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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Firestorm uses a separate scripted attachment called the "bridge" which it attaches to you for things like the Firestorm radar. It's possible that your bridge has become corrupted somehow and it thinks that your avatar is someone else - especially because the mystery cloud's ID key is only one digit away from your actual one. Think of it this way - the bridge might be thinking your name isn't "Maia" but is actually "Naia", so whenever you move the bridge is telling the viewer that "Naia" is moving. Your viewer knows your name is Maia and assumes that "Naia" is another avatar that has to be drawn and asks the servers for "Naia's" information but the server can't send it because there's no such avatar as Naia, so the viewer draws a cloud with no name. Since you're the avatar the bridge thinks is Naia the cloud will always be drawn in exactly the same place. The bridge is stored on the servers so reinstalling Firestorm won't fix it, and clearing cache won't work because if the bridge is corrupt the servers will keep sending the corrupt information when your cache is being rebuilt. Ask Firestorm support how to re-create the bridge and see if doing that helps.
  2. It sounds like you're seeing a known bug that affects some people on about 10% of the sims which are on a special testing version of the server software that's known as "Magnum". The bug fix for this problem is due to be released by Wednesday afternoon.
  3. I'm not sure what problem you're having. If I see a group in V3 search it will have a "More Info" button. If I click that it will pull up the Groups panel, and then, if it's a public group, there will be a big ol' "JOIN NOW" button. If you're not seeing that it may be a private group. If you're referring to clicking on the link that appears in text with some in-world "Click to join" objects you may have something blocked in your web browser settings.
  4. You'll always pay SOMEONE a recurring fee for land in SL. If you go premium you'll pay LL directly every month for land you own over 512 square meters in addition to the base premium membership fee. This only works for land on the "mainland continents."
  5. There's a natural dividing line in the avatar skin between the bottom of the lower leg and the foot/ankle. Most shoe alphas stop at this line because it's easy to get a clean edge. Trying to make the alpha shorter will involve your getting into the nightmarish topology of the foot itself in a graphics program - trust me, you don't want to go there.Your best bet to close the gap you're seeing is to edit your shoes to slide them up to meet the bottom of your leg. Looking at your profile, I see you're a bargain hunter and many cheaper shoes are older and designed for when most people made very tall avatars with VERY long legs. Shoes like you're wearing are simply attached to your lower leg and the makers were probably expecting them to be on a longer leg. The height offset problems you're seeing sound like issues with the "foot shaper" - the old-style "shoe" (wearable with red sneaker icon). The type of shoes you're using only use this shaper to get your avatar height to be compatible with the shoe. You can either edit this foot shaper or use one from another pair of shoes and that should help with your offset issues without messing with your Z offset in your viewer. You can also create your own.
  6. The inventory system transfers the information from one folder at a time and there's a time-out so the viewer can detect connection problems and not get hung up. If the missing folder had a very large number of items (about 10,000 or more) there's a chance the time-out was triggered before all the folder's contents were sent, meaning the folder's contents won't display. If this was the problem you need to clear your cache and then log in with the fastest connection you can find. Then, if you get the folder, break the contents up into sub-folders.
  7. Czari, I see something disturbing in those quotes. Both of your suppliers are quoting video cards from 2008. They were very good cards in 2008, mind you, but that strikes me as quite peculiar, particularly from the ones who said they were going to "order all the parts." There's a real limit to how many new tricks you can teach an old videodog, as I'm sure you're well aware. Paying someone to build a computer for you is basically paying for the parts plus that person's expertise. In the computer field I've seen this be a case of paying someone for their ability to half-understand magazine articles from a few years ago, make things up or just tell barefaced lies. What you're describing your vendors saying doesn't fill me with trust for them. One way to drop the price of a SL computer by a nice percentage is going with Linux instead of Windows, but you'll have to do some research to make sure everything plays nicely together. I've added memory and video cards to off-the-shelf Dell desktops without problems, and my current SL machine is a 2008 vintage Dell from Best Buy that I got for around $600 but it came with a quad-core processor and 6 gigabytes of memory. I've thrown a few sub-$100 Nvidia cards at it over the years and have been very happy with it.
  8. I suspect you're trying to rezz the body parts when you're wearing the avatar. You can't rezz an object from inventory if you're wearing it even if it's copyable. Change to another avatar and the instructions should work.
  9. Are you on a wireless connection by any chance? Repeated chat is a symptom of packet loss - your viewer thinks it's missing a line of chat so it asks the server to re-send it. Sometimes the particular pattern of pattern loss makes the viewer think it didn't recieve a message but it actually did. I had the problem for a couple of days some time ago when I was on wireless but it went away after a while.
  10. My understanding is that the Havok library in the viewer is only necessary for displaying and possibly editing the "havmesh" that pathfinding characters use. Everything else should work fine and you should still be able to go to a sim with pathfinding characters without the library in your viewer.
  11. If the pictures are offensive there's a very good chance that your neighbor may not be responsible for that object. They may have set their lot so that other people can rezz objects. The particles should have an object, probably invisible, as a source. Try to locate that object and then mute/block that object's owner.
  12. Your avatar actually "lives" on servers at Second Life. You can access it from any computer with a viewer by using your username and password, and deleting the viewer on any given machine has no effect on it.
  13. Frawmusl wrote: You should also report the card/Creator of the notecard thats being passed about. Tell the creator of the item that its been ripped etc. Just do everything to be a good citizen For the future, it isn't always appropriate to report the creator of a notecard for something like this. Someone could have taken a full-permission notecard made by someone for a completely innocent purpose and changed the text in it - it will still retain the original creator's name. You'll get better information by inspecting the avatar parts. As far as the avatars themselves, if you like them why not go to the maker and buy the legitimate copies?
