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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Urban open world environments - where's Ceka to tell you all about The Division 2... Might also like Cyberpunk 2077. You mean Lelutka elf? Have you tried Andore? Their shop is a bit confusing because they also sell their own ears (miHD is the newest line, the older L.E.X. BOM set, and old earrings that come with included mesh ears), but I believe some of their sets are rigged for Lelutka base ears. I think... 😆 The main downside there is their demos are 1L, and you do kind of want to try stuff on to make sure it's for the right ear set. Lemme check two other shops... Hmm, you're right. I never noticed that. I was going to suggest Kumiho, but they mostly carry for Swallow and Andore L.E.X. gauged ears.
  2. GTA 6. Actually, that brings up a peeve: I never played GTA 5. I dunno man...nothing beats Vice City for me, but it didn't really age all that well, boo.
  3. Ohhh. Yeah, I dunno. My avatars are generally slim, sometimes flat-chested, and very, very tall. I'm mostly a fantasy avatar, sometimes horror/creature/undead/monster, occasionally furry/frog/dragon, and sometimes human male/female/nonbinary. I can't possibly begin to guess where people would place anything I create on the age scale, so I'm not even going to worry about that. I'm only on adult sims these days when shopping and if someone reallllyyyy thinks my undead lich queen looks underage because she's scrawny, her chest is flat, and she has no face at all to judge by, what can ya do, lol. I don't personally think anything negative of flat/petite avatars, though, seeing as how I often pilot one and everyone is very short to me considering how I quite intentionally tower over people (just monster thangs).
  4. Yep, same. I make cute (and maybe terrifying...hmm, gotta add that to the list) doll avatars from time to time, but given the new rules about adult land, I'd never take them out on the town. I'll save them for the photo studio, which is what they're for to begin with. Granted we're at 250 pages in this monster thread, so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it, but who said or implied they hate short slim people? I've seen some claim to hate child avatars, but I assume they meant the ones who are like 5 years old and spam chat with that obnoxious gesture text (I may or may not be guilty of blocking one or two of those myself - I was trying to shop for food and they were distracting me).
  5. There's a lot of assumption and guessing in this, though. I personally don't think the "I'm 18, yo" profile disclaimers mean much of anything at all. If someone were to snap a photo of said avatar doing something very against the rules and it gets posted around the web or whatever, their profile disclaimer won't be making it into the shot. Still a bad look. I think, just for clarity's sake, it's better if LL notes in the TOS or FAQ if the modesty rules are only for the under 12 crowd or includes the 13+, as well. I see no reason why that can't be made crystal clear for us. Oh and clubs on moderate land are risky. LL is advising child (again, does this include older teen?) avatars change to non-child or non-human avatars just to SHOP on moderate land. No way would I risk taking one into a nightclub.
  6. I agree, and I also believe at least some of this can be cleared up in the TOS by specifying whether or not teen avatars require modesty layers. If it turns out that no, anyone using an adult body to present as 13-17+ does not need modesty layers built-in (but should do this and/or this instead), we can pretty much drop all this goofy hair panic because at that point, we're talking about a very specific set of bodies.
  7. Exactly. There isn't a single hairstyle that exists that I wouldn't wear on an adult male avatar. Hair alone proves very little. I was tempted to post a photo of Snoop rocking braided pigtails, but I didn't want to annoy the mods. 😂 Easily Google-able, though. He's even got the cute little bobble ties on.
  8. Either or. I wear ponytails a LOT on my male avatars, mostly due to the back clipping issues when wearing their hair down. Pigtails are fair game, too. Hair is about as useless as height as an indicator of anything.
  9. I don't know. Furry...controversies...do exist in the real world and perhaps in SL, but whether or not that's all included in the rules, I can't even begin to guess. I think we'll need clarification, or at least a list of bodies that require layers. That'd help a bit. *looks up* Oh gosh, we're on hairstyles now, too? Listen, I would rock pigtails on my fully-grown male adults - dread versions, if I could find them. Knock yourselves out with that one. 😂
  10. Oh. I believe Flower's point was that there have been cases of prosecution in the US for being in possession of fictional drawings/media, which may be one reason for the TOS updates. I don't wanna get into all that, though. Nekos would be impacted, of course, IF they're using child bodies or openly presenting as teens or walking that fine line. They're usually just humans with human skins and ears and a tail (sorry nekos!). My own neko uses a hybrid human/cat head and a fur skin (I think it's PG, but don't quote me...I'd have to check), but is fully adult, so likely not affected. Closer to an adult furry. LMAO, I don't know. Furries are a whole other thing. Maybe not relevant. Maybe relevant.
