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Cali Souther

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Everything posted by Cali Souther

  1. I recently sold group land. Now I am trying to change my account to basic, and got the following error. Can anyone help me? I'm not sure what else I need to do. An error occurred while processing your requestBasic users may not contribute land to groups. You must delete the tier contributions you made to groups which you belong before downgrading to the Basic Plan
  2. Happy Hour!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeee!! ~~waves helloooooo to all my friends~~~ Sorry I have not been around, my 1st life is so busy, I have little time left for my 2nd one. Miss you !!!!!
  3. Wow! You certainly took the high road! I will have to go shopping @ Prim Misers! - but then, you may never get to go out of business! Hugsssss!
  4. DQ Darwin wrote: FRIDAY!!! Good Day all:) Following pic is my thought for the day until 5 anyway - hugs hahahahahahaahaaa!!!! Me either!!! :-P
  5. ~grins @ Dee & whispers~ They are blonde roots. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: and may I just say, I agree with your tweet yesterday about all work and not enough playtime!!!!! I think I just need to go ahead and win the lottery. I could spend 1/2 my time giving back, doing charity work, etc... and the other half playing in Second Life. How great would that be? ahhh, a girl can dream............ Happy Friday everyone!!!!
  6. Dillon Levenque wrote: Funny you should mention that, Cali. I was pointing a friend to a thread on the Forum the other day (she doesn't look at the Forums normally) and she commented that she wouldn't want to be just a 'Member' but an 'Honored Member'. Those who know me will find it impossible to believe that I refrained from making any 'member' jokes whatever. hahahahaha!!!!! Oh thank you - I needed a laugh! I don't know how you resisted!!
  7. G'day mates! <<< I'm a UnitedStatesean, but that's my r00ts coming out. :-P It is close to the weekend, Hippie ! Can you please make it hurrrrrrrrrrry! Because pictures speak a thousand words, but do not sing as pretty as Quinn.... ~sings~ Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu! ~waves to everyone!~ I just love this thread, so friendly & fun! See you all soon!
  8. Wildcat Furse wrote: goodmorning everyone!!!!!! and many kisses and hugs to you HIPPIE ..... *meows* hahaha, that is AWESOME!
  9. I prefer to shop inworld, and appreciate demos VERY much. I find the marketplace troublesome, tempermental, and impersonal. I do use the marketplace to search, but if the creator has a store in SL, I go in to buy!
  10. I'm a newb., so I know you don't mean me...but ---- I DO find it harder to find things in the new format, so it takes more time to respond, and I have less free time lately. I think, as was said, some where pretty fed up with the forums when they went down, and decided not to come back. I still see several of the old gang here, maybe not as active as before - but they are here! :matte-motes-kiss: All things change .... best to let the past go, and make what we can from our future!
  11. Welcome to SL ! I'll be in on Friday night, and club hoppin' myself - so feel free to IM Cali Souther. I'm pretty new myself, but I've gained a bit of knowledge in the last 6+ months, and I'd be happy to share it with you!
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: Thank you Dee. :smileyhappy: Hey your previous post was your 1000!!! Congrats! Far out! :smileyvery-happy: Way to go Dee !!!! You old timer, you! (wink)
  13. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good Morning Everyone! Woot! Peace! Ahhhhh that is beautiful, peaceful, and looks like a place in Second Life, I would like to hang out. Yes, the party was awesome!! You should have one on a Friday night sometime, so we can stay all night! haha Maybe that's the point, eh? Good morning to everyone, have a great day, peace love and second life (that's all we need) .
  14. People are starving in the world, and all anyone seems to care about is the blasted Lakers! What does this have to do with Second Life? Sorry, I'm grumpy today & I just HAD to say it. Forgive me, I'm not usually this cranky!
  15. Helloooooooo~ G'day mates! :-) Forgive me for being away - life has taken on a whole new level of stress these days! lol Miss you! Had a blast @ the party on Sunday, yeah !!! Thank you all!
  16. Sylvia & All , Thanks! and sorry it took me so long to get back and respond! I've been going a little nuts on the real life side lately. I did find the pm after the fact, and yes - I do believe they consider this a promotion. lol ..... I miss my honor. No worries ~ Like Val said, my friends still love me!
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Cali, sweetie, you are dear to me whatever the rank, please dont be upset, your friends love you! ahhhhh (((((valerie))))) hugsss & thank you!! That IS what matters!
  18. Wildcat Furse wrote: /me gives Cali ... 1000 Kudos ..... *meows* (+ VIP MEMBERSHIP OF THE WHITE TIGER FEDERATION) hehe, ty Wild!!!
  19. hahahaha !!! good thing I put on a raincoat!
  20. This worked, thank you! I did not seem to get additional prims after making it all group land, but maybe it's not an instant thing. Also, now trying to figure out if we should make all the "stuff" group owned, so we can move it around... if that works. :-) Thanks for all your help!
  21. When I try to deed my land to group, I get an error message that says I do not have enough land credits. I have searched the forums, and can not seem to find the answer. How do I get land credits? I created a group, we have 3 people, I want to deed the land to our group, but it will not let me. Someone said I need to transfer the tier to group, but I do not know how to do that either. Thanks for any help!!
  22. Feel free to IM me anytime in world if you are looking for someone to chat with. :-)
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