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Everything posted by Robberinthemuseum

  1. Yeah! I realized recently that greeting people and then immediately telling them they're sexy is basic SL etiquette haha. I still don't do it though haha
  2. Yea exactly, I can't talk to teenage boy avatars who giggle and call me daddy. They're so deeply in that RP and it creeps me out........a lot. It really does depend on the hobbies and interests.
  3. Are you suggesting the world doesn't revolve around moi? Don't be crazy!
  4. I like perving and also the validation 😄
  5. Okay well, my SL doesn't look like that at all haha.
  6. I don't know why he was hassling you in the first place. If he needed something really specific, why didn't he just make an alt and go f+ck himself?
  7. Yum, Also, I love how in this pic he looks like someone listening to instructions in a foreign language. Literally my face in meetings. (I work with Koreans)
  8. None of these are attractive to me hehe. Body builders at this level look deformed haha 😄. Soŕry to all the bodybuilders in the group.
  9. I haven't read the whole comment. But I like it because you wrote it 😜
  10. I'm going to the marketplace right now! Thanks for the tip. Maybe a puppy gacha too?
  11. This literally perfectly describes me most of the time 🤣🤣🤣
  12. I'm so grateful you're not intimidated by my awesomeness!
  13. I adjusted my shape @Kalegthepsionicist! I'm not a little dude anymore 🙄. Hold on a sec....Am I the lady on this scenario?
  14. Very beautiful with hair.....(mental note; must start stalking Rowan again)
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