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Everything posted by Robberinthemuseum

  1. Oh noooo, don't take it like that. It's just a bit of light ribbing. Everyone loves you here that's why he feels comfortable enough to tease you a little ♡
  2. Nobody. You'll be forever in your mid 20's in my eyes Rowan ^^
  3. "Am I the only Millennial in here?", said in the most whiney voice possible whilst munching on avocado toast.
  4. Good! Most people posting about stocks online are either pumping the stock to cash in later, or stupidly believe they have some special superior knowledge they need to share. They're all bullsh!t clowns. When it comes to stocks, either go to a professional or do your own research. Retail investors are always, ALWAYS, left catching a falling knife.
  5. Alas, I'm limited by my humanity. I can't connect my mind to machines
  6. Yes, do you have a pen and paper handy? Sending it telepathically.
  7. He means people he's not close to in rl or has a long relationship online with.
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