the historical black), and a MagSafe connector (which eliminates the potential for yanking the thing off a desk if you trip on the power cord, which happened to me 20+ years ago). It's also possible it will cost more, but the current generation might also drop in price as they phase it out.
  5. I think this will do what you want: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/NumberFormat
  6. TOTALLY this. Looking good, whether that means "elegant," "sexy," or just nicely put-together, empowers me because it makes me feel good about myself. It is me insisting upon who I am, and feeling stronger because I'm forcefully articulating something about myself, regardless of whether I'm wearing an LBD or jeans and a tee. When I was a teen, I bought a pair of very high heeled "Candies" sandals, which I kept hidden in my bike's panniers because Mom and Dad probably wouldn't have approved. I didn't wear them to attract anyone's attention, I wore them because I'd grown up around pinup girl art, and I'm short. Wearing them both made me feel a little more powerful, and let me reach one shelf higher in the stores, without someone saying "Oh, let me help you reach that." There's nothing I hate more than being helped. I'm well aware of the sexual connotations of clothing, and the use of sex to manipulate. So, I had great fun lampooning that during my years the male dominated field of electrical/computer/biomedical engineering. The fellas I worked with were far more interested making things than skirt chasing, but were years older than me and of their time. I can't remember just how the lampooning started, but I eventually started dressing smartly for meetings with my team in which I'd intended to make a course change, or introduced some other wrench into the works. I'd walk into the meeting room, wearing a fitted blazer, pencil skirt, my highest pumps and lipstick. The fellas would look me up and down and say "Oh, geez. This means trouble." It might be months of jeans and sweaters before they saw anything like that again. I remember a company Christmas party at which my guys expressed concern that I'd got all dolled up to ruin Christmas. I've told the story here of leaving silly trails of sexy lingerie through the house leading my ex-hubby to the bedroom, where I'd be waiting for him wearing something absurd. I find sex silly and absurd and I treat it as such.
  7. Scylla, that's a new story. Thanks for bringing it to me. Now, I wonder if that's the entire story. Here's what happened to American women pilots who helped battle the Nazis... https://time.com/4923054/world-war-ii-sugar-engines/ https://www.caller.com/story/news/local/2021/05/26/how-women-airforce-service-pilots-served-their-country-wwii/5185061001/
  8. Why would you disagree with a supposition regarding other people's personal preferences? They have them, period. I have always, SL and RL, dressed for myself. The moment I start dressing for someone who doesn't share my tastes, the potential for resentment arises. In RL, I mostly dress for the task at hand. That's true here as well, though the tasks are different. Your "Naked Ape" reference doesn't work the way you think. While it's true that much of our behavior descends from our common ancestor with the apes, ape and human behaviors are far more varied than Desmond Morris described in his book. Much of the detail of his book is flat out wrong, as is much of his reasoning. It's been forty years since I read it, but my impression at the time was that the book was poorly researched pulp fiction, written by a chauvinist. Elaine Morgan's "The Descent of Woman", though possibly no better researched than "Naked Ape", managed to shine a harsh light on Morris' now obvious male bias. In 2022, a citation of "Naked Ape" as the explanation for human sexual behavior and gender roles says far less about that than about the person doing the citing.
  9. Don't tempt me, Marianne. When I was a child, my parents took turns sleeping with the school principals. When I was very young, I joined in, particularly when we slept outside. It was not uncommon to find me, a parent, and/or a principal wandering around the "school" naked.
  10. What do you imagine doing while wearing that dress, Katherine? If you'll be beachside, gladiator sandals or flip-flops would work. If you pick heels, pick mules so you can slip them on/off quickly. If you're going dancing, flats would work. I have these in my closet, and pair them with just about anything... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KC-DANIA-BALLET-FLATS-50-COLORS-FATPACK/12868119 If you're gonna supervise the construction of a seaside cottage, I'd recommend something like these... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ILLI-SLinkTMPMaitreyaBelleza-Whitney-Work-Boots-HUD-Driven/10800498
  11. You do realize that is griefing right and I would report you so fast. First, you must cam almost into my avatar body for the fan spinning effect to occur. If you're looking for trouble, you're likely to find it, and you can find it in a lot of particle emitters. Second, I can't think of a reason I'd invite you to visit me. Take your idle threats elsewhere, Sammy.
  12. Well then, be a "Mom" to someone else? You can do it, Love!
  13. If that's not enough... https://www.amazon.com/There-Are-Moms-Worse-Than/dp/1523515643
  14. Come visit me sometime when I'm wearing my "Spontaneous Moral Decay" avatar. It's four little invisible boxes, each with a particle emitter. I think the ARC is around 1000, but it'll try to hurl the blades off your computer fans if you get close to me.
  15. Missing inventory is generally not the result of hacking, but rather of some glitch in the system. Read these for recovery ideas… https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory Since it appears you’ve lost everything (you likely actually lost nothing), inventory cache clearing is probably the solution you’ll want. Both links contain instructions for doing that. Goodl luck!
  16. I just enabled MFA on the website for one of my alt accounts. Apple's password system directly supports it, no authentication app is needed. I've no idea whether this will work as cleanly in the viewer, nor whether MFA credentials will automatically sync across all my Apple devices. I suspect they won't because all my SL stuff is on a user account on my Mac that doesn't sync via iCloud. Ooooh, I just logged into that alt's web dashboard from my phone, manually entering her username and password. I'm certain my phone has no knowledge of the MFA token, so I'm a little baffled. How'd I get in?
  17. Oooh, LL's MFA solution is just in time to become obsolete... https://fidoalliance.org/apple-google-and-microsoft-commit-to-expanded-support-for-fido-standard-to-accelerate-availability-of-passwordless-sign-ins/ ETA: I think LL's MFA approach might already be FIDO compatible, so this next step could be easy for them to implement.
  18. I'm not terribly worried about being hacked, but I do think a lot of the security technology is just theater. Since websites have gravitated towards using e-mail addresses as usernames, I suspect it's become easier to find people. I do online business with three banks and even more credit card companies. My username (my e-mail address) is exactly the same at all of them. Oops.
  19. I have a strategy for generating answers that's based on the questions. For example, I often use most pertinent words of the question as the answer, but I've been foiled by sites that don't allow any words in the question to appear in the answer. The designers of these systems are well aware they're highly flawed. That they my subvert attempts to make the system manageable is proof of that. Still, they persist. This is an indication to me that their comfort as "security experts" is more important than keeping customers safe. Many of the challenge question systems store the answers in plain text, so that human operators can intervene when necessary. This, of course, makes customers vulnerable to both those human operators and hacking. ETA: It wouldn't be terribly difficult to discern my strategy from seeing my answers from one hacked website. If my system is easy enough for me to understand, it's easy enough for anyone to understand.
  20. I do lie, but those lies are also a vulnerability unless I use different lies for every website. That would require me to maintain a lie list somewhere that's 3-5 times longer than my password list, and there are no automated tools to do that.
  21. Security questions are, and have always been, privacy invading security threats masquerading as protections.
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