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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. There actually is no correct way to use SL, and everyone's going to be here for entirely different reasons. Given that, my advice is to figure out what it is you like being in SL for. For me personally, SL is primarily an avatar creation/photography tool. Hobby/lifestyle-wise, I'm a pretty huge gamer and love everything from MMOs to roguelike deckbuilders. Because of that, I don't really need SL to do much else. MMOs are my social outlet, RPGs and simulation games for roleplay/combat/life simulation, survival/crafting games for building bases and exploration, narrative games and visual novels for diving into a good story, etc. All that's really left is to have a creative outlet, and that's where SL comes in, and I mostly just use it to style characters and photograph them. It taps into both my love of fashion and design. Good enough for me! Others come here for entirely different reasons. For some, SL is primarily social. They focus on meeting people and building large circles of family and friends. Others spend their time creating content. Others come here to roleplay. Some are explorers and collect lots of vehicles. Etc. Early on, I was a lot more social here, but new games came along with better tools that made socializing with large groups a whole lot easier. Short version - figure out what you want to use SL for and then focus on that. If you want to build, look into classes on Blender and content creation. If you want to socialize, look around for upcoming big events that tend to draw a lot of people at once, or seek out some smaller venues built around nightclubs, live music/performance, and social games. If you like art, there are entire communities for that. Roleplay, same. Exploration - there are groups for that, too. Making a good avatar - check around Second Life's YouTube channel for their SL University video series on that. Most importantly, don't stress. SL isn't that serious unless you really want it to be, for some reason.
  2. Never tried it. I shop via Seraphim's web galleries, Flickr, and in-world.
  3. I gotta ask why. Despite enforcement in various online games being pretty lackluster in many instances, there are some rather strict rules surrounding all of this stuff on platforms not named Second Life and there's a pretty good chance if someone unleashed a hateful rant, made a guild name filled with slurs, ran around with offensive usernames/appearances, etc., they will eventually get banned. Eventually. This is why I generally feel much cozier playing Guild Wars 2 or hell, even WoW than I do browsing search/groups here in SL. The number of times I encountered a plantation-style RP or anti-woman guild in an MMO is a big fat 0. Perhaps they exist, but they certainly don't go around blatantly advertising themselves if they do.
  4. Yeah, more of the same, pretty much. I just ignore all the flailing and keep on enjoying seeing myself and others positively represented in games for the first time in...well...ever. A lot of indie studios all over the world are just doing their thing right now. As someone who's been gaming steadily since the early 80s, I'm having a good ole time (minus waiting for Sword of Symphony's development - omg I need that game in my liiiiiiiiife). SL kind of benefits from some of this, in a way, I would think. I know I certainly came here for the first time because I was told I could more accurately represent myself with SL's flexible customization system, and that was way before mesh. I don't even want to talk about what some of my gaming characters looked like ages ago. 😩
  5. Without veering too far off-topic, take what you're reading about what's happening in the gaming industry with a huge grain of salt. Not even worth going off to read about it, either. If you are interested in inclusiveness in gaming in general, though, there are some really amazing games in the indie scene that do it so well. Anyhoo, back to SL. One thing that's a bit of a challenge is even knowing how diverse the platform is overall. Avatar diversity here is good, but that says nothing about real diversity. Languages spoken here can help figure that out, though, to a point.
  6. No, I don't block anyone. I'm just a selective reader. Oooo tail shoppinnnnnnng! Make a thread over in Your Avatar if you ever want/need help with avatar styling. We need more non-human threads in that section. 😂
  7. I have no idea what's going on as I only read your side of it, but for what it's worth, I think your topics are fine, Gopi. Sometimes a bit goofy, but I tend to appreciate that. 😂 Considering you're probably as much of a shapeshifter as I am, you should try out some other avatar types and report your overall findings and adventures, just for funsies. Try out a mermaid/man or somethin', though I can't really direct you to where they hang out. I usually just take mine to the beach for photo shoots. There used to be groups, but I don't know if they're still active (there are a lot of mers on Flickr, though).
  8. If I'm looking to connect on something specific (a specific topic or some such), gender doesn't matter for me personally, but race absolutely could, depending on the conversation. Random example - If I see a black woman shopping for hair and start discussing our RL hair or makeup, well, obviously that's going to be a leeeetle different if it turns out she's got no clue on Earth what I'm talking about. A black man would probably understand, though (maybe not makeup, but on the hair front, sure), so in that case, gender doesn't matter whatsoever. That could extend to a lot of subjects, really - comedy, music, current events, things that happened in our community on Twitter, sharing community subreddits, etc. I grew up and lived around lots of girls, boys, men, and women. I did not have the experience of being around black girls, boys, men, or women, though (almost never at school/college, barely ever at work), so it's like oooo someone like meeeeee for once - oh nvm. 🤣
  9. Unpopular opinion I know, but I find it to be highly annoying. There's a reason for that, though, being someone who may be looking to connect with others who are like me. Kind of a downer when it hits you they're just roleplaying. Yeeeeeeah, that's a good point. I was purely thinking about LL's approach on social media and featured snapshots and highlighted blog posts and all that, and in those, yeah, I definitely see some representation for a lot of groups. The other junk that's tucked away, though....ugh. UGH I say. Don't get me started, lol.
  10. Yes. Ehhhhhh. In some ways, yes. A trip through SL is a lot like a trip around NYC in that I'll be exposed to quite a few different languages in local if I zip around enough. Do I see a lot of myself in SL, though? Well, there's a lot of roleplay. I'll just leave it at that. 👀
  11. I completely agree with you on this! I actually don't know a whole lot about what's currently available in that space (I should dig through viewer options to see), but anything that pushes tech forward in that area would be great for us to have.
