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Everything posted by cirleen

  1. Bill rescues me from alien abduction every time.
  2. Bill is building an art gallery on our water parcel on the Blake Sea. When it's done we'll invite artists to show their work, maybe have changing themes for the exhibitions, like erotic or sci-fi. I'm shopping for one of the sailboats to dock out front. Here I am using a red prim to measure boat space. I'll see if I can find a sailboat rezzer so people can get a free boat to ride after visiting the gallery.
  3. There's so much open water in SL made for boating.
  4. Your picture is perfect on so many levels, I want a framed copy on my wall.
  5. I love this thread, you guys are touching the essence of life, there's so many personal views it's almost like discussing religion or politics. I'm scared to fave anything because I might only agree with half to most of it. This would be sweet in a humanities or philosophy course, hand the whole thread to students right after discussing why the US makes such a big deal about independence and freedom in its constitution, while many other countries have the same kind of culture but without making a big deal about it. The professor asked if there's a country where the constitution matches the SL TOS. Look down and don't answer.
  6. This might not be a popular post because it's what our Mom told us when we were little kids, in this world, we can be anything we want to be. The best choice is to always to be who you are. People resonate with their avatars, the tendency is to show off what might be the smallest detail of who they are through what their avatar looks like and does. I love what you're doing by asking this question, you're trying to get a feel for what other people think, and personally I love all races, I just try to avoid harmful people, that's all. SL reminds us of that little known fact of life that anything is possible. You have nothing to worry about in being an avatar of a different race. You won't offend people because you're a good person, I can tell because you asked this question in the first place. Obnoxious avatars are people who are a bit obnoxious. As long as they don't hurt or insult anybody, there's nothing wrong with being obnoxious. It's like punk rock, sometimes it's fun. It's not a separate side to them, obnoxiousness permeates a little bit of the whole person who they are. The goes the same with people using opposite sex or furry avatars, the person has those characteristics in the whole person that they are. Other than the SL TOS, there's no other rules for what can or can't be done in SL, or in RL too for that matter, if one were to set their mind to it. The truth shows about a person in how they handle each thing they get immersed in. Get to know yourself and be you. It's a good thing.
  7. By now, someone must have brought a slice up into that ISS. There's a pepperoni stuck to the wall. Nobody will clean it. They're saving it for someday when they might be hungry.
  8. Exclusion is the result of a human need for boundaries, that's why we have nations and a separate dinner plate. Discrimination is when people with similar traits are treated all the same and no one is the same as anyone else. There's 7.8 billion different people in the world and each person is an individual, making their own choices, and creating their own experiences. Good experiences become tendencies and habits. People have a right to self-determination, but some don't want to put too much effort into it, it's easier to believe what they're told to believe. It comes down to whether they harm or help others. It's the old saying guns don't shoot people, people shoot people. Everyone has their own life, it's their life, it's their sim, it's their choices. But just because someone has a weapon or horns doesn't mean their intention is to hurt people.
  9. The pizza was worth it but we shouldn't have ate it sideways.
  10. That is really so beautiful, I think we'd all love to see more of your pictures. So I'll share this one. I like music by the band "Garbage" so I did a picture to match this song.
  11. decide for yourself but it's usually not reassuring
  12. A Love Letter Please review the following message before I ever so stupidly as usual, post it in the forums. For People Who Don’t Get Me And Think I’m Weird Spirit Of Radio by Rush, is a love song. A friendly unobtrusive voice in the morning? Who could not love that. And this person is playing a song, elusive magic that is making your mood? Well I think that would be the person I love. Ok so we got that part figured out, are you still with me? And life becomes an open road with magic at your fingers being in solitude, being yourself, while with someone who is undemanding. That’s the best description of love I ever heard. Yes, love feels like that, crackling, bristling, emotional feedback, a timeless wavelength. Love is a free gift, it doesn’t cost anything. All this machinery, our bodies, the universe, making modern music every minute. Musicians are auditory, they hear love. To a musician, love is a song. When Geddy Lee sings the word ‘music’ in Spirit Of Radio he means love. Open hearted, and the most important thing, honesty. That’s what makes love. But you have to stay with the one you love, don’t go running away with those glittering prizes. Make compromises, because if you’re open and honest, and you’re only doing so because you love the person, eventually you will understand everything about the person and it will all make sense. But you both have to be open and honest. And salesmen. Don’t let salesmen trick you into those unwanted things they do in Second Life. I said Second Life twice hoping Quartz Mole will let this post slide.
  13. hides the binoculars and puts on an innocent look
  14. Man o war jellyfish are perfect for guarding the path to the door and Bruce can pick up any stragglers who slip past. We can all sleep soundly when there's jellyfish in the front yard.
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