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Simo Vodopan

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Everything posted by Simo Vodopan

  1. Got some nostalgia for EXL, Titan Industries, C-tech and etc. Oh and the cars that used DT driving scripts, another time-warp; now with how Havok's changed throughout the years they're just time-capsules that are big paper-weights.
  2. September 6th, 2006. 13 years. Still been logging in since. Found that our kind are thinning out... often I get comments like: "Wow, you've been around that long?"
  3. Damn, I was excited. I thought it was gonna be like some parody of Second Life as a show. *Shrugs* Oh well... at least we had 'Man versus Second Life'. Which is still accurate to this day.
  4. There are a few groups and places, but my best bit of advice is just to get out there and go sim to sim and chat with them in-person. Groups for the most part tend to be dead or, if anything full of some shy ones. Just YOLO it and see what happens; often at times I've found that if you explore sims aimlessly you tend to discover people and things in general.
  5. Oooh look at a raid boss of a character like this in Second Life we got here. People would be happy to help ya there but if ya get like that then they'd get a sour taste in their mouth. Come on now. It's not so much as someone *****ting on the conversation; it's more like they're trying to make you laugh and while I understand where you're coming from it's in better sportsmanship to shrug it off and laugh at it and then be on your way; otherwise the pot just gets stirred accordingly. Setting yourself up to be a target you know? Over something seemingly harmless.
  6. I gotta say that the latter is way worse through my experiences. They whine over every little thing and then say something along the lines of: "Oh you're being insensitive" and whah whah, they wouldn't truly know what something insensitive really was. They just throw just words around willy-nilly. In a ironic twist, I've found that most trolls are far more mature than most residents are. They just do these things to get a reaction out of these specific people and it works and these people then wonder why: "Why am I being trolled!?" etc etc. Shouldn't it be obvious? These man-children give them ammo for it.
  7. You can also wear the box (like as a HUD), right click it and go to 'contents' tab of the building menu and drag the folder over as well into the inventory. Helps especially when you're on the go.
  8. Considering it's Second Life; a platform to be anything and do anything I'd say it's frowned upon on those that frown upon others for playing as a female. As such, I got no problem with it and eitherway; I got no problem with it period. The only issue I have with that is if someone is clearly catfishing and lies about their gender (playing with someone's emotions etc). That's not cool. Otherwise? Go for it. I play as a male (primarily), a herm and a female as a real life male myself and I give no *****s knowing the world we're playing in. If any of them have a problem over it even with you being honest then they're just cucks that aren't worth being around. Plain and simple.
  9. It's because they're anthropomorphs. Anthros by definition are more akin to a human shape than anything, as such their biology is more similar to you guys.
  10. Also, got a female and sometimes herm variation of my shark as well. Ontop of some nice planes and flying (totally not loaded with kamakazis). That one is a Ki-27, a pretty historical Japanese carrier-borne fighter made during the '30s, it was the first carrier-borne fighter in Imperial Japanese Navy service. Rather simplistic but one of my favourite designs. Taken last couple of nights ago while in the Blake-sea, relaxing area to do things in.
  11. My God... Mr. President we're at Defcon 1. NORAD has picked up multiple bogeys from all directions. "Invasion confirmed" *Nods to the other dude, arms nuclear missile silo*
  12. Just like Christmas where everyone pretends to be cheery and all of that with each other! They couldn't come visit your home on any of the other days they're off in the year.
  13. Right? I mean, it certainly is cheaper and drama-free, less of that highschool gossip ***** going around etc etc. "See him sleeping with her? Oh my god... we'll use it as ammo, grand indeed..."
  14. You know, speaking of all of this Anti-Valentine's Day stuff I love what Sega does with it when they have a certain event roll around: "Make War, Not Love".
  15. Right? Can't go anywhere these days without feeling like a criminal somewhere, welcome to Second Life where accusations are thrown everywhere regardless of action being done. "Damned if we do, damned if we don't, there's always gonna be at least one triggered person". >Simply exist, accusations fly.
  16. I counter your pet-peeve with my secret hidden pet-peeve trap-card. Peeveception 'bro'.
  17. To be fair though, with the amount of people on earth, doing whatever at any given time there's bound to be something that's repeated I mean. Nothing is exactly exclusive here.
  18. Surprisingly there isn't too many for me, I tend to be a laidback "It's whateves" sorta guy, but I guess the lack of putting effort into an av might be one thing (I love my attention to detail is one thing I will admit on), otherwise? It's coo, I've been studying the art of 'Stoicism' as of late and it's helped immensely with these sorta things. When you manage to get into that mindset it's like nothing bothers ya from people. The ancient Greeks and all of those other sorts of philosophers had so many great points.
  19. That's one way of looking at it indeed, lost my grandmother sometime before Halloween and Halloween was, probably the only holiday I half-way gave a damn about? But now that kinda screwed it. In general, the month of October is a very grim one for me indeed. I always like to say to people to let not bad things spoil what you enjoy but at times it's difficult doing just that.
  20. Holidays like Valentine's Day in a nutshell, I'm with the OP on it. It just drives consumerism evermore, with the fatcats laughing at everyone for buying into the Halmark monopoly etc. Especially Christmas time. Annoying as all hell when everyone's out doing their last minute Christmas shopping and guy's like me just want a bite to eat or something, at times it's not worth getting out with the insane. The only holidays that have any meaning to me personally are military based ones, otherwise I couldn't care a less. Waste of my time and what energy I got left to do things these days. I'm sure some of us will agree that, for instances putting up the tree is a pain in the ass and gets old at times. It's like, we could get into the Christmas spirit even without putting up the tacky decorations and tree etc, but you know 'they'd' leave you to think otherwise just for the sake of the holy dollar and etc. But I digress.
  21. Inquisitors in this sector!? Now that's an Exterminautus if I've ever seen one.... we must cleanse this unholy site of heresy indeed! (If anyone gets the reference kudos)
  22. Do a goddamned barrel-roll right through their defenses.
  23. Hear hear! My luck is just that terrible that 'karma' rarely if ever rolls around. Superstitions and other things can be such funny yet fascinating things one can exploit. Brooms? My, that's just one thing we can weaponize to terrify some of the locals. Slap one in a RPG-7 and whabam! Instant psychological weapon, no need to actually use it at times.
  24. For reasons like that and many others my friends-list is a rather small one. There are only about a couple of two or so people I could consider as genuine friends that I talk to semi-frequently.
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