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Colt Leeder

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Everything posted by Colt Leeder

  1. True love in SL is rarer than true love in RL. If you really want that sort of connection you need to head on outside (when allowed) and hit the dating places.
  2. No - mesh skins are sold by designers for the brand of body and then brand of head - make sure you buy both from the same designer in the same skin tone.
  3. I do remember a while back someone selling a distorted sculpt or mesh invisible prim thing that was claimed to make what you were wearing impossible to inspect - all it really did was lag out everyone around you.
  4. Jobs that pay good in SL honestly do not really exist - there is no quick path to riches. Content creators can make a lot of money but they need to have design skills, vision and money to start with. DJ's need to have a great selection of music, good stream capacity, outgoing personality and be able to work the hours needed to get their name known - often for very few tips at the start. Hosts need to work damn hard promoting the venue without stepping over the line of becoming a spammer. They need to keep the crowd active and not let it drift off into afk. Again often for very few tips. Dancers - basically same as host but even less tippage and they have to have the looks. Honestly the best thing to do is to get yourself a "starting fund" by purchasing some L$ in order to get a good look - then you will be able to seek work if you want to but take it from one who has been down the road of working in SL - once your SL becomes work it stops being fun and you lose freedom.
  5. Open "find" in your SL Viewer Select the tab for "Land Sales" Ensure it is set for "Mainland Sales" the price has 0 in it and the area has 512 Then you can sort by price, price per meter, select the rating of the land you want (important if you want to do or Rez certain things). Be aware that land is currently at a premium as LL have not added any new sims are a while due to the ongoing situation. Currently the lowest priced 512 sq m plot of land is 75,000 L$ and that's a fortune for such a small amount! Another option is to go for land auctions https://places.secondlife.com/auctions#0 and is probably the cheapest way to get land at the moment though you of course have to bid and hope nobody bids higher.
  6. @MrsLudwig the best thing you can do is not bother about who may or may not be looking at you. Disable "show look at" if you have enabled it as all it will do is drive paranoia. Believe it or not people can look at whomever they like and whenever they want - you can't stop people looking at you. Well you can but only if you are on a parcel with privacy enabled and they are not on the same parcel. Honestly, worrying over who is looking at you is really not going to make you enjoy your SL (personally I expect people to look at me but that's just because I'm vain).
  7. Most avatars are humanoid because all the people sitting at the computers are human and they can better relate to a humanoid form. It also makes clothes shopping easier. I used the term humanoid on purpose so as to include those beings otherwise excluded by the "human" term - i.e. bipedal, two arms, one head etc. Another major factor I think is acceptance - if you are not humanoid (or even human in some places) then you are at best tolerated and in some places you are shown the door. Nothing wrong with people having rules for their places as that's their right. So in my opinion SL is mostly humanoid because we ourselves are human and we like looking at them.
  8. The defaults camera views are screwed indeed and that has caused the objects and avatars in world to become larger and larger. I read on a blog somewhere (can't remember the link as it was ages ago) that adjusting the debug setting CameraOffsetRearView so that Z is 0 was probably the fastest and easiest way for a end user to stop their most used camera from flying up in the air making everything and everyone around them smaller than they actually are. It seems a tiny change to adjust the Z from 0.75 to 0 but it shifts your camera level to your actual eye level and boy it makes a massive difference! Now it probably would be great if LL could just magically set all the new installs of SL to have the offset with a Z axis of 0 BUT sadly too long has passed and the world exists now for "larger than life" avatars and indeed has for 17 years! If everyone had eye level camera defaults then the chances are avatar heights would become more true to life - however that is assuming that all of furniture, buildings, animations etc also magically adjusted to fit - they of course don't. The long and the short of it (pun intended) is we have to accept that SL height is borked and that if you try to be accurate to RL height you end up having the height of a teen because the world is scaled to those around seven foot tall. It's not good, it's not right but it is what it is and we either have to accept that or open ourselves up to a whole world of strife.
