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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. My feelings exactly. SL has never been a source of real stress for me. Quite the opposite, in fact. It's where I go to escape from it.
  2. Thank you! And yes, I'm suspicious of a few of them, honestly, LOL. It's SO HARD finding natural-looking shapes out in the wild without getting results that are chock full of edited or generated nonsense. Google REALLY needs to fix this and demand labeling, at least for the AI stuff. So annoying.
  3. Very welcome! Oh and if you're talking about online in general, you've now described all of social media. 😆
  4. This is 100% valid, Gopi. My RL bestie drives me absolutely nuts with that sometimes. I wish I could strangle him through my screen some days, lol. Getting those "old man yells at cloud" vibes way too early in his life cycle, I tell ya.
  5. Yes! Maitreya actually can get more curvy than some give it credit for and remains lovely when doing so! My main criticism with it will, of course, be the arms (width/weight just can't get to where I want it) and that booty is still a bit too flat from the side for me. I KNOW, I'M SORRY. My RL butt can knock things off tables and I panic when museums and galleries place priceless artifacts in glass-covered displays in the middle of the ROOM, OKAY? 😂
  6. Me sitting here reading this butt discussion. I always have the direct opposite issue - I cannot get a big ole booty for the life of me, no matter what body I try it with. What most people are calling "huge" in SL actually isn't, unless we're talking about those ancient pre-mesh shapes with the blown out hips and weird thigh gaps or Kupra on a full tank of gas. Instead, I'm seeing these rather flat cabooses that may be a bit wide when viewed from the back, but nothing I'd even acknowledge as badonkadonk. As for Reborn, it CAN do what I'd want, but not well, and not without deformers for the rest of it (plus, I HATE the thighs and knees). It's not really got the right shape for my overall look, but we'll get into that a bit later. So, let's get into booty, shall we? I sometimes shape my avatars using photo references, which I highly recommend doing. It's a big help unless you're actually going for something non-realistic, which I often do, but even then, I like using references to ensure I'm exaggerating the right things. Okay, so on average, I'd put Lara/Lara X into this camp over here. Kinda flat to "hint of booty": Blow it out a bit more, and with the right mesh pants/shorts, you can get into this range pretty easily. Unfortunately for me, this ain't enough. It looks nice from the back, but would be too flat from the side: Legacy (and Lucybody) is where things start to get interesting (and simultaneously go sideways) for me. They're similar to what Lara can achieve, but can do a bit more, and not in the greatest of ways if you go too far. You can start to blow out the hips/thighs, which is where the natural shapes can quickly take a turn into something slightly more cartoonish. Sooo, let's just look at some more realistic options instead. Keeping things modest, I'd throw Legacy and Lucybody into something in this range. Curvier, nicer shape, but not really BOOM BOOM booty, ya know? Moving on - Reborn is a weird one and I'm going to get my wig snatched for this, but I do *not* consider that body to be ultra-realistic unless you've got a lot of time and a lot of deformers. Can you achieve it - probably. Is it worth it - not for me. I'd have to course correct way too much on the thing to even be able to stand wearing it. It's very bottom-heavy, too narrow on top, extremely hippy, there's some odd spreading that can happen if you aren't careful, and the butt just shapes strangely. But that's just me being ridiculously picky. Many love it. I just can't stand it. But in the spirit of fairness, lemme see what I can find. This is the part of the broadcast where I start doubting the photos I'm seeing are even real or Photoshopped/AI-generated, but here we are. Let's just give this one the benefit of the doubt...so here's a modest Reborn as a person: Now with that, we're finally starting to get into badonkadonk territory, but the shaping is just all wrong (for me) for the reasons stated above. What I REALLY want is Lara/Legacy/Lucybody frame range + a matching upper body with some actual weight to it, including the arms + AN ACTUAL BOOTY - not too wide (which flattens things), and sticks out even, in the right ways. I would actually say these could be a Legacy instead of Lara, just given the curves overall. I also believe a Gen X Classic and Kalhene Erika could do it with a bit more junk in the trunk, but there just isn't enough wardrobe that exists for me to swap to those. Okay, now that we got butt out of the way, to answer the OP - I'm not sure if you're asking if Legacy or Reborn are worth it, but I'd say it highly depends. You said you want thin - that's Maitreya Lara/Lara X. Legacy can also be thin, but if you have Lara, your wardrobe options are going to be about the same, minus a handful of Legacy exclusives. Legacy is only worth it at 50% off, where it becomes slightly cheaper than Lara, if I'm not mistaken (2500Lish). You called Maitreya curvy, and while it CAN be, it doesn't have to be. I've made actual skeletons with Maitreya (not counting the bone mods), so it can definitely get super thin. Any other major body on the market is going to add more curve into the equation, plus as you said, Maitreya's got the wardrobe. Also take into account that some clothing will shave off part of your arms/legs/hips and can help make them look skinnier (this happens a LOT with Legacy Male pants, which is sometimes a blessing and sometimes a pain in the...butt). I'd advise you stick with Maitreya (make sure you update to 5.3 and grab the Lara X update) and check out stores and sales. Pick up a ton of clothing demos and see how you feel after that.
