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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Actually, no. About 99% of my favorite music genres aren't really club-friendly, though some of it very much could be if anyone was willing to play it, so I wouldn't have heard it there. The industrial rock could be, but many DJs stick to the classic club hits for that - same as RL DJs, for the most part. Unless I request it, it ain't happening. I've never met a musically adventurous DJ with a huge catalog in any life, though they do absolutely exist in the real world (I watch them frequently on YouTube). That tends to be more of a DJ/producer thing, though - mixing their own tracks and tracks from others on and off their label. If they exist in SL, I haven't found them yet. I'd have much better luck in SL's live music scene if there were any artists in there performing world fusion or international rap or something (are there?). Anyhoo! Outside of clubs, I have gotten a few music recommendations from friends, but nothing I really stuck with. My music preferences are all over the map, quite literally, and pretty niche overall (niche for my part of the world, anyway), even though I like a LOT of bands/artists/projects/groups. They also skew quite dark, so outside of the occasional comedy music I love so much (Marc Rebillet, Reggie Watts, Harry Mack, etc.), much of my music is an entire moooooood. Not always! I love some booty-shakin' dembow, too, but...I do be likin' it kinda dark, I'm not gonna lie. A common phrase I always say when someone recommends something to me - "what the hell is this happy ish, I need it darker!" 😆
  2. At the risk of giving everyone way too much insight into my music playlist shenanigans... 😂
  3. I've got some heavy hardcover "Complete Collections" I'm willing to lend to the cause. A friend with peeves is a friend in need of a friend who reads. Not my Poe. You can't have that. Lovecraft is all yours, tho.
  4. A lot of shared terms, though, that would be censored. *says the list out loud so the mods and filters can't get meeeeee*
  5. Uhhhh...I don't think there would be (or could be, given the forum software - can it do that?). I don't hang out there enough to know, actually! I dunno, but chat filters are generally the same everywhere. Usually. If not auto-filtered, I'd expect moderation to slap me around for discussing that just about anywhere that's considered general audience. I'm a million times worse. I embed curses within curses, invent curses, and if I'm really feeling spicy, swear in multiple languages. I'm never going to forget the time I set an oooold version of Windows (3.1 or older, whatever it was back then - I was like 12 or 13 or maybe younger I dunno) to shout curses at ME when I opened the Start menu and whenever a popup showed up - audio clips from one of Richard Pryor's standup shows that I'd sampled just for funsies. I wonder if it's still possible to do that in the current Win 10/11...
  6. You could go even simpler than that - it's a G-rated forum. The adult section is the obvious exception, but there's not much need for us to be discussing that even there. As far as needing a list goes, due to being a female version of Samuel L. Jackson under every day normal circumstances and having done some moderation work in the past, I already know exactly which words would get me clapped here. Same as anywhere else with chat filters - pretty easy to guess, really. It physically hurts sometimes to behave mahdamnself, but I manage it, somehow! If I can type a paragraph without firing off a string of 17 different curses and colorful phrases, so can anyone. 😂
  7. Agree with Rowan. I only go by what I think looks good on me. I'd look nothing like myself if I listened to everyone else's whining about my face. Therefore, I've got no opinion. Wear what you like!
  8. Just a note - Gabriel can be very hit or miss. Some outfits fit beautifully. Others...not so much and there are fit/texture errors. Demo everything. Some other faves of mine: Butterscotch, Tori Toricelli, Native Urban, Bartimeu, Gild, Odiren, AsteroidBox, Ascend, Duk (for SOME things...certainly not others, lol). I wear Legacy Male and I'm not entirely sure which stores still carry Gianni, so just double check that. Also, weekend sales at some of the above are somewhat common (maybe not as common at Ascend, Odiren, or Gild), so be sure to peek at those.
  9. Isn't it incredible? I want to dig through that entire site, but I know I'll lose the entire day if I let myself do that. LMAO, shaddap. 😂
  10. You go a bit further than I do. I don't texture, but I do break down, reposition, rebuild, recolor, and occasionally, meticulously edit my poses and lighting. Even if we didn't, though - if we just ran to Foxcity and tossed up a premade (which I've also done for more fashion-oriented shoots), we'd still be responsible for the shot. Foxcity gets the credit for the scene/build. That's how this works and you'd be hard-pressed to find a photographer who didn't understand that. Bet this guy would be mind blown to find out that rappers don't typically produce their own backing tracks. 🙃 Gorgeous photo, and exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly. Similarly, who do we credit for this beautiful shot? My vote goes to the photographer, Nima Sarikhani (linking instead of posting to respect the photographer's copyright). https://www.nhm.ac.uk/wpy/gallery/2023-ice-bed Slightly related peeve: Why can't I take photos like this in real life???????????