  9. @KanryDrago - I'm not in any way posting a complaint and if you saw it that way then I am sorry. Consider the intent was more to educate and advise rather than to criticise. @Tari Landar - I'm aware of how unicode works and granted that if we all happened to run precisely the same version of the same operating system on identical hardware then we would all see the same thing. But we run Windows, Linux and MacOS and all the myriad of variants within on a plethora of hardware. Sadly you took my post to be a "knock" at others then it was in no way meant to be that way and I have read it over several times and cannot see anything near to knocking people. For myself I run what was considered to be a top of the range workstation computer until Apple released their most recent professional one. It has all of the updates applied and yes I see boxes - that's because different OS's use different unicode versions and people need to be educated to know that in order to know how to avoid their messages being seen as only boxes by the intended audience. I apologise if my intent to highlight the problem with using some unicode fonts and their ability to be seen by others has upset or offended people.
  10. I know that a great many out there like to use unicode in their display names - sometimes it works and other times it can end up being an unintelligible mess of lines (but maybe that's what they wanted). However, some people even use unicode on their profiles in place of traditional characters and this is a really, really bad idea. Yep your fancy unicode profile may indeed look super to you but the chances are other people see something like this.... This particular person ran some sort of business - no idea what of course as I can only see boxes. So please - do yourselves a favour and in your profile, where you really want people to be able to read what you type, use standard characters. It also helps heaps for those who do not have English as their first language in addition to those of us who do not want to screw our eyes and spend ages trying to work out what the text says.
  11. I'm the greatest person at how not to make friends - be brutally honest about yourself in your profile. Yep I am a right bad tempered person at times but that's because of the pain shooting up and down my leg screaming "hello I'm here". Oddly enough my friend list is very - short. Then againI do not collect "friends" I prefer to have old fashioned real friends - you know the ones who communicate and remember it is a two way thing.
  12. I'd not heard of that viewer so went to the TPV page to find out more but could not find it listed there. A quick quack from DuckDuckGo led me to the site and then I found out why I probably had not heard of the viewer - Windows or Lunix only. Guess what OS I run? Yep MacOS so sorry - I'm not likely to be running that any time soon.
  13. If you have not already done so then try disabling media auto-play just in case a myriad of stuff in world around you is trying to automatically play and stream stuff even though you don't want it. Also disable music stream auto-play for the testing. It could also be useful to totally power down your computer, router and modem (if you have one). Power them back up and see if that makes any difference. Finally try using a wired connection instead of wi-fi if that is possible as it has dramatically less overhead. As you said you use Firestorm then you may want to head on over to their support group secondlife:///app/group/3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd/about as their people know a heck of a lot.
  14. In order to use PayPal as a billing option you must get your PayPal account verified with your bank - that's because LL need to be able to bill via PayPal and get their money. The above article details using PayPal as a payment option. Getting your PayPal account verified typically takes between 2 and 3 business days.
  15. A semi-related question from one who has yet to experience EEP beyond the oversized stars in some windlight settings..... When EEP gets released to the viewer I am using (Firestorm) does that means that windlight settings people have assigned in parcel descriptions no longer function and if they want others to continue to experience them they need to convert them to parcel level EEP? I guess when I really mean is does EEP on a client meant windlight is defunct on that same client?
  16. Today I am trying to look smart and fancy - it will probably not last for long.
  17. Makes sense to throw a bone on the upload fees if you pay a sub - still wondering what all the other "plus" is going to be but not holding my breath as I doubt it will be released any time soon thanks to the general world situation.
  18. For me, unless you have limited access or ability to use a full sized keyboard, then correct punctuation should always be used. If someone has the ability to type upper and lower case then they should do so not only because it actually looks better and is easier to read but it also may make it easier to understand for those who may not have your language as their primary one.
  19. I think that all suggestions for improvements have to be raised on the JIRA regardless of the platform they relate to in order that the Lindens can see/respond and hopefully work on them.
  20. This is not possible as far as I am aware but it could be a good idea for some people. You would need to submit a Feature Request. You can do that by raising a bug report and select "new feature request" in the issue type.
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