  14. Your club is probably on a "server channel" called Magnum that's used for testing server updates before they're sent to the entire grid. Right now, regions on Magnum are having problems with not showing up in search. This problem should be corrected by this coming Wednesday at the latest, or you or your landlord can request that your region be switched onto a different server channel.
  15. Did you download a viewer? You can't access Second Life directly from a web browser.
  16. Yes, it's possible - there are Linux versions of most viewers. However, Linux isnt' the sort of environment that people can go into quickly and expect to have everything work at first try,and there are a variety of different Linux distributions that all do things slightly differently. Before you make a jump like this you should probably do a fair amount of research first. (Here's where I whisper gently, "Including how to spell it.")
  17. Magnum regions are not showing up in search; at least not in the Viewer 3 web search. My home sim doesn't appear, nor does the club where I work at although the events there still appear. The Magnum sandboxes don't appear either, though the LeTigre sandbox regions do. There are reports elsewhere in the forum about more Magnum regions affected.
  18. Try right-clicking in the area where the HUD should be. This re-sends the graphic information about the HUD to your viewer. Occasionally this information gets lost.
  19. Actually the last numbers I saw said that only about 5% of Mac users were still on Tiger and that was back in September 2011. Since Macs have their graphics drivers written into the operating system and old graphics drivers are no longer compatible with the latest rendering techniques it would be very difficult to back-port newer features like mesh rendering. If you need Tiger to run certain old applications and have an Intel Mac your best bet would be to set up a dual-boot option between Tiger and a more modern release of OSX.
  20. LilyWilliams wrote: I'd like to make my shape look like a certain person, but I don't know how or if that's even possible. Are there any successful cases of shapes looking exactly like you want them to? Like a virtual version of yourself or a celebrity? If you find an appropriate skin you can probably make someone recognizeable, but you'll never get an exact match. The sliders for the face don't have enough flexibility and precision for that. In particular, actual human faces are slightly asymmetrical and there aren't enough ways to model that with the sliders, particularly the fact that almost everyone has one eye noticeably higher than the other one if you look closely.
  21. Ayesha Askham wrote: I notice that the Grid Status Page Google diary no longer has a Main Server Roll scheduled for tomorrow. I didn't register when this disappeared from the schedule. Does anyone know why this is the case?:matte-motes-confused: The release candidates had issues this past week - the interest list work never got put on Magnum due to issues causght in QA and there were problems with the other project. Nothing ready to promote this week.
  22. Your inventory is what it is on the servers - all your viewer is doing is giving you a report on what's there and for various reasons that report can become inaccurate. Firestorm and Phoenix have a lot of differences in the nuts-and-bolts of inventory management, especially with the "recieved items" function because it didn't exist when most of Phoenix was coded. If you clear your cache in Firestorm your items should re-appear once it reloads. I'd suggest you avoid having items hanging around in your "Recieved Items" area for longer than necessary, and you probably want to set up separate caches for Phoenix and FIrestorm if you're going to switch between them often.
  23. Jasmine Digital wrote: You really want to know why there are so many freebies on Marketplace? Because all of the major content creators have had to pack up their shops and leave as a result of Marketplace. It's a double-edged sword. Linden Labs invested a whole lot of time and money building Marketplace - now they evn announce that they're migrating to Amazon too. People like me, who used to own stores spread across three full islands have long gone. I started in 2006. I built a vast collection of furniture and homes. At one time, I was earning $50,000 lindens per day and withdrawing $1,500 to $2,000 USD per month. I spent every moment I could building, revising, redecorating, rebuilding, and expanding. Slowly though, the Marketplace became the king. Who's going to pay $5,000 L for a house they can get on Marketplace for $100L? I'm all done now. Today I popped in to convert my premium account to free basic membership. Some of my old furniture and homes are still on Marketplace. I'm giving it all away now. Just like all the other "freebie makers" out there. There was a SL car maker that was selling a car based on the Isetta bubblecar. It was for sale for L$800. It was cute but the construction was a bit dated and I didnt' have a compelling reason to buy it. Some time ago another builder released an Isetta on the marketplace for free as a promo for their full-perm cars. I got it - it was nice enough, but the conversion of the mesh had issues and I wasn't inspired to pay even L$100 to get an upgraded version that was available in different colors. The first builder I mentioned took their Isetta out of their store. Some builders in this position would then be on this forum telling about how "freebies were destroying thier business." This builder, though decided to do something different. A few weeks later the first builder released a new version of their Isetta that was ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME THINGS I'D EVER SEEN and priced it at L$500. I found myself trying to come up with reasons why I needed an Isetta (with me, this would mean suddenly discovering that my avatar had relatives in Germany in the 1950's - that's how I roll, usually.) I know someone who got one of the new Isettas and liked it so much that he routinely walks around carrying a little suitcase that came with it. Recently the new Isetta's been re-priced at L$1000 and I'm still working out excuses to get it, despite not being interested in the previous L$800 one or a competitor's L$100 one.
  24. You're seeing the fold between the cheek and the lower eyelid. There's no way of removing the fold - you can mimimize it by reducing "eye bags" and "eyelid puffiness" to their minimums. It's noticeable with the default SL lighting because the "light source" is high and contrasty. You can see the same thing in RL with most people under most non-studio lighting setups. You don't see it in the editing screen or RL glamour photos for the same reason: lighting iis "flat" and lower-contrast and coming directly at the face. You can adjust your global lighting in SL to make the lighting flatter, and you can TRY wearing a "facelight" for photos. , However, if you walk around wearing a facelight you will probably irritate a lot of people and end up looking noobish.
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