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Everything posted by Robberinthemuseum

  1. I'm so grateful you're not intimidated by my awesomeness!
  2. I adjusted my shape @Kalegthepsionicist! I'm not a little dude anymore 🙄. Hold on a sec....Am I the lady on this scenario?
  3. Very beautiful with hair.....(mental note; must start stalking Rowan again)
  4. This one is a strong contender for the, "Lovely Girls" competition
  5. That is.......something else 🤣🤣🤣. What's the story with the Paddy's day gun? Thanks @Rowan Amore
  6. Hello, Does anyone know where I can get some good quality St. Patrick's Day clothing for inithium Kario? I can't find anything in the Marketplace 😭
  7. Yes!!! Let's go dancing! We can all wear spankers.
  8. I'm feeling a bit left out. Why has nobody proposed to me yet? I've been here 2 months already and taken sexy pics with my detachable p3nis and everything 🙃 😭
  9. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I suffer a lot from one side attachments, probably because of my childhood. For my own mental health, I draw a line in SL so that my RL doesn't become immeshed. Still an issue though. Because traits that make you successful in RL when brought into online activities can be disastrous to your RL. For example, I become really obsessed with things until I'm good at them. So I have to stay away from gaming or gambling and such and focus on RL business ventures instead. This same trait has made me a successful businessman in RL, but if I didn't discipline myself, I would probably live in my parents house and play games all day. As for relationships, I only give my time to people who treat me like I have value to them. If I feel they're pulling away, I just let them go. It's very painful for me. I have amazing friendships in RL. If I fall on hard times, they are the ones who will visit me in hospital, do business networking etc. On the other hand, I have a very beautiful and pure friendship in SL. I feel like our souls meet there. It's deep, beautiful and ethereal. I love it. The relationships are just different though. I don't think you should marry someone on SL unless you are in a relationship in RL too. Just my opinion.
  10. Hello beautiful Malibu ^^. I'm Reilly and a bi man. The lgbtq society here is very welcoming. I'm very new myself (2 months) and have met really great people. Here are some active groups I'm part of you can check out; Steamworks, GAY PARTY CENTRAL OF SECOND LIFE, The Pines, Fire Island, Atonement Men's Beach and The Edge is a popular cruising spot. Good luck! If you want to hang out send me a message here or IM me. I'm not very knowledgeable because I'm too new myself and still need help with so many things hahaha
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