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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Oh I definitely believe it. Oh and btw, even having insurance is no guarantee you're going to get what you need. Years ago, I was temping in an office and asked a coworker at lunch - sweet woman in her 80s (😲) - why she was still working full-time (😳) and not off retired somewhere like Hawaii. She told me alllllll about the hell her husband's insurance company was putting them through. The short version - insurance only wanted to pay for generic meds for his heart condition. His doctor said that's not good enough in his case. It was a battle until she finally decided she had to earn enough money to buy the proper meds outright. 😑 So anyway, that conversation helped spark the idea to consider relocating again at some point. I knooooow retirement won't be a thing for me either and that was a fun little glimpse into my future there. 🙃
  2. This might be the most obvious suggestion, but have you tried Lelutka Gaia yet?
  3. It's my least favorite question. Right up there with why is a raven like a writing desk? Wait I lie...I'd rather debate the raven one. Plus, the Mad Hatter rocks.
  4. Right along there with you. ❤️ I actually had a long post typed up but decided not to bother (mostly because it's just too depressing to talk about). I'll just post the tl;dr - tying insurance to employment sucks. This is one reason why people leave the US. And there are millions of us (self-employed, freelance, contractors, small business owners, gig workers, temp workers, part-time workers, some retail workers, full-time workers in small businesses, etc.). I'm self-employed/freelance, too. I decided going without insurance entirely isn't much different than spending $400-500/month on the lowest tier ACA plan since it covers nothing anyway, lol. I'm just suuuuuuuuper careful walking up and down stairs with my clumsy butt and try not to think about it.
  5. Sometimes! Not this time, though. Shush, I was testing out a photography pose series of pole dancing fails I was putting together for my shop a million years ago. 😆 I knew I was missing something - glasses!
  6. Ooooo, I'll check the next time I log in! ❤️ Thankya!
  7. Thank you!!! Is yours from Meva? I love that store's Christmas Advent calendar lol. Wait...it IS Meva where that top is from right? Omg, I shop too much I forgot now. I think I got it from a weekend sale there. I think. Heck I dunno LOL. And thank you again!
  8. OMG you rock, Drayke!! Thank you so much for the detailed answers. You didn't have to do all that! I was just being lazy in not Googling properly! 😂 I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. It sounds like Roblox is a looooooooot more involved than I initially thought. I'm more familiar with the multiplayer Minecraft experience and what people build/do in there, so seeing slightly similar things in Roblox, I thought it fit more in line with that. Now I see how it's more like a Second Life for kids experience. That's really awesome. Also, I like that you can build in Blender and outside 3D programs and import to Roblox - that might get kids interested down the road in 3D modeling and animation. Neat! And I agree - that Paris showcase looks really, really nice. I've absolutely seen builds like that in SL. I didn't realize that was possible in Roblox either!
  9. Mine wear animated glasses and sunglasses quite often. Still building my collection of those. Never found regular eyeglasses I liked much.
  10. You should try asking someone without any insurance before you come to that conclusion. 😂
  11. I've never played Roblox, so forgive my ignorance on this, but looking at it (on Youtube, Twitch, etc.), I can't for the life of me see why players would even be interested in SL in the first place. They just don't seem anything alike to me. Does Roblox have land to purchase/rent? I assume you can build homes n things. Are there clubs and bars and lounges and DJs? I know you can run a shop, but does all that function the way it does here (where customers come in, buy, can get gifts, there are store hunts, sales, major shopping events and themed faires, etc. etc.). Are there groups to join? I won't even get into the more art/design-related SL hobbies like landscape/avatar photography, machinima, interior design, or building complex in-world art installations and galleries. Can you spend 4348123 hours tweaking your avatars like I do? Can you obsess over your avie's manicure and finding the perfect guyliner? 😆 Do you build inside the platform or do you use 3D software? I've honestly only seen a few gaming sessions where people played multiplayer games built inside Roblox - like Squid Game type things, back when that was popular. So my experience there is very limited. Btw, nobody has to really answer any of these questions or anything. I'm aware it's a bit off-topic anyway, plus I could always just Google. I'm just thinking out loud - don't mind me! I just always find myself wondering why the two platforms are compared so often. And why SL would market to Roblox players at all. Roblox always seemed more Minecrafty to me, which isn't at all a bad thing - I love Minecraft, too!
  12. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Scylla. I'm very sorry for your loss. I agree about the inventory sorting, too. Maybe find some empty scenic sims to do that in as well. I tend to like standing around in forests, beaches, empty urban streets, or even underwater (as a mermaid - I find the swimming AO oddly relaxing) when I'm feeling blah.
  13. HAHAHA. Oh man...yeah lots of fire and destruction, pretty much. No I think Sims generally do alright on their own if you ensure they've got some basic skills. Like, I absolutely have had a Sim or...12, fail while making the most basic of meals (eggs or whatever) and set the entire freaking kitchen on fire. Granted, this is VERY similar to what happens in real life with ME, but I don't need that level of realism in my video games!!!! 😂 A couple of skill levels in cooking and a smoke detector will prevent (almost) most of that (hopefully). Drowning I've only seen happen if you remove ladders and stairs and things, leaving Sims no way to get out of the pool. Now, don't ask me how I know this little detail or anything. No, I never once drowned my college roommate's Sim on purpose after an argument, whatever do you mean?
