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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. ChinRey wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: Because - in your scenario - you don't own unlimited space. There is no such thing as "unlimited". There is an infinite number of limitations so even infinity has its limits. But if you flip a parcel a day it won't take long before you've had a lot of land pass through your hands even if you have just a very limited tier budget. Freya Mokusei wrote: ETA (sorry, I had a fresh spark): My concern is that by overreaching and limiting product versatility, creators (in general) risk alienating their fans The answer there of course is to give everyhing away for free full perm. You'll still get lots of complaints from unsatisfied "customers" but they can safely be ignored. I think it's important to understand there how cheap SL items are. I mentioned a million Lindens for a custom made one-of-a-kind mansion. That was not an exaggeration, it was actually a fairly low estimate for two months worth of hard work. That's for quality. But quality doesn't sell in Second Life so if yu make something like that, you still have to drop your prices low enough to match those who figured out (quite correctly) that it's better to do a quick-and-dirty mesh with some quick-and-dirty textures with quick-and-dirty Cycles shading baked on them and even those who figured out (even more correctly) that it's even easier to just do quick-and-dirty uploads of ready made items you find on the internet. So in the end you sell a few copies of that house at a ... symbolic really ... price. So let's say you sell 20 copies for 2000 Linden each and you made a net profit of 60 US dollars from two months of work - a dollar a day. Then one of the buyers rez more copies than you ever sold on land he once owned but sold on, making far more profit from your house than you'll ever do. Sorry, but even the most service minded content creator/merchant has a limit and I think this is way beyond. But think of it this way - the houses left behind will be of limited use for the new landowners as they don't have actual ownership. They can't modify or move them, or even have them stay on the lot if they want to change the group of the land and turn on autoreturn. The new landowner may start thinking, "This is a nice house but I wish I could do X - maybe I'll buy myself a house that will let me do X. Let's see - who should I buy a new house from. How about from whoever made this nice house already on my land?" As nothing in Second Life has true marginal cost to the manufacturer, it's free advertising for the builder of the home. Of course posting on the forums can also be free publicity, but somehow it seems to turn into the opposite of advertising for certain merchants.
  2. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: Taken from the file "Fluffy%20Big%20Clouds.xml" supplied as part of "Second_Life_4_0_6_315555_i686", the Linux version. <key>cloud_scroll_rate</key> <array> <real>11.809999465942383</real> <real>12.799999237060547</real> </array> "not changed" seems synonymous with zero QA or maintenance. These numbers are from Midday, where the clouds move barely perceptably: 10.199999809265137 10.01099967956543 "Fluffy Big Clouds" gives me the same numbers you get and the clouds move as quickly as you describe. This would suggest that setting the vector to a magnitude of 2 over the baseline will give you clouds that move pretty freakin' fast. SOOOO... don't set your vector magnitude to 2 if you don't wan't clouds that move pretty freakin' fast, apparently.
  3. NightOfBats wrote: So lately, I've been getting items such as hair, skins, and animations, is it safe to install these things, or should I be aware that they may contain viruses, I really know nothing about computers, so I'm sorry if this is a idiot question.. In addition to the comments about safety, bear in mind that many of the things given to you by random acquaintenances may be illegal copies of things. Most things in Second Life are set by their creators to either be copied or transferred, but not both. There are certain things floating around that were illegally copied and can be both copied and transferred - these are the most likely kinds of things to be given away for free by random people instead of being given by a store vendor. You probably won't get in trouble for taking them and the person giving them may not be the copier or even know they're illegal copies, but it's the sort of thing you should stay away from.
  4. Something about Second Life viewers, Nvidia graphics cards and a recent update to Windows 10 are causing problems like this. This Firestorm JIRA describes the problems and the individual update item that seems to be the culprit. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-20034
  5. Hoshi Kenin wrote: As you have discovered to your cost you have come across two SL downsides. These are namely 1) The 'forumites' patronising replies to your perfectly legitimate problem, and 2) LL's silly jelly bean avatar we-can't-be-arsed-to-fix/improve-our-servers-so-we-will-introduce-this-laughably-ludicrous-thing-we-call-avatar-complexity-which-means-in-english-our-servers-don't-work-as-well-as-they-did-back-in-2008. For future, you may safely ignore any posts from the 'forumites', the sad saps with anything above 1500 posts; they spend more time in the forums in their tiresome clique than they actually do inworld in SL. Unbelievable, but true. As for the 'jelly bean' shambles. Yeah, it's hard to believe, ain't it? Yeah, you are right - RP is killed stone dead, as is having to look at these pre 1999 graphic representations of avatars in clubs or beaches. But, hey!...it's the dozy creators fault for making these cool mesh avs, (which LL takes a tasty cut of), and are too complex, and not done 'correctly' so you can't see them and they can't see you. Great, huh? Solution? Stay off the forums, with the possible exception of the SLU forums (google it) and stay in quieter sims with your friends. 1.) Servers have almost no involvement in rendering. It's entirely viewer-side. 2) Mr. Omegaman's boar avatar is a prim-and-flexi relic. 3) His rendering weight is only around 65,000. The only preset level his avatar won't be visible on Firestorm is the lowest one. The people who can't see him won't be able to see most avatars. and the ones they can see are probably going to be the ones wearing the most recent kit. Is it Opposite Day already?
