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Everything posted by Chase01

  1. I figured there would be at least one of these ... <>
  2. Teagan, I completely understand where you're coming from. It would make sense from a customer service perspective to have better instructions through multiple mediums but fortunately the community has a ton of resources available (including this website) covering the more popular mesh bodies and components. Even YouTube as an example is a great source. The reality is that it isn't vastly different then it was when you first learned to how to customize your legacy avatar. Once you get some of the basics down you'll see its pretty straightforward. Just recently I had forwarded someone a video on the Maitreya body and it was less than 10-minutes. At the end their response was something along the lines of ... "duh, that makes total sense. Why couldn't I figure that out lol"
  3. The head shouldn't do that. I'd suggest unpacking another. Use the redelivery at the mainstore and pickup a new one. She was in the process of updating a few of the older Bento models so at the very least you'll have the new one if that update already came out. If it continues after then I'd suggest contacting Catwa direct. It may have just been a case where the head just bugged out. It happens ...I've had to swap my Bento head once already.
  4. @Chic Aeon Agreed ... If that post had been about TMP I would have agreed but Maitreya support is on point. Of all the mesh bodies I own—TMP had the worst product support. It was getting old going to events and seeing all the cute stuff I "couldn't wear" ... To the OP, the decision is/was probably related to quality control. Due to the popularity of the body I am sure they have an over abundance of applications for dev kits. Could a personal relationship influence who, or how quickly someone gets a dev kit? Probably! But that isn't very different then what you might expect in a real world business environment now is it.
  5. I mentioned the setting for those like me who don't want or need a reminder of when to delete trash. ( ‘-’)人(゚_゚ )
  6. hmmm, verrrry interesting what we have here.
  7. Did you name her Helga? Its amazing how setting all the sliders to 50 and putting zero thought into it equated to a more desirable shape then the saddle riders of years past.
  8. omg!! Its been a few years since I looked at system feet. I don't miss those AT ALL! They actually look worse then I remember lmao Non open toe shoes and boots was my workaround back then until SLINK came along to save us all. Praise all that is holy
  9. Yuuusss! I have ran into that before Rhonda. I love the alpha save slots! I then label the outfit with the corresponding save slot #. Nice and ez!
  10. Contacting the seller is giving them the benefit of the doubt and a lot of bad reviews I've read could have been easily avoided had they contacted the seller directly for assistance. It also leads to be more accurate reviews.
  11. I am the opposite Gabby. I hate having to mod my shape to fit something. I'd prefer to alpha it out lol. I have definitely mixed/matched clothing for other bodies from time to time. It became a daily routine when I used the MeshProject body. lol
  12. I haven't noticed an issue with my inventory but I appreciate the heads up. In any case where something went missing it was as a result of something I did to the best of my knowledge but thankfully I caught it before deletion. -we desperately need a thumbs up emote on hotkey!- ( ( *• ̀ω•́ )b Just as an FYI you can adjust the default amount required to receive the notice in the "Advanced Menu" / Debug Settings and then typing inventorytrashMaxCapacity.
  13. If anything can be taken away from all of this is to contact the seller should you have a concern or issue with a product you purchased before leaving a review. I don't know if it would have made any difference in this situation (probably not) but you'll find that many sellers will go above and beyond if you do contact them first. I know from a consumer's perspective—you might be thinking "why should it matter" or "what difference does it make" but it does. If you've worked in the service industry before then you'd know that people tend to take things personally. So a negative review to some comes off as an attack. I am not condoning it, I don't agree with it but this is their mindset. You'll have better results as a whole just reaching out direct first. If the seller is unwilling to help or is unresponsive well that is on them and fire away. As some others have pointed out you cannot just simply remove a negative comment. That would undermine the entire review system. They either removed the item and re-listed it or they'd have to submit a ticket to LL to have it be removed and then it would only be taken down if it violates their TOS.
  14. Instead of going the applier route I would just get mesh eyes elsewhere. The fact that they're rigged isn't necessary a bonus IMO. E.Marie has some really awesome eyes.