  7. Ugh, I know all about running out of space. It's terrible. I've considered getting a larger plot so I can go totally wild with this stuff, but that'd be kind of silly (or would it..?). Re: the glasses, that's amazing. I might need that set! Also, have any of you guys tried food furniture, by any chance? 😄 I'm actually tempted now to tear down my whole house and do some Hansel and Gretel candy witch cottage vibes I'm just saying... I've got both of these. Need to find more.
  8. That's so fun! Lemon is such a great scent overall. I never actually thought about what my places would smell like, but considering how often I put pies and baked goods all over my kitchen and living room and inside the oven, I'd guess it smells like a bakery, lol. Yes to all of that! Their cheese platter is so good. You have enough space to squeeze some more stuff on there, though. 👀😂 You can add the plate and wine that comes with it! I also love the ISHIKU malt. Am I seeing horns on those glasses? lol This thread is making me want to redo my entire place when I get my PC working. I put more effort into decorating the outside for once, but that means I no longer use my entire prim allowance in the kitchen, and that's unacceptable! LMAO, your face is an entire mood. 😆❤️
  9. Very welcome! If you like lemons...lemme peek, one sec... Check Apple Fall (MP or in-world) Also check Nutmeg: Broken Arrows: Dahlia (another great food source I forgot to mention): For lemon stuffs without the whole lemons: Aardvark: Vespertine: I think you can get some lemony drinks (alcoholic and non) at No. 59 and Lucas Lameth, too. Just a quick note - places like Hangry and Junk Food and Nutmeg and Aphrodite and a few others are higher on the land impact. If you want to go ham (hurr hurr) with decorating, Dust Bunny and What Next foods are often 1-2 Li each, or you can hit up Mayas Architecture and Bazar and get kitchen islands or dinner plates that rez food and can unrez it to save on your land impact. For Mayas, you can buy the entire kitchen (or whole house) for something like 50L-99L (yes, I buy entire homes and gut them for the decor). Edit: Random, but I forgot another store for small plates! Moss&Mink.
  10. Okay, so...there's no way I can post photos for everything I own because that'd basically make this thread about 100 pages. THAT SAID THO, I can post some! I use both food as a decor item and I like the occasional holdables, if they aren't too annoying. For decorating, I'll either set out cooking-in-progress type items (pots and pans on the stove, baking stuff all over the counter, pies in the oven/on window sills, etc.), or I'll make cute little bar carts with a mix of alcohol and small plates on them and throw them all over the house. If I'm really feeling spicy, I'll design whole breakfast nooks with coffee and espresso machines and breakfast items. I don't decorate too much for holidays, but I might be convinced to throw down some Christmas cakes or fall donuts or soup. Oh, and I did once attempt to fill a massive see-through refrigerator that took up an entire wall of the kitchen, but ain't nobody got prims for that. 😂 @Love Zhaoying If you're just starting out with buying food - take your butt to Dust Bunny immediately. Or actually, maybe wait for a sale. Sometimes you can find the occasional yolo sale there where everything will drop to 50L. 👀 Ok so I'll just do this by store and include a few samples that I own from each. Dust Bunny: Excellent for full meals, snacks, desserts, breakfast, takeout, dispensers, drinks, cooking-in-progress, kitchen appliances, and full table and counter settings. Old gachas look just as good as the newer items, in many cases, too, so peep the MP for those or buy the complete packs in-store. What Next: Like Dust Bunny, excellent for everything. I'm partial to their desserts, though. Hangry: Good for snacks, dispensers, and held small plates. Apple Fall: Cakes and breakfast, mostly. Hive: Holdable drinks - especially tea/coffee No. 59: DRANKS Special shoutouts (I can't even remember what exactly I have from these places and/or there aren't any photos available) - Nutmeg, Andika, Bazar (their table settings/plates rez their own food), Maya's (includes food with her houses, which I greatly appreciate as it looks delish), Anc, Junk Food, Movement, Aphrodite, ALUORA for their full perm mesh strawberries, and EVHAH because I really really want your BBQs but I haven't bought them yet - the food that's included with them looks SO GOOD OMG. I know I'm forgetting places. But you get the gist of it. I buy a LOT OF FOOD. 😂
  11. OMG I'M SO ON IT. Food in SL is my favoritest thing EVAAAAAAAAAR. Lemme go find photos of my food and I'll respond properly. I'd run in-world and take pics but, we're talking hundreds of items and I'm still on this laptop, so...LOL. WHEE BRB.
