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Everything posted by Robberinthemuseum

  1. 치맥! You can't eat that without beer. What kind of Korean are you? haha
  2. I've never seen a skin with a logo like that. I think you should get a skin for your head first and then get the body applier to go with your head 🤷‍♂️
  3. Well I know WHO wants to eat me today. But nothing in particular is eating me right now 🙃
  4. Also, I think Vango hair would suit your look very well ^^ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/195063
  5. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Birth-Greyson-Lelutka-EvoX-BOM-Tone-02/22867858 How about this? You would have to adjust the shape a bit. But I think it would work. (head in advert is Lelutka's EvoX 'Eon') Also, if you go down this route, check if there is a body applier for your body first.
  6. Jesus Belinda, I'm no psychologist. But I think you were the victim of narcissistic abuse in your past. I can see it so clearly in your post. It's called emotional invalidation 🤷‍♀️ Usually used by covert narcissists to gain the upper hand. You caught the habit. ......I would put money on it. (my area is stock market psychology) https://psychcentral.com/health/reasons-you-and-others-invalidate-your-emotional-experience
  7. I have Coronavirus ㅠㅠ so I'm taking a week off. I'll be back to join you guys as soon as quarantine is finished ^^
  8. 🤣🤣🤣 that's how I felt too haha. So triggered! Lol. You just have to laugh don't you ^^
  9. You know, I completely agree with you logically. I never experienced being harassed like that I think. Or maybe I was but have no memory because 0 sh!ts were given on my part. When I read the post originally, it just reminded me of a person I know in RL who doesn't take responsibility for anything and always points the finger at others as the cause for his sadness and failure to launch. Everyone must humor him at all times because he's 'fragile' and might get 'upset' if you try to help him realize his potential. I think maybe that colored my interpretation of the original post which was only 2 or three lines long haha. Sorry. But anyway, you're right, victim blaming is disgusting.
  10. I tried a couple and for me, legacy is the best. I have mine pretty slimmed down, but you can make it more muscular if you like. There is also a very nice array of clothes for legacy if you're into shopping. Kario only has clothes for strippers haha
  11. Noo Scylla you quoted me with the grammar error! I went back and fixed it. It's burning my eyes! then --> than
  12. I don't think anyone will. I have gotten so much abuse in SL and also have so much fun 🙃. It's part of it. Just don't interact with abusive people. There's a woman who follows me on Flickr who really hates me and wants me to die haha. She faves all of my pics too 🤣🤣🤣. You just have to laugh sometimes. I would rather enjoy my SL and continue as I am, than let weirdos make me unhappy.
  13. I agree with this. If they view themselves as a victim secondlife won't be very fun because every interaction will be colored with that. I have met all kinds of creatures and I have some non binary friends in secondlife. You can be whatever you want, it's your secondlife. Why not approach every interaction with a fresh mind? Try not to let your RL ruin your SL. Everyone is living a different SL and they're entitled to. If you can't bear to interact with people on their terms, and must dictate to them how to speak etc, that's fine too. I'm sure there are groups you can join for this. There's a group for everything here ^^. Happy exploring!
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