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Everything posted by cirleen

  1. Well, Bill heard somebody say that Cat hated that cow, but let's not gossip about cows. Let's go back to gossiping about our alts.
  2. It was an asynchronous connecting principle, Einstein called it a "spooky action at a distance." https://www.teemingbrain.com/2012/07/23/liminality-synchronicity-and-the-walls-of-everyday-reality/
  3. Well I guess I have to come out, and tell you that I'm Sandor.
  4. It's the opposite of this. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/*****-envy My four avatar accounts all look exactly the same, except one is electronic. I'm identical twins so I can reflect on myself. A good Carl Jung book works just as well for psychotic people like me. You had told us how much Cat loved that cow and I laughed. Bill once said that he was thankful to you because you were part of our story in how we met, so whatever all what happened it all turned out well.
  5. Well since today is confession day, I have to confess that I was Lintel. When I married Bill, his name was Ayeleeon. Bill's alt, Talligurl, was forced into a life of pole dancing to make ends meet. Fishing didn't pay well. We deleted our Lintel, Ayeleeon, Talligurl and 5 other accounts so no one would interrupt us on our honeymoon to Paris. @Bagnu was the best man at our wedding. I like Sandor. He tells the funniest jokes, he's for sure a fun one to have around. Even the gallows he put outside the front door of our apartment was amusing in an odd sort of way. I loved moving in with Bill into his apartment on Sandor's Sandy Island, that was one the most fun times of my SL. It's nice to reminisce, we should all do that from time to time. Here's our apartment when we lived on Sandy Island.
  6. Bill's personal and private angel who loves him
  7. I heard about SL back in 2004 and wanted to give it a try. My first SL account, in 2005, was free. I had a wardrobe with over 30 outfits that were all free. I didn't spend a dime and I know it's possible to enjoy SL without spending any money at all. As a newbie, I soon discovered pixel bumping and how scandalous SL can be. I tried a few small scandals, nothing like gallows or anything, then quit SL and deleted my account. Casual pixel bumping was not what I wanted to do. But a year or two after leaving, I was always drawn back to see what else SL had to offer. Around 2015, I experimented with having a paid account and buying things, spending most of my time decorating a linden home and moving to different linden homes. I'd get bored, delete my account and leave again for a year or two. I like creating a new account, choosing a new name, and having an uncluttered inventory. I know there's a lot of people, especially in foreign countries, who can't afford to spend money in SL, but it's still possible to enjoy SL even if everything is entirely free.
  8. I agree that work should be rewarded but at the same time almost every clothing store has that one perfect freebie. Sometimes free is good too.
  9. On some days invulnerability is a burden. I don't recommend it.
  10. Aside from Anshe Chung and Onyx Leshell, does anyone think they're actually going to make any money in SL? LL should price cap everything at L350. That would make life fun. Let's start a petition.
  11. No one can resist a red mane. That's amazing you said that, we were actually looking on flickr at some guy's hairstyles that look good on girls. Were you standing outside? Next time come in and say hello.
  12. New art in the gallery come see. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tyrafoon/83/203/22
  13. Is there a boss of anything? You know there's not.
  14. cirleen


    Top of the morning to you
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