  6. arabellajones wrote: So everyone has been telling me that I need to use a Havok-enabled viewer to upload mesh, and suddenly I don't? The Firestorm blog is either mistakenly conflating Havok with mesh uploading, or you're wrong. ("Linux because there are too few users who use Havok for mesh uploads or Pathfinding" is what they say, and no mention of it being a consequence of an LL decision.) Who do I trust? And having to go to a third party site to watch a video of a meeting to find out what Oz Linden said about an issue that nobody cares to document? It doesn't look all that trivial from here. It's maybe minor, there's so much that Linux viewers can still do, but not even mentioning it? And the way the whole internet is going, I'm wondering if I should have chosen a different account name, something such as "DeathEaterMasterMan". Is it really doing it wrong to expect software to work as advertised, and how it was doing before an upgrade? On the same blog thread that your, ahem, friend, Wolf posted his complaint about the lack of Havok, Whirly Fizzle of Firestorm pointed out several times that Havok isn't necessary to upload mesh. The Firestorm blog said few Linux users use Havok for mesh uploads. I occasionally buy packaged salads that include a plastic fork. Perhaps someday the maker will stop including it and say, "We're not including the fork anymore because too few people used it to eat the salad." That doesn't mean that the salad will become inedible though. XOXOXO, SaladEaterMistressGal
  7. lubhoney wrote: hi. Today I go in game and find that my account has a negative balance I go to the website and found a strange account:: 2016-09-04 12:27:50 464734d1 Purpose: restoration of Linden Linden Adjustment Description: CSR to move Linden dollars L$1485 I had the money. but now I have -1220. What is it? who took the money? what do I have to pay? Is your account dashboard in another language and did you translate that? The sentence structure and terminology look strange for a Linden Lab communication, and the adjustment took place on a Sunday before an American holiday. You should contact billing as soon as possible.
  8. artifactsofmars Omegaman wrote: By now most of you know that there is this new thing called avatar complexity with some not being rendered correctly if they go over a certain complexity. My problem is that I RP as a tusk boar and other role players need to see me as a boar, not a big blob of red as has been reported to me. I cannot expect other role players to go into their preferences and set the slider to "unlimited". I cannot take off parts of my avatar either. Does anyone have any idea on how to go around SL's newest problem that they have thrown at us? They need to see my avatar as a brown boar with tusks, not a red blob. :manmad: I watched about half of your video. Don't worry, I think everyone will be able to see you as a bore pretty easily.
  9. Teagan Tobias wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Why wouldn't they tell you? Surely, the organisers want merchants to display at the events. Well, here's a funny thing - when someone publically calls for a place to be boycotted, the people being boycotted often don't feel that generous about answering that person's questions. I'm not sure I understand your answer. Are you saying that if someone tells the cost, then the organizers of the event will call for a boycott of that creator? No, Prokofy had already called for a boycott quite a while before he posted this.
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: Why wouldn't they tell you? Surely, the organisers want merchants to display at the events. Well, here's a funny thing - when someone publically calls for a place to be boycotted, the people being boycotted often don't feel that generous about answering that person's questions.