  15. When I've had that issue, just re-logging (with a clear cache) or even going to a different location as someone suggested resolved the problem. Worst case just get a redelivery or unpack your backup copy like Chic suggested and start over. That's what they're there for.
  16. Phil this is my last time posting on this direct to you because this is going no where. This is for me where you got off track and made some very bold statements. My posts since then were initiated by your statement made here. (see above). "Who in their right mind would be interested in an exclusive color" ? What you should have said was ... I'd have no interest in an exclusive color ... That would have been completely on point. There are a lot of people that have an interest in it and I have already pointed out some of the reasons why. You're also eluding too people being "gullible" if they were to buy an exclusive item. That is a very broad and an insulting statement IMO. You said the vendor is taking them for a ride into thinking they are buying something valuable. Who are you to say what is valuable to anyone else. Just a little while ago a mesh body wasn't a "valuable" thing for you to have. So I guess by that statement anyone who had it before you was to some extent "gullible." I know what the thread is about. Its regarding the feature change and access to a full sim. If you had a clue about events you'd know that its a a common issue all month long at major shopping events. But call it what you will Phil ...
  17. Phil what you consider "common sense" is just your own personal opinion on the matter. We will leave it at that. This thread wasn't titled events but a major portion of discussion has been about how this new feature may effect those trying to gain entrance to an event. You're right there isn't necessarily a "need" to rush to an event but these events represent new content and for those that are interested in shopping and fashion (not you) its of an interest to them to experience that content. In that regard it is no different then comparing that too what people do in popular games when new content is released. If that isn't for you well that is your choice but it doesn't mean you have more "common sense" then anyone else.
  18. Your welcome Jewell! I have always enjoyed reading old articles or learning more about the platform so this was icing on the cake for me when I found it. Thanks for keeping me posted!
  19. I was going to say for a "show yourself" thread it was off to a good start lol
  20. You just recently got a mesh body and you were also purchasing mesh clothing. I remember commenting on the thread. I guess by that logic your right mind was also affected (skewed) by ploys. Then there are those that would say you were out of your mind to get a mesh body. See how asinine all of that sounds? Shopping may not be something that interests you and if it doesn't that is perfectly fine but you seem to have a lot to say for someone who has no interest in shopping, no idea what events are (in an events thread), how they function or what events are even out there. So aside from your initial statements about having very little interest in events/shopping—what else do you have to offer?
  21. @Phil Deakins Not all of the items at events are limited releases although there are a few events which are themed specifically around that. I didn't agree with your statement when you said " Who in their right mind would be interested in that? But again, if the color is so desirable, then it won't be shelved after the event and, if it is shelved, it isn't very good." Let me explain why, The idea is to create urgency on the part of the buyer to make a purchasing decision then and there. I don't go out of my way to collect limited items but if I see it is exclusive to that event and I have an interest in it—then I will definitely think twice about it. In some cases I've made the purchase as a result as I am sure many others have as well. This of course also has the power to make people purchase additional units. If I see a shoe I like for example that is limited to that event and I like 2 colors, then there is a chance I may get both since I won't have an opportunity to get it later. None of this is an issue for these vendors because their limited releases represents only a small portion of their total product line. As Klytna pointed out this isn't necessarily the best strategy for all product segments but it does offer value to these creators and it doesn't mean that all limited releases aren't very good. Events have changed how we shop. New releases go direct to an event and due to the hype and traffic associated with them—these events generate a lot of sales for those vendors in a very short period of time. Once the event is over, the sales generated by that that item does significantly go down (speaking broadly) because the next event is right around the corner and we're on to something else. They aren't taking people for a ride as you say, they are in the business of making sales. I as a consumer am in the business of getting items I have an interest in. Its a mutual partnership.
  22. @Skell Dagger I think I know exactly who the vendor you are referring too is. His entire product line was "limited" and to your point they were unique both in terms of style and quality to what was available on the grid at that point in time. I don't begrudge him for making his releases limited. That was his vision then (right or wrong) and I am sure putting a hard cap on the number of units sold hurt his profitability. The funny thing is and correct me if I am wrong but the shoes themselves weren't priced to be as limited as they were.
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