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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. One more pic. Sorry, I'm such an exhibitionist!!!
  2. Honestly, your AV doesn't look underage to me. Do you have payment info on file???
  3. I have no way of agreeing or disagreeing. They have to try.
  4. You are very correct. What I meant was that some get their thrills from abusing. I'm fully against that!!! I AM bdsm, so I understand!!! This was purely a matter of semantics.
  5. Seriously, I think the best way is just to ignore them. No risk to yourself or your friends. And they WILL get bored and move on.
  6. I guess SL is about all kinds of kinks. I wish bullying wasn't one of them.
  7. I was cheated like that inworld when I first started. I filed a report, but they said they couldn't help
  8. How is it than someone can be abusive, but yet not be banned, and if we try and fight back we lose??? That should work both ways then, Wouldn't they investigate???
  9. Ignoring might be a good way as well. They feed of your fear. If you give no reaction, they will eventually get bored.
  10. Maybe a retaliation attack from alts you don't care about being banned???
  11. Some people are in SL just for this. It is so disgusting!!!
  12. Definitely a high learning curve, and things don't run smoothly!!!!
  13. I don't feel that human sexuality can ever be overrated. it is a necessity for our survival. If anyone has ever fallen in love, which is likely very close to %100, they (we) understand the insanity that goes along with it. SL adult content may not be all that amazing, but chat changes and enhances the experience. This is interactive, and we can have a sexual experience with a friend or a stranger. And it is much safer than RL when it comes to a stranger. SL is not pornhub, and would be disappointing to those who just wan't to see free porn. There is so much more here than that, but it requires an imagination, not simply hormones.
  14. Child AV's are not something I particularly care for, but as a member of the Adult Community, I have to express that what you experienced is only scratching the surface. We develop friendships and relationships. We shop with each other. We hurt when a friend gets hurt. We help each other. We are happy when a friend experiences something positive. We are just as human as someone G!!! The sex is just a part of it...like RL...
  15. If sex is evil, then not only is SL doomed, but so is RL!!!
  16. I really do think we are running scared. Adult content is hugely profitable. Unless they are setting up a new adult service where we could migrate to. Sex DOES sell!!!
  17. I have already begun encouraging my friends to make e-mail addresses based purely on our AV's (i.e. no RL info at all), so we can keep in touch, and migrate somewhere else if necessary. I think I'm being paranoid though. But if SL does go against adult content, I'm sure there will be someplace more than willing to accept our community!!!
  18. I hope so!!! I don't actually understand why someone from my community would want to set up shop in a G area.I don't even like to go somewhere G unless it's a store, and even then I'm leery. I prefer marketplace anyways.I can keep track of my purchases. My friends and I are enjoying living our fantasies, and have no intention of involving anyone who doesn't want to be. Just like in any community though, there are the good and the bad.
  19. I don't interact with child AV's, so that is a non issue for me. I'm more worried about adult content.
  20. Thanks!!! I was looking at a black pair of those earlier. I just love them, and now I'll probably have to buy 2 pairs lol!!!
  21. Could you send me the link?
  22. Removing Adult content would be a very poor move imho. Look at Markeplace, and how much "A" content there is to buy. The sudden destruction of our segment of the population would cause financial losses. I certainly would leave, and so would a lot of my friends, both male and female.
  23. Thanks Bree!!! I definitely want to say away from PG!!! I do prefer A though.
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