  11. Wonder what he thinks about photographers who start from a blank slate up in the sky and create their scenes from scratch by mixing/matching and editing scenery, props, furniture, particles, and sky effects? Just asking for a friend. 👀 To be fair, I would gladly acknowledge every single creator featured in any of my photos (and occasionally did), but the description would wind up a mile long given how much I tend to use, and considering how Flickr moderation is these days, I stopped crediting altogether. That said, many, many photographers already do credit outfit/accessory designers and sim owners, so it's not like we don't already realize this is a collaborative effort. I'm well aware that my creativity builds on the creativity of others. Not really much different to how it works in the real world, unless he expects that wildlife photographers start making giraffes or they aren't legit, or some nonsense. Personally, I'd just challenge him to a photo contest. He sounds jelly.
  12. Browsing through channels of some of my favorite rock pianists. Love their arrangements and interpretations.
  13. She never said anything about guilt or innocence, though. Just out of personal principle. Never even mentioned the reason why. Could be something else entirely. Who knows, not my business and people are gonna feel how they feel. I've avoided stores and events for all kinds of personal reasons, myself.
  14. And what's to stop that adult-verified very adult player from getting up from the PC to cook dinner and their teen sitting down and piloting their avatar in their absence? What's to stop an adult from passing their phone over to a non-adult with the logged-in mobile app open in the background completely forgotten? Age verification for the Internet is so impossibly silly. I don't grumble too much about sites using ID verification for employment/work/freelancing purposes as the goal there is usually to prevent fraud, but AGE? Come on, man. You can simply input a birthday on Steam and get access to the most brutal violence I've ever seen in media (go check Outlast or one of the more recent Mortal Kombat games or something). If anything, that site should be the first to figure this out. Besides, user age is not even the issue at hand, so why they're talking about bringing that back, I'll never know.
  15. Perhaps it's time for an avatar change! Might I suggest a froggie or a cute axolotl? A sorceress? Perhaps a tickle chicken (I swear, that's what it's called - it's a Reborn exclusive, otherwise you know I'd have it by now)? 😂 Shopping for my more...out there...avatars is such a fun process because it sends me to stores and events I'd almost never find myself in otherwise.
  16. I would imagine that's not necessary as long as your avatar is clearly an adult, and height isn't the only way to do that. There is nothing on this planet that would ever make me put body hair on my male avies. No way, no how! It looks so baaaaaaad. 😂 I generally avoid facial hair, as well. Even Maitreya + Flat/V-Tech will look older in the right skins. I lean very feminine, myself - stiletto nails, heels, messy updos, and all.
  17. Don't ask. I don't want to hear it. And you get two just for thinking about asking. 😂 #Tavernwave #Bardcore
  18. Always. Kind of enjoying not doing that while my PC is being a lazy so-n-so. I can technically log in on this laptop, but it's so freakin' slow, I don't bother unless it's to pay rent (though I do need to grab that cheap lasagna before it poofs...guess I could do that now). The worst for me is Fantasy Faire, though. I feel overwhelmed just checking site galleries for that. No way could I just go there and browse.
  19. Lelutka's Flickr Akeruka's Flickr Catwa's Flickr Genus' Flickr LOGO's Flickr Those are the big players in the human range. Evo X is the easiest UV map to shop for (as opposed to the basic SLUV map or Genus' new 4k map), but there are nice heads in all lines. Take your time going through those and demo anything that looks nice to you. You can find all of these stores in-world via Search or sometimes there will be a link to it on Flickr if you click through to the photo descriptions.
  20. I'd also recommend taking a look at every head that looks interesting to you (Lelutka, Catwa, Akeruka, and a few other head creators have galleries on Flickr), as they're all capable of achieving different looks. It helps if you've got a photo or set style in mind that you want to work from so your shopper/stylist can make good recommendations without you having to try on everything in every store. Give me a sec and I'll post the galleries for you to peek at.
  21. I don't know anyone who does that, personally. You could try the inworld employment section here, but I'm not sure how long it'll take to find someone going that route.
  22. Personal shoppers/stylists do exist, but they tend to charge a fee as the process can take several hours.
  23. Am I scaring you? lol I used to post more in the avatar photo thread, actually, when I took more photos. I'm lazy these days.
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