  11. Kei Niosaki wrote: Ok so Second Life has been running for what about 13 years now or more? What im wondering is ,is there some reason why LL is still giving us outdated server tech? Like why is a sim only 15000 prims still ? 10 years ago id expect an asnwer like , bandwidth issues for average user an cost of servers to suport it . But now days servers are liek 100 times faster , average user computer is probly 3 times faster an average net connetion is 10x faster. i been to other opensim grids with sims that have up to 40k prims, iv seen stuf like mega regions that are larger ins size then standard sim. So what is holding SL back from giving us updated tech ? Why cant a sim have lets say 30,000 prims nowdays ? severs now days are more then capable of handling it. . just feels like the cost of sl lately not as worth it, eveything else i pay for over last decade has updated its tech but LL seems to be stuck in 2003 still. Yes they gave us Mesh an our avis an clothes an builds had a huge update an look way better then 10 years ago, i give credit for that . but it would be nice if stuff on server end of it would update to todays tech. A structural engineer designs things with a "safety factor." In other words, they design things to a load that is only a small percentage of the load that structure should actually fail at. Land impact is similar. Linden Lab designs in a "load factor" with their 15000 "prims". They're also allowing for that same amount again as temporary prims, and the same amount a third time as items worn by avatars. Basically, the "safety factor" is three. They also have to take into account the fact that a user may be on a region connected to several other regions. Since OpenSim regions generally have much less avatar load, the owners allow you to place more prims. Basically, they're cutting the safety factor. If the load stays low this isn't a problem. The larger regions are also somewhat of an illusion - they're just the basic region that takes up a larger amount of space while using the same amount of server resources. Also with new land impact accounting the number of old style prims you can place on a region is already almost doubled, because most prims that have a convex hull shape have a land impact of 0.5. A well-built mesh object of moderate size generally has a land impact much lower than if it were built from prims. You can put much more on a region now than you could previously even though the number of "prims" hasn't changed.
  12. acb14 wrote: so 2 persons enriched this forum by saying it is how it is 1 person talks about name change requests instead of name creation (new names) 1 person believes the 3 above are helpful and only 1 person guessed it has something to do with causing confusion or scam or griefing which makes sense but is still just a guess is there no official statement from LL about this big change? Second Life names consist of two parts: 1) the "first name" field, which can be up to 32 letters or numbers but not any sort of symbol. and 2) the "last name," which is a number that's looked up in a database. With traditional names, in order for you to be able to see what someone's name is you need to have an up-to-date database loaded into your viewer. By late 2010 there were over 10,000 last names in this database. Around then, presumably to keep this database from getting larger and larger and harder to download, Linden Lab decided to discontinue adding last names. Everyone who joined Second LIfe after November 2011 has the same number in this last name field (10327 if you want to know.) This corresponds to "Resident" in the database. Things were re-written so that many functions of the viewer ignored the last name if the last name value was 10327 but older scripts still looked for the last name field so this is why new accounts sometimes say "Resident" after them and sometimes don't. I imagine if someone at Linden Lab was having a bad day and had access to the database they could change "Resident" to "Whackadoodle" and all the "Resident" last names would instantly change to that. You can't put a space in the first name field because many programs HATE spaces in names. Usually when a computer sees a space it assumes that the thing after the space is something completely different from the thing before. For instance, most DOS applications used the underscore instead of the space to display two words in a title. When Rodvik Linden started (after the change was made) there was talk about allowing the equivalent of a space in the "first name" field but nothing came of it. Since any discussion of Second Life last names quickly descends in to a hissy fit I imagine the Lab decided interally, "Why should we lift one finger to change this after all the yowling? This meeting discusses how the database works some: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-03-08
  13. Padraic Sands wrote: I have not seen any reasons explaining the abrupt change to SL over the past 10-12 days. I am not talking about a few places that have lag but rather... a global problem for all. I have 16 gigs or ram and quad processors and have watched my frames per second go from 80-100 (on high with draw distance of 200) down as low as 2.5 to 3.5 then gradually rise again. This continues to happen to other people as well. Has Linden Labs changed major system options that have caused this effect? Are you running Windows 10 and did it update recently? There are reports of FPS problems with a recent Windows 10 update. Details in this Firestorm JIRA: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-20034
  14. Entriquevore wrote: Eh it's okay. My question was why is that though muting/blocking him is supposed to block those attacks, but that doesn't seem to do the trick Muting only affects what the viewer shows you, but pushing is controlled by the server physics engine and if different people interacted differently with the physics engine very strange things would start happening. The reason people asked you about sitting (not very helpfully, mind you) is that if you're sitting on an object or the ground (right click yourself and select "Sit Down") you can't be moved by a push. The owner of the land can set the land so that pushing doesn't affect avatars, but this will also stop certain scripts that use "pushing" for things like trampolines.
