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Everything posted by cirleen

  1. Before I met Bill, I really enjoyed dancing in SL, but nothing compares to being in love. Most SL DJs are really nice people, they might find good music that we never even heard before. Except for on oldies night, SL DJs don't usually play the same songs most people heard as teenagers and still play to this day. There's so much good new music out there, I don't see why anyone would want to hear the same song a trillion times their entire life. Wouldn't that make somebody's ears cold? People need to go out dancing more. Either that or fall in love more.
  2. It's best to get a presentable avatar before joining RP. RP group members will help to some extent because they want you to stay, and the way you write, you sound like an easygoing fun person any RP group would love to have. I'll tell you from experience it's really hard to walk someone through the step by steps to create a personalized avatar, it takes hours with a private tutor, but there are many inworld groups willing to help you out. They like doing it as a friend. Here's a thread listing the groups and you could google "second life noob help groups" for youtube videos. Everybody has to start somewhere, so go ahead and start. Enjoy and good luck
  3. I love what you said about the messenger, the conscious continually bringing messages to the subconscious. Maybe the most obvious view of the subconscious is as visual symbols but the subconscious contains all varieties of media. Physical movement of objects or people, like dance, sounds, even particular notes, tastes, touch, any of the 5 senses can provide something symbolic to the subconscious and a response will come from it. It goes beyond senses, symbols can be ideas, thoughts, even a certain way of thinking, in short anything that a human can experience can become a subconscious symbol to which each person creates or acquires their own personal response. How the whole of us responds to life, it's based on our personal preference of beauty. We seek and so attract to us what we personally believe to be beautiful in whatever media, whether it be song, art, or even a personality. Each person has a different idea of what is beautiful and what they would like to attract. We coexist and interact and so contact things which we don't personally enjoy or want and there's a full spectrum of possible responses to unwanted things, from embracing what's different, to tolerance, to rejection of it. At the very least, being compassionate to other people's different beliefs and desires, despite how detrimental they may obviously seem, would be more likely to reveal perhaps a minor almost insignificant part of the unwanted symbol that we may find beautiful. Even a person who seems to lack anything that another would find attractive, well if they looked far enough, they'd eventually find at least one attractive quality. We conceive of absolutes, which is what a label is, to be able to function in the variety of media that life is and also to be able to communicate clearly. But the subconscious desire to learn from the details of the symbols it encounters can be hindered by labels to the point of rejecting something without understanding it and without finding what may have been a touch of beauty in it. And by defining beauty, we create the opposite symbol of ugliness to be able to identify and place the label in the first place. I love what you said about rituals being a tangible metaphor for how we guide ourselves towards what we find to be beautiful. But it could be any sort of media that leads us to our sweet spot, and everyone has one, it's where they feel content, happy, and friendly to the like minded. And actually at the very bottom level of the collective of humanity, we are all like minded. It might sound silly to say it but we're all human, we all have that one thing in common and some have a love of dandelions in common.
  4. My personal belief is that rituals and ceremonies are not really necessary, subconscious processes go on all the time in response to conscious awareness. Labels and ceremonies are absolutely necessary for communication and they help get everyone on the same page but generally I don't think it's a good idea to accustom the subconscious to requiring a conscious command. The subconscious is like a river that needs to flow freely. Ceremonial details can be complex or personal, creating a barrier to understanding, but at the same time a language must be learned to be able to speak. There may be hindrances with rituals as well if the needed items are lacking or if a timeframe needs to be waited for. Instead of ceremonially directing the subconscious I think it's a far better idea to become comfortable with one's own subconscious through friendship, compassion, contentment, and happiness. Everything will work fine and creativity will flow just by doing that. And I like dandelions, they're the perfect symbol for my posts in the forum garden. So I'm a dandelion too, happy dandelion day, I'll celebrate it annually from now on, thanks.
  5. He always does this when I plan to overcook dinner in the microwave.
  6. @Scylla Rhiadra dropped me off at this restaurant several years ago and had to leave abruptly. Now I don't have a ride. Space roadkill isn't too bad. It tastes just like chicken.
  7. I cut my rapunzel locks so could we trade this in for a BMW? notice the spider webs on my shoes we should hire housekeeping
  8. What a wonderful idea! I should have eyes closed. I should ask you first when I get an idea. I'm planning to wear a spacesuit and float beside the astronauts in the observatory. I wonder what I should be doing floating there, if anyone has any ideas.
  9. Beautiful home, beautiful picture, and right on the ocean too.
  10. Visiting @Scylla Rhiadra's gallery to see the Yes Her art show. I loved the narratives on the notecards, the comfortable gallery, and especially the art. The hug was excellent too.
  11. Your entire sim has such a beautiful relaxing ambience that it would be absurd to suspect the Riddler or Joker might lurk there. Visitors almost always dress fashionably. Nonetheless, Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle patrolled to catch anyone wearing an inappropriate outfit.
  12. I love that picture and hope the umbrella stays afloat. The need for an umbrella or parachute depends on who's driving. I always give parachutes to all my passengers. Either that or tell them to close their eyes. Oh, @archangel969, we went to see that Jinn Pow Kinn store, I might get that hat with goggles, it would go with anything or maybe even try a steampunk outfit. Thanks! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/79019
  13. Do you keep parachutes in your saddle bags?
  14. So I guess wearing wings while driving is OK.
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