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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. A mermaid flashmob. How fun would that be, assembling a group of mermaids to swim a route through the Blake sea, just like the organized sailing races and contests, but sous l'eau? Seeing a group of green dots on the map traveling together under the water would surely attract attention. I can see it now, news of The Great Mer Migration appearing at outlets across the grid.
  2. Nostoll, you are the antithesis of boredom. When boredom senses your approach it runs and hides.
  3. I drank lots of water before I went to bed. I may have given the impression there was more beer than there actually was. It was good beer though.
  4. I like that you put down new paper towel for the photo.
  5. 2 hours is a good chunk of time to get to know someone. It was fun. Until next time Tati!
  6. Distracting, Tempting, Gazing, these are all verbs.
  7. Whew! You're not wearing anything orange!
  8. Well I think he needs a name. How about George? George is good.
  9. What's they guy's name? I can't remember.
  10. Gah! I just looked at the map! You're a ninja!
  11. I had a stressful day, so I'm having beer. No photo because my hands are full.
  12. What a wonderful compliment! Thank you! ? It makes me want to do more thinking. I think you have such a lovely name.
  13. This is why I never went back. The whole place said "Go away."
  14. I wondered what that brief but fierce glow on my horizon might have been.
  15. I wish you the unexpected adventure, full of fun and new things.
  16. The two separate accounts explains everything. The latter was used to friend me in world. I've always heard rulers will use imposters from time to time for personal protection. I wonder now who it was exactly I tossed into my hot tub.
  17. His in-world user name is EmpereurNapoleonBonaparte Resident, a slightly different spelling, but clearly different. So now I am even more confused about the generation of the forum user name. Maybe some automatic translation happened?
  18. On the subject of forum user account settings, Napoleon asked me a question the other day. How do forum display names work? Is there a way to change a user's display name? Napoleon's in-world display name reads as his forum display name, but with proper spaces. Both are different from his in-world user name. He wants his display name here on the forums to have proper spaces.
  19. Today is my Monday. Sunday was my Sunday. Yesterday was my Waffleday. However, tomorrow is my Wednesday, like normal people and stuff.
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