  11. That may also be relevant. Despite wearing a few furries, I'm not really in the furry community, so I don't know how furry cubs are typically made (in terms of what mesh bodies/skins they use). We'd need LL to clarify whether or not they're included.
  12. Disagree. There are child/teen fantasy avatars, as well. Mermaids, centaurs, possibly fae/elves off the top of my head. Akeruka has a baby/child cyclops head, too (Flickr link here). I would assume they've also got to follow the new modesty layer rules, so whether or not we'll see fantasy skins that adhere to the rules would be of some concern to them.
  13. Yep. There are very good reasons why height alone can't be a factor. Hell, there are a bunch in the fantasy community who have been begginnnng one creator to make us a dwarf body. Whether or not we get it is a whole other thing, but a test version has been in production for a bit. It's super short, but very muscular and stocky, soooo...with a male or female head and the right beard, there's no mistaking that for anything but an adult.
  14. I don't want to touch the legal arguments with a ten-foot pole (though Flower does provide interesting context as to why that matters in the US, too), but I don't understand what this means. What are suspect bodies/skins and why would they need to be banned?
  15. Bear. Chances are I'm going to be a frog, so a few more animals and we'll have a perfectly good Disney film.
  16. I agree, the Answer portion needs to be rewritten. This is how I interpret it: Q: I already have a child avatar without the built-in layer. Can I wear it? A: No. If that's what they actually mean, then the answer could use a little touching up.
  17. I haven't shopped at Kohl's in years, but some of that looks geared towards the late teen juniors crowd. The younger tween/big girls stuff has more coverage, usually. For SL and virtual worlds in general, it'd be best to lean more into the fuller coverage for underaged avatars than whatever skimpy crap they sell to teens in real life.
  18. Funny enough, I haven't seen this kind of thing in absolute years. It used to be a regular (hourly) occurrence wayyyyy back in the day (pre-mesh days). Could not go to a clothing shop or furniture store without seeing a bunch of people crawling all over the place. I made myself a breakdancing AO so I, too, could zoom around on the floor for absolutely no good reason. I genuinely haven't seen that much since I came back in 2020, but I doubt I'd report it even if I did. I'm just too used to ignoring it. I've seen some random acts of twerking (fully clothed), though. I swear, it wasn't (only) me.
  19. Yeeees, the espresso machine is great! I think most of No. 59s drinks are scripted in some fun way or another. My Bordeaux set also empties the glass as you drink and has the cheers/toasting anim. A bunch of sets have that, I believe.
  20. You're welcome, and I understand now. Hopefully we can get some answers and clarification soon. That might help a bit.
  21. If you ever want some help finding a look or building an avatar you can feel comfortable in, you could start a thread over in Your Avatar and we can help you out over there. If you're willing to consider a fantasy or non-human avatar, that might be a little easier to transition to. For me, my frog is an absolute blast to shop for and run around in and no other avatar I own makes me laugh quite as much as that one does (she's entirely ridiculous, which is absolutely my thing). I mean, what other avatar can I buy a group of quacking duck companions for and have my own little squad?!
  22. I've somehow managed to keep up with the entire thing. I don't think we've had any creators of child avatar products post in here (yet). There was mention of one who wanted to update, but found it difficult to do so without modesty layer guidance (which will be coming soon). No answers directly from Lindens yet. One FAQ update, but the next one will be coming in a few days (mentioned in Tommy's most recent post from this morning, listed over on the right under Popular Posts).
  23. I love that. I don't know if you're still looking for costumes/outfits like this, but if you are, try irrISIStible, Cureless, and Moon Amore. For some amazing headpieces, Zibska. irrISIStible has no demos, but I took a chance on her fountain costume a long time ago and...well...it has flowing water (!!!). What is there to even say? #worthit I have a few of her costumes/outfits now and don't regret buying a single one.
  24. Page 165. Edit: Or just click Tommy's post over on the right-hand side under Popular Posts.
  25. Just to bring this forward a bit (I actually found it - page 165). Screenshot to avoid quoting unnecessarily.
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