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Seductive Dreamscape

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Everything posted by Seductive Dreamscape

  1. HI Charisma. I have an established community in sl for four years now, and we do quite a few things that you're suggesting you'd like to do - the live music, the art gallery, the discussions and debates. If you wanted you could come and look around and see how we've done it - and we also encourage people to help out as much as they want, so you could get experience while you're here Just search for Commune Utopia and you'll be welcomed warmly.
  2. Commune Utopia has some lovely little rentals in sky villages, over a thriving community of 1800 bohemians. Search for us in world, speak to Seductive Dreamscape or any of the family you encounter on landing. We're either in the main house or dancing in the woodlands.
  3. Prok, I totally agree with what you're saying apart from people being able to place their own ads at the info points. It would definitely become a magnet for webcam girls and strip clubs IMO. There does need to be a link to destination guide LMs at the info hubs as noobies do wander aimlessly, not knowing the variety of what's on offer... I did start helping a few and showing them around SL, showing them where to get better skins and hair, but really, what's the point when they never log back in? LL doesn't make enough of a song and dance about the creative sims that imaginative people have built so for most of the masses that log into SL for the first time, they'll never know why we've been here 8, 9, 10 years.
  4. Hi, we have people all over the world in the Commune Utopia. I'm sure you'll find some African Americans there as well as every other nationality, we're just a big melting pot and friendly to all We're busy 24/7 so do pop over. Tell them Sedi introduced you Sedi x
  5. hey Duder! The hippies are at Commune Utopia - search for us or click this link http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Orga/20/91/29 We have been in SL for four years and have a welcoming, thriving community of 1800 loving, friendly people. There are a variety of events, live music, discussions, and anything people want to do here is welcomed. We have yoga and a smokes cafe too if that interests you Today for instance we are having a sit in to remember the refugees of Syria who have not been supported by European governments (this is at 9am SLT today). Because we're a truly international community, it's rare to find the Commune empty, but like the waves of the sea, the tide will soon return with conversation, dancing and fun times. Peace and love Sedi <3
  6. I agree with the previous posters in that people do want quality rentals, but just to be a little contrary here, people also want simple community living. If you can create a homely, inviting village with a central hub whether that be a cafe or a little romantic dance pavilion, people will rent. People like to have privacy, sure, but they also want to feel they are part of something. I have 30 rentals,in a hippie village, small basic houses with a high end sex bed, a fireplace, a rug and a sex chair and then the renter gets 10 prims for personalisation, ie. pictures, plants etc. If you have a theme, and you have a community gathering space to reflect that theme, people will always want to rent. Do your homework on what your competition is charging, and then see if you can undercut them a little. Everyone loves a bargain - do offers and discounts ("rent here and bring a friend to rent another and get two weeks free" kind of thing). If you need any more help do contact me inworld - I've been doing cheap rentals for years x
  7. Come to Commune Utopia for the friendliest community in SL. Proud to be nominated in the Avi Choice 2015 Awards for Best Community. If you enjoy talking, dancing and living in a relaxed and beautiful environment that encompasses forest, beach and cosy octagon house, come visit us! We have over 80 musicians and DJs that create parties all the time, conversations that can be serious or totally silly in the space of five minutes, and genuine, loving people that really will become your friends for life. We create whatever you want as a fluid and evolving space, so come join the revolution and see how SL really can be when nothing limits your imagination! Search Commune Utopia <3
  8. Commune Utopia is a very chatty and fun place with over 80 musicians and regular live music events, as well as many other things going on all arranged by the members! It's unique in SL for its welcoming and inclusive nature of local chat - come and join our happy family x
  9. Hey it says land is not found when you use tp
  10. Ok, here goes. You must visit: Vintage Village http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Verdigris/102/68/55 Italy http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FuriZona/73/67/25 Forgotten City http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Forgotten%20City/73/141/24 Amazon River http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//215/23/22 Enjoy! x
  11. *smiles* I think you'll find the group joining fee comparable to many other Adult clubs and societies Thanks for your input, though!
  12. hi there, thanks for your reply BUT you don't *have* to join the group if you have no cash - the joining fee is there for a few reasons ... it's a one off payment helps weed out griefers, it helps pay for the land as land is not free *gasps* and we regularly get new things for the commune that are asked for to make it fresh and exciting for everyone. The commune has been self sufficient and active for over three years now and has over 1600 members that have a say in what happens - not many communities can boast that. So please, before you screech it's a massive amount of money, just come and hang out here with no pressures and see what we're like, many people do just that - some members even voluntarily donate the cash for others to join as that's the kind of caring, sharing people we are Sedi xo
  13. Please contact me, Seductive Dreamscape inworld and visit my hippie commune at Commune Utopia to see what can be done with a quarter sim - all done by myself. The areas I have made are: natural beach - dancing meadows with rivers - woods with marketplace - hills with winding stairs - rainforest jungle - pool with waterfalls and seating - cosy village with small huts in a forest setting. I'd love to assist you with your quarter sim
  14. But only a week ago you announced this: Star City is a beautiful island city with houses, shops, and public transit. We currently have houses and shops for rent so if you are interested in either starting a business in this lovely town or become a resident or even both then please contact the mayor of Star City in game and his username is austin11r. Thank you. You should give the sim a chance before selling it, surely??
  15. Search for Commune Utopia, we're the friendliest community on the grid <3
  16. Sounds very interesting! I'll IM you inworld. Come see examples of my sim at Commune Utopia
  17. I can vouch for Hippie's Travelling Breakfasts ... always a lot of fun! They also stop off at Commune Utopia which you might want to check out sometime... we're a very welcoming and friendly community which for the past 3 years has had a lot going on - led by the people Just search for Commune in the search tab and come and find us - we're a 24 hour global community and do have plenty of kiwis and aussies as well as americans, europeans and asians. As for your sexual preference, that reall doesn't matter here, we respect all and think that variety is the spice of life Hope to see you soon (or anyone else reading this). Sedi x
  18. This Sunday 21st Sept ALL DAY and all of the NIGHT we have a special FESTIVAL of MUSIC and FUNDRAISING for CLIMATE CHANGE in association with La Reserva Foundation and INTERNATIONAL DAY of PEACE *and* the Commune's THIRD Birthday!!! woot! 2am Leefreaque Crazy Music 4am Howie's 60's Anarchy 8am HippieBowman's Travelling Breakfast 12 noon Winston's Beautiful Voice 1pm Blindboy strumming his Chicken 2pm Sunny with World Beats 3pm Hippie's Funky Music 4pm Dango's Soulful Vibes Let's raise awareness and lindens for Climate Change! LM here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Orga/86/30/22
  19. No, it;s not a high amount and I normally have no issues (I withdraw the same amount every month).
  20. I take out the same amount every month... normally without any issues....
  21. I started the transfer of some Lindens to my Paypal account on 22 May - now it is 7 June and it is still saying *In progress*... when I hover on that, it says *this usually takes 2-4 days to complete* - not over 2 weeks! Any ideas on what I can do??
  22. Shut down SL for a day each week? Don't you remember how dreary Sundays used to be with no shopping and everything closed?! I'm sure all the merchants in SL would absolutely love a day off *rolls eyes*.
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