  15. JD Hansen wrote: Again as the builder of the best selling wedding rings of all time in Second Life. JCNY rings are not showing up as relevant today either. The Athena ring was the all time top seller on the MP for years. Today in Relevance I no longer see JCNY rings. --- BUT ... if you TAB over to Best Selling JCNY rings show up all over. Same for Highest Ranked. I find it very odd that the rings are not relevant but Best Sellers. Something in the system is flawed. IN SL over 10 years and counting and I have never seen anything like this. I called LL with no help regarding MP issues. ****** I also filed a ticket which was tossed to the side and I was told to make sure I used correct keywords. lol. I know how to list. Damn shame what is happening to me and the rest of you. :catsad: JD Hansen. JCNY Collection I just searched by doing nothing other than typing in "wedding ring" in the keyword box and your Athena set turned up at the top of the second page, with another of your sets right behind it.
  16. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: Whats interesting is we had millions of Southerners engaged in "tratorous" acts against the federal government, but no one, not even the President of the Confederacy was ever thus charged. Is it because if it ever came before a court of law, it would be declared they all acted legally, because secession was legal? In fact.... With all fifty states offering petitions to the central government to leave the Union, the legality of secession is now front page news in the United States. Can a state legally secede from the Union? http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/is-secession-legal/ Jefferson Davis was indicted for treason and held in prison for quite a while. Anyone who was part of the Confederate government and army who had previously taken an oath to uphold the Constitution was forbidden to hold office in the United States unless the Congress removed their ban by a two thirds majority. (14th Amendment, Article 3.) Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. They decided not to try Davis for a variety of reasons, including some saying that it would be double jeopardy for him to be tried when already being punished under the Constitution. All the Confederates were eventually pardoned for treason by Andrew Johnson: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=72360 Tip: relying on articles by people who say things you already agree with isn't always a reliable way of getting information.
  17. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: BilliJo Aldrin wrote: The concept of perpetual union was used as the basis for deciding the case, The case in no way proved there was a perpetual union, perceptual union was simply accepted as a fact in order to procede, but it was NOT proven by this case. Mr. Williams completely ignores the Articles of Confederation, which formed The United States before the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris was with the United States. It states that the Union was/is perpetual, in so many words. http://www.law.ou.edu/ushistory/artconf.shtml Which is probably why he's an economics professor and not a law or history professor. Nice find. BTW, who signed the Articals of Confederation for Texas? =========== I just want to add real quick that I do not believe Texas has any greater or lesser right to leave the USofA than any other state. [ETA] I also like how the AoC annexed Canada, eh. I edited my reply above while you were typing. Although it would be interesting to have Texas secede and the United States demand repayment (with interest) of the Republic of Texas's national debt, which the United States paid off when Texas joined the Union.
  18. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: The concept of perpetual union was used as the basis for deciding the case, The case in no way proved there was a perpetual union, perceptual union was simply accepted as a fact in order to procede, but it was NOT proven by this case. Mr. Williams completely ignores the Articles of Confederation, which formed The United States before the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris was with the United States. It states that the Union was/is perpetual, in so many words. http://www.law.ou.edu/ushistory/artconf.shtml When the Constitution was written, the writers' first words were: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union... Both the name United States and the concept of a Union were taken as a given. Nothing in the Constitution says that the Union was no longer perpetual, so it remains so. That's probably why he's an economics professor and not a law or history professor.
  19. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: She was a commercial raider, outfitted to attack and destroy merchant vessels flying the American flag. I doubt there were many of them in southern ports. The Shenendoah basically destroyed the American whaling fleet in the Bering sea. The point is The Southern States had the right to seceed. The Shenandoah operated legally and corrctly during its entire cruise and was vindicated in all its actions by the British Admiralty. I am amused at your continual harping about "which" flag is the correct one to honor the confederacy with, because aren't they all evil as far as u are concerned. You tried to "prove" the Southern States had a right to seceed earlier and failed because you tripped up on the Articles of Confederation, which state that the Union is perpetual and can't be dissolved except by a unanimous decision. I have no idea what the British Admiralty's opinion of the Shenandoah's actions has to do with United States law - if a Muslim in the United States kills someone in an "honor killing" that's against United States law, would a Sharia court's decision in an Islamic country that it was legal make it so in the United States? I have never said that any Confederate flags are evil or that they should be banned. A flag is a flag; it's a piece of cloth. Fly it if you want to. Personally, I believe that people should be judged by what they do themselves, rather than what people who lived in the same area or who were related to them did. That means people get neither credit nor guilt from those who came before. They might or might not have learned lessons and gained knowledge from and about them, but that's another story.
