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Everything posted by cirleen

  1. Erasmus distilled a lot of wisdom, those thoughts may have been spoken in different ways in many cultures but I like the way Erasmus says it, clear and true. Thank you for the historical background. The sim has a feeling of being based on an actual place. Your sims are always fun, there's so many picture possibilities. You put so much attention into detail and it's amazing, everything rezzes so easily for taking pictures. I found that store, wow. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/144224?page=1
  2. @archangel969 asked for help to see if the taxi at Erasmus Park worked. I volunteered, planning to wear swimwear in case the taxi driver drove the taxi off the edge of the sim into the ocean. This sim is a must-see. It's so cheerful and uplifting, full of historic monuments and buildings, and with many scenic cozy spots. I haven't found the taxi yet, he must have been on lunch. Here's the landing area by the docks. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Custer/254/21/1065 The Copernicus Tower Observatory is realistic and roomy with it's weathered stone walls. The telescope, astronomical tools, and art, are detailed and impressive. Bill said I didn't find a new planet, it's just a fly on the lens. Next was a delicious lunch at the Erasmus Orangerie. The chandelier and the candle flame are awesome. There's a kissing spot at the Music Pavillion. On the way out, got some Belgian fries at the Frituur Vaanderlinde. Thank you @archangel969, your sims are always amazing.
  3. I didn't realize until later that we took our pictures at the same place. We both popped a few exploding birds there too. It is kind of hard to get around, I must not be doing the teleporters right. That's a nice sim, thank you for showing me. I want to buy a dog like this.
  4. It's sweet when you meet someone who's perfect.
  5. Khadija, for some reason I think the last 2 numbers got cut off from the SLURL you used. If the last 2 numbers are 25 it leads to an island. The sim's way up at 2505. Here's the full SLURL https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TerpsiCorps Isle/71/170/2505 It's one of the most beautiful Egypt sims I've found, well worth a visit.
  6. I respect possums, they know how to chill. Big animals can be attacking them and they just get bored and go to sleep. It's good to be like a possum and chill when things go south. The possum taught me this dance move. I can teach it to anyone who's interested.
  7. What's wrong with him is he doesn't know he's wonderful. That's a big error.
  8. Poor guy. His whole alt account got amputated.
  9. I tried making a male avatar once. It was not a good idea.
  10. This is the curator's lounge in the penthouse of Bill's art gallery, it's a place to invite gallery visitors and guests. On the wall to the right is my favorite picture, so far, done by @Scylla Rhiadra titled "Yes Her (Listen!)" 2023. I love the picture and the title plaque is such an expert touch. Thank you so much, Scylla, you're so kind.
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