  14. Well, my view is basically that those people on the street could be native themselves, so even if a shop owner wouldn't be offended, that doesn't necessarily mean others encountered on a daily basis won't be. But, offense is only one small part of it IMO. One really has to ask themselves why they want to wear certain items and figure out their own motivations for it. Some clothing is just *there* of course, but other garments have very deep significance. I have no motivation for wearing any of it beyond "ooo that's pretty," so I don't do it. My own personal reason for that is not wanting to insert myself into something I'm not a part of. I'll admire it, I'll compliment it, I'll ask about the history behind it if I'm browsing in a clothing or fabric shop and chatting with the owner, I'll nerd out over the design/construction process (textiles are faaab), but that's about it. If someone else wants to toss it on, that's up to them, of course.
  15. They do the same thing the CFO does - pass off the hard work to the temporary staff and wish them the best at making heads or tails out of what on Earth is even going on in the company. Especially right before a major external audit. -Signed, Former temp 😵 No but really - assuming you really don't know (to be honest, I'm not sure if I even worked in a company that had one but I'm familiar with the structure from working in other depts): A CMO basically guides a company's advertising, branding, and marketing strategy. They do the market research, analytics, handle the PR, figure out which direction to take the brand in, etc. etc. In theory, anyway. It's the directors (or managers) on the next rung down that actually figure out how to take the CMO's creative vision and implement it in a practical way. They then filter the actual work down to the rest of their crews (like the creative design and advertising teams - depending on how the company's set up). Oh and Drayke's answer gave some detailed insight into a day in the life.
  16. You could, but surely they won't be the only ones with an opinion on that. People milling about on the street will have their own views, as well. That's a very complex topic in general and one I generally avoid messing with. Not because I worry about gaining the wrong kind of attention when out and about (I'm a goth for crying out loud 😂), but because I have no personal attachment to traditional clothing whatsoever. For me, it's not just a matter of "would I offend someone with this?" but more "why would I even be rocking this in the first place?" That said, as someone who realllllllly wanted to take belly dance classes in NYC years ago (dang Covid, and money, and travel time, and and), and has been obsessed with it for decades, I'm super used to seeing people wearing traditional garments that fall outside of their own culture (kaftan dresses, for instance). But that's slightly different to me - there's a reason for it, these are highly-trained professional dancers who tour and perform in international venues, some are super tuned-in to a particular region's culture/music/dance style and adapt their clothing choices to suit it, and they aren't just out running errands like that. 🤣
  17. Only because it's the most recent version of the franchise with better building tools than 3. I assume most new people would be more willing to grab 4 (as it's still getting new DLCs and thangs) than the older ones. Sims 3 I prefer solely for the open world, gardening (don't even ask me why but it fees better in 3 than in 4), and ability to drive around and see neighbors on the road, which is pretty neat. Laggy as hell after you've built out your world and populated it and added a metric ton of custom content and story progression mods, but neat!
  18. The Sims has an entire building component as well. Really well-done. You can basically design from scratch - build the foundation by "drawing" it out on the land, set up walls, design the entire layout, pick your floors, add doors and windows, add in your furniture, add decor, customize your wallpaper and roofing, landscape, terraform, add pools, add gardens, etc. etc. There are a gatrillion different types of homes you can build between the included default content, expansion packs, and custom user-created content that's available. With a custom-built home, you can move your own "main Sim/family" in or drop it on a plot and let another NPC household live there. If you really, really like to build, you could customize every plot in the neighborhood. You can also upload entire finished homes to the Gallery for other players to use in their own games. Or if you're like me and make a mess of the entire process every time you try, just download homes from other players. 😂 In my defense, I'm more of a Sims 3 fan. Sims 4 just didn't really grab me. Here's a random speed build to give you an idea of what's possible:
  19. It just now hit me that I never answered your question. Well, almost question. 😁 I honestly don't know. I think you could probably just observe what others do and take your cues from that. I've seen travelers roaming around in local garb before and the reactions were generally positive, but who knows if that'd be the same everywhere. I don't personally wear cultural clothing at all. I do absolutely love certain items and styles and textiles and patterns, but I generally avoid them and opt for abstract prints that have no significance (when I'm not gothing out, that is).
  20. I just found an official response (from a Lel CSR) in their Discord Help-Lobby channel that explains the issue in more depth. @Rowan Amore, you were completely on the right track!! The Left/Right buttons on the third-party HUD are indeed the solution. Thank you! ❤️ "It's a setting in the applier when they [the eye creators] create it. If the applier doesn't ask you which eye you want to apply to, then it doesn't have that ability." And "You'd need to get 3rd party appliers. Either Omega, (Making sure to also get the Lelutka Omega applier kit from MP and installing that to the eyes), or asking the potential creator that you're going to buy from if they have their Lelutka Evolution eyes applier hud if it has left/right options." So, Catwa's third-party appliers work without needing all that, but Lel's will not - they need to be set up with Left/Right buttons in the creator's HUD itself. Mystery solved! It's fine, though. I use Catwa like...99% of the time anyway. But at least now I know how to shop if I want to do it on Lel, too.
  21. Check my experiment posted a bit further down where I tried doing it between Madame Noir and Pumec. I posted photos. To clarify - the eye textures in the Lel HUD will apply to only one eye. However, I'm trying to use an eye from one third-party store combined with a whole different eye from another.
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