  20. NekoDatingService wrote: from a SL meetup near utah i warn you this pic is terrifying - scroll down at yr discretion Interesting how a "SL meetup near utah" has advertising for a German beer with basically no market penetration in the US. Also interesting how SL'ers would meetup "near utah", seeing how Utah is a frickin' state and nobody who knows what Utah actually is would say that - they'd say "in Utah," or "in Nevada/Arizona/Colorado/etc." You just don't say people are "near" a state. This is completely notwithstanding the fact that there aren't that many people of any description "near" Utah at all, much less SL-ers. Verdict: FAIL
  21. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: The flag of the army of Northern Virginia was square, but many units used rectangular ones. Speaking of the "inept" Confederate Navy, the Confederate Cruiser Shenandoah circumnavigated the globe under the Confederate flag. It was off the coast of California when it found out the war was over. The crew immediately stowed its guns and sailed to Britain without making landfall, where it entered port. The crew raised its flag at dawn one last time, then lowered it, surrendering to the Royal Navy An inquiry was held and the Admiralty determined that the ship and crew had acted properly according to the rules of war, and released the entire crew. The Confederacy was never recognized during its existance, but the legality of its actions after the fact were never questioned or proven to be wrong. Not under the "rectangular Confederate battle flag" though - that was a navy jack and only flown in port. In fact, here's the actual flag the Shenandoah flew (a Second National - I imagine they couldn't get a Third National under the prevailing conditions.) http://www.csa-dixie.com/liverpool_dixie/shenflag.htm ETA Oh, and interestingly enough there was one region the Shenandoah never visited on her circumnavigation of the globe - the Confederate States of America. She was a British ship some Confederates bought in England in 1864 and never actually went to her "home country."
  22. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: and who might that be? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Robert E Lee, who said that if had known what the north had planned for the south, he'd have never surrendered and would instead have fought to the last man Source of quote please? And is your battle flag square or rectangular? General Lee's was square. Excepting those keeping alive the memory of the notoriouslty inept Confederate Army of Tennessee or the Confederate Navy (scuba gear, anyone?), the rectangular "Confederate Battle Flag" came about because when the battle flag started becoming a "symbol of Southern pride"well after the war the (mostly Yankee) flag makers the Southerners contracted to would have charged extra to make a non-standard (square) flag. https://flagspot.net/flags/us-csab.html
  23. Pamela Galli wrote: The first sentence in Scott Peck's book The Road Less Traveled is: life is difficult. And that it is. The super sensitive ones do not understand or accept this fact. They live in a state of perpetual shock that life is so very difficult -- or rather that it is difficult at all, in even the tiniest degree; they just do not expect this. They simply cannot bear the pain of hearing or seeing anything that displeases or disturbs them. They believe they are entirely within their rights to demand that anyone inflicting unpleasantness on them should be punished. I'd be more convinced by the idea that youth are hypersensitive compared to their stoic elders if some of the stoics who are posting in this thread didn't have a history of well-publicised hissy fits their ownselves, including some that were arguably libelous.
  24. WhiteMamba Lisa wrote: Hi, I can see that I have a facelight attached to my avatar. Others don't like it and so I would liek to remove it. But I can't find a facelight in my inventar. Is there another way to remove it ? Not just changeing the settings of the viewer. I would like to remove the root cause. Thank you Lisa Hold down your "Ctrl", "Alt" and "T" keys at the same time and then hit return. This will make most items that are normally invisible show up as a translucent red. The facelight will usually be visible as one or more small floating objects (usually spheres) floating in the air in front of your avatar and moving with you. You can right-click them now that they're visible and either detach the facelight directly or find its name so you can remove it from your outfit. Hit "Ctrl-Alt-T" again to turn off the tinting of transparent objects.
  25. Pamela Galli wrote: I have often asked myself if I am imagining that there seem to be an awful lot of people in this forum and in SL who are extremely thin skinned, and for whom even the tiniest of transgressions against them is grounds for reporting. They give impression that they expect to be treated with the utmost care and consideration at all times, and are shocked when they are not. I am thinking now, after reading this article, it must be mostly (but not exclusively) Americans, mostly Millenials: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/ Excerpt: "What are we doing to our students if we encourage them to develop extra-thin skin in the years just before they leave the cocoon of adult protection and enter the workforce? Would they not be better prepared to flourish if we taught them to question their own emotional reactions, and to give people the benefit of the doubt?" Millenials? On an internet forum? About Second Life?
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