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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Really, I'm finding that having a signature is enough. I think people know my name from that.
  2. I'm not trying to argue. I started with $50 RL , and was cheated out of it with empty boxes. Then Covid forced me to remove my RL credit card. I can afford all kinds of things now.
  3. Psst...if you spend enough time, you can find beautiful outfits and shoes for almost nothing ...or free!!!!
  4. Seriously though, we aren't here to hurt anyone, and it's always best to err on the side of caution!!!
  5. Any idea why a relog would be an issue??? I do it all the time, and only takes a min or two.
  6. Why wouldn't you turn off RLV and restart Firestorm??? If you aren't wearing a collar, then no owner would be notified, and even then you could always explain first.
  7. I have to remember your studio!!! I am new to SL photography, and it is quite difficult compared to RL or 3D programs.
  8. I just love this pic!!!. It can be interpreted in so many ways!!! And the glamour!!!
  9. This such a wonderfully positive thread!!! I really should take pics like this too!!!
  10. I think a Marketplace presence is important. I shop %99 of the time there, so I can keep track of my purchases, and calculate expenses. It's also easy to lose track of an item in a store, if I didn't buy it, and go back and try and find it again.
  11. I'm interested in the RL entertainment industry, so I run across a lot of vintage. Maybe that's why I'm a part of it in SL!!!
  12. Totally off topic, but whenever I see a post from Lindal, her AV looks familiar. I finally realized why. Her AV reminds me of the TV actor Joan Collins. Did you do this on purpose Lindal?
  13. I don't think this very common though. It could be true epilepsy, or a personal attack. Hard to judge.
  14. I am not sarcastic, and I don't appreciate sarcasm.
  15. IM people around you. It's really easy to make friends!!! And don't be discouraged by some who are nasty!!!
  16. I came here because I love rock...and Guys who love rock!!!
  17. Let's not forget the Go-GOs lol!!! I don't remember her name. I couldn't match her speed though. I DO play drums RL.
  18. Hey, some us women can play drums lol!!! And we can play fast!!!
  19. I'm about 6 ft. I used to be 7. I have no idea how I started off that tall!!! I still think around 6 is a bit tall for me though lol!!!
  20. I really did love Pearl Enchantment. It's just maybe a little late to make that drastic a change.
  21. So Kinky!!! I Love it!!! Meet me inworld sometime!!!
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