  12. Race aside, DEI also applies to age, veteran status, disability status, gender, religion, orientation, etc., so I'm not sure a company having a majority of a single race or gender would be a problem, as long as nobody was discriminating against them for being too old/too young, having a disability, being a vet, etc. AND as long as nobody was reading resumes and auto-trashing the ones with female names - for reasons. Again though, I dunno how we can discuss this unless we know LL's hiring and employee training and development practices, and I don't know squat about that.
  13. Yeah, and disability and accessibility initiatives and education are super important in the workplace, so I'm glad companies are striving to be better in those areas.
  14. Yep, because that's where it basically originated. The acronym/name may be somewhat recent (and how and why it became that, I do not know), but we used to basically call that "diversity training" back in the day. Companies (and schools and hospitals and universities and and and) eventually realized they had to diversify their workforce for a whole host of reasons - everything from countering ageism to ensuring there's pay equity to providing adequate family leave to understanding the importance of accessibility in the workplace (that's a biggie, and companies are still struggling with that). And speaking of which, before this thread flies off into another round of gender wars (👀), I'll also add that DEI does include age, veteran status, and people with disabilities. The culture of SL is a different topic, though. Similar, but different, as we'd no longer be looking at the organization (LL) and how it's structured, but the diversity of the platform itself. I do think LL does a good job of encouraging platform diversity, though - just looking at their site, promos, YouTube channel, Flickr and social media, blog, etc.
  15. If you mean diversity within SL itself, then I wouldn't really call that DEI. Like the other words getting yeeted around in order to scare people and muddy the waters, they usually refer to something rather specific, despite the attempt by others to make us all freak out and fight as a distraction (without going into detail, one of the other boogieman words referred specifically to things primarily taught in post grad/law school, for example, but we see how that worked out). If you want my opinion on SL's overall diversity, though - it's meh. Better in some ways than others.
  16. Against my better judgment to even engage with this topic, I'll just pop in to agree with this. It generally refers to corporate hiring, employee training and development, and promotion practices, so given that, it's more a question of how I'd rate DEI initiatives at LL itself. Since I don't have any insight to that or what their overall workforce even looks like, I'll refrain from answering.
  17. Same experience for me as well. Most women I've known in SL and out are extremely bold and often the pursuer in these situations. Sure, they'd get lots of IMs, but if they really wanted to talk to a certain person, they were already headed in their direction anyway. I myself go back and forth with this. Sometimes more passive, sometimes the first to strike up a convo. It depends.
  18. I'm not even sure what's being argued in here anymore. *side eyes my coffee* Are we saying women don't receive lots of IMs from men or somethin'? We absolutely do (generally speaking). That's not even a new thing. It's been that way since I first skipped into SL in 2005. Hell, that's not even limited to SL. Go play any multiplayer game with a cute female character and see what happens. For the record, men get hit on a lot, too, but that tends to be a bit different and usually a bit more targeted. We get offered gold and mounts and item shop junk for no good reason, lol.
  19. Thankya, Cinnamon! Yeah, a lot will come down to what type of look you want. In general, though, you can find androgynous clothing at AsteroidBox, TwoSided, Boys to the Bone, Red Girl, and Strunsh. Those stores typically have some items and outfits that come with both male and female body sizes. If you want a female body, places like Technofolk do tomboy looks very well. For a flat chest, your options are V-Tech for Legacy F or eBody Reborn, older V-Tech for Maitreya (not sure if you can still get that, though) if you want to wear older Maitreya Lara 5.3 clothing, Lara Flat (5.3) for older clothing, or Lara Flat X for newer stuff. Lara Flat X doesn't have a lot of support yet, but that may change as time goes on. Other flat chests exist, but you'll have a rough time finding clothing made for them. And if it all sounds confusing, don't worry - it is. It's a LOT, I know. Best advice I have - check stores (I recommend browsing in-world to take advantage of sales), find clothes you like, and figure out from there which body/chest combos have enough support for you to want to invest in.
  20. I'm not sure what memory has to do with it. Gopi mentioned being hit on a lot with his female avatars and turning off his IMs to get some peace - that all sounded fairly recent by my reading of the first post. At any rate, as to attractiveness, you're asking me about what men find attractive? *gigglesnorts* I don't know, but I do know SL beauty standards have shifted a bit (don't they always?), so tall, lanky girls are kind of *out* these days. I doubt my old look would still be receiving attention right now.
  21. You can get eyeshadow and eyeliner like that from just about anywhere. It's very common. Try MILA, Fontaine, Jack Spoon, Nuve, MJN, Velour, Goreglam, Samia, Sintiklia, Izzie's, Top1Salon, Alaskametro, Dotty's Secret, and Pout, for a start. Depending on your mesh head, you may also be able to get that look through your own HUD. Set the eyeliner on one layer, the shadow on another, and tint them independently via the color picker.
  22. Lol, too right. There are plenty of fearsome creatures roaming around. Now that you mention it, though, I rarely see goblins at all. I think I've come across one.
  23. Yes! THIS is a whole THING! I'm not surprised whatsoever about the centaurs. I've heard that before, definitely! 🤣 Also, male werewolves seem to be a fan favorite, as well, from what I've heard, lol. Minotaurs, too, I think. People are just silly, sometimes. I even got hit on (teasingly, doubt it was serious) on my frog, and the puns were sooooo stupid, lmaoooo.
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