  12. I'm down for a thread like this. Would certainly be interesting and more relevant to SL. My food inventory here is massive.
  13. I'm aware. I have SL relationships that are going on 20 years old, you know.
  14. Not a Kipling fan and nothing in that poem resonates with me whatsoever. As far as managing difficult situations in SL...what are we referring to? Like struggling to keep my inventory tidy, orrrr...? No but really - my SL is fairly pleasant and relaxing and I can't think of any difficult situations that needed to be managed. There are obnoxious people in-world, of course, but those are easily managed by not engaging with them. Interestingly, I do use SL as part of RL coping strategies in some ways (the creative side of it), but I suppose that'd be off-topic, so I'll leave that be.
  15. PSU is my very first thought, given the symptoms and the product reviews on other sites saying theirs died in a year. 😂 Just waiting on my work projects to ramp up after a slow weekend. I just paid taxes last week, soooo, gotta rebuild the funds!
  16. Nuuuuuuuuuuu, that's pretty much what I suspected, though, to be fair. Big scene outside of SL, crickets inside. Similar to most of the music I listen to. Skepta would not be pleased! This does kind of make me wonder just how *different* people really are in SL, though. At least musically. You might be the only other person I know here who is into grime and noise... 👀 Industrial's somewhat rare-ish, industrial rock even more. Dubstep (Kryptic Minds flavor, not Skrillex) not much of a thing... not heard any Venetian Snares in any clubs in...ever... goodness knows I'll never find any Marwan Moussa but I admit that's a bit out there... HRRMMM... 👀👀
  17. Lol, no really! There's a thread from about a year ago for older punks on r/punk and it's a fun read in general. Best quote I saw: "only 31 but i find it funny that me and many of my friends who grew up in the punk scene are now wearing new balances. punk's not dead, it just needs better arch support." Man, that's a mood. 😂 As far as where punks are hanging out and music in SL goes, I haven't found anything good, but I'm looking in an entirely different set of categories - industrial, power noise, minimal dubstep, grime, drill, breakcore, etc. I've only managed to find some goth/industrial, and that crowd felt very different from what I'm used to (same music, different vibes), so I never got too deep into it.
  18. Don't anyone go correcting my English on this here forum, now. I break English rules daily. Here. Look. Breaking 'em right now. *snap* Here I go. *rules broken* Better yet - rules done been broken. Don't @t me. No but seriously, I'm very casual and lax about this stuff in regular online discussions. Rest assured, I do know how to write properly and will agonize over a comma when nobody's looking. Don't mind me. I'm just calling my own self out because I felt attacked. ATTACKED I SAY! 😂 Peeve!
  19. Not at all. I can't say I've ever heard or seen goths behave that way either (especially not about vampires - that wouldn't even make any sense, lol). Also, that's another crowd that skews a bit older in general. My guess is the SL alternative scenes are just attracting a younger audience who mayyyyybe aren't spending a whole lot of time in the actual scenes offline. Not that it matters, but it would explain why SL's industrial music scene never appealed to me much as someone who once spent 5-6 nights a week in real goth/industrial clubs. The two crowds did feel a bit different now that I think about it.
  20. Lol, the reason I asked is they sound rather young (really, ranting about wings and vampires?) and your run-of-the-mill average punk would be like...50 or 60+ years old by now. 😂 They're chilling over on Reddit comparing their prescription meds (no, seriously!). Okay okay, not all of them and of course there are plenty of younger members of the punk scene, but man, even back in the early 2000s, some of those guys had yearsssss on me. If the younger gen carrying the torch are finding themselves that bothered by such silly little things, the OGs are going to be rather upset! That is a difference I'm not sure they'll accept. 👀😆
  21. Oh yeah, maybe. Well OP, traffic numbers are entirely meaningless and real numbers aren't really provided. Use groups and events to help find people.
  22. Doesn't really answer much. I don't think accurate numbers exist for any online platform. You can find estimates, but devs almost never provide accurate real-time stats for platform usage, and they're certainly never telling players how many alts are in circulation. I don't see why SL should be any different. As to traffic and all that - still unsure as to why that matters to the OP. If it's simply landing in a sim and finding fewer people than stated, okay fine but...that's probably the least effective way to socialize (plus, lots of sims are indeed populated - sounds like he's just chosen one that isn't).
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