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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. You didn't insult me at all. BDSM is why I have it!!! I just found other uses for it too!!! I never DID get the organizer working. I got it years ago, and didn't know at the time how to do an RLV folder setup. Then I forgot about it. But since folder preview images exist, i won't bother. That works fine for me!!!
  2. I haven't run into that when I update my FS. But it's just a simple matter of checking a box to turn RLV on. You don't actually need to be involved in BDSM to find RLV useful.There are clothing organizers that use it. Also, I personally hate having to accept a TP, when I am already willing to go, when SIM hopping.
  3. I truly don't know anything about MAC's. I wish I did, so could be of more help to her. I'm so used to PC's that I wouldn't even want to guess, in case I told her something wrong, and mess up her system. Yes, FS has RLV. She and I only turn it off to fix something if it gets broken. It's actually very annoying to log into a non-RLV enabled viewer, as RLV error messages keep scrolling from various items we are wearing (that we simply do NOT remove). Such as our collars.
  4. I HAVE been wondering about using PBR on inworld pics. I can see it being useful to create the roughness actual brushstrokes create.
  5. Caitlin would only use a viewer that has RLV. The issue would also be that it's about memory settings, if I remember Maddie's post correctly. I can't imagine that it would work loading PC FS settings onto a MAC. I can't imagine it working across multiple PC's either. But from what I know so far, it IS possible to set up a Linux portable install that DOES save changes, and share that. I have been experimenting with that. I have it working on my PC. Linux doubles my framerate. But so far I can't get Gyazo working in Linux, which IS important.
  6. I don't need to get anything on my end. I just built a high end tower from scratch with brand new components.
  7. I keep telling Caitlin to ask for help. I even sent her Maddie's post about adjusting some settings. She's too afraid to muck around with more than basic things, in case she messes something up on her actual OS.. She HAS tried Alchemy, and it DID work for her. She just didn't like it. But the non PBR version of FS runs fine for her.
  8. How would whitelisting my friends on my PC help them with their computers? And my friends are NOT replaceable!!!
  9. That's the impression I get from Cinny too. She'll switch to the older FS occasionally. But she doesn't complain about it much to me. So reasonably good for now. But who knows what viewer updates will eventually bring? Caitlin is on a Mac though, and she's had to wait up to 20 minutes for things to load with the PBR FS. She doesn't want to fiddle too much with FS settings, in case something messes up her computer. I can't help her either, as I don't know anything about MACs. At least Cinny is on a PC, and I CAN help her with issues. My high end PC is only as good as the weakest one in my circle. And yes, my SL WOULD be very detrimentally affected. PBR really isn't important. Caitlin Is!!! So I am definitely NOT pushing for PBR!!!
  10. I DO get excited about it. BUT...If the people I spend most of my inworld time with can't function with PBR viewers, or have to limp along (Caitlin for example, can't at all, and Cinny switches back and forth), then PBR suddenly becomes VERY undesirable. I personally am hoping for the options of either being be able to turn PBR off, or having both PBR and Blinn-Phong versions available!!!
  11. I DID get the same dress as @Scylla Rhiadra from Sigma, but it doesn't look as good on Celia. Caitlin didn't like it on me at all. And what WAS I thinking with this second one?
  12. But can we get in to that on a Chromebook or phone? If i'm at my PC, I can login properly.
  13. We already have speedlight for that. I've chatted with you on it when I couldn't get online.
  14. Somehow, your pic reminds me of Elton John!!! Fun!!!
  15. I DO have to assume you've upgraded your hardware since then. And you have high end hardware. I do, and even then I have run into the occasional issue.
  16. I hung out a bit with @Leora Greenwoodtoo today.
  17. At @Scylla Rhiadra's exhibit with @Cinnamon Mistwood in my female alt. We didn't understand exactly what some of the titles meant, but we spent a lot of time discussing them.
  18. This one's for you @Robberinthemuseum. Nasty!!!
  19. I don't get it. Why would reduced inworld building reduce social interaction? I can't interact properly with anyone if I'm focussed on an inworld task. And last names? I just very recently changed my name, and I was given a plethora of choices. I chose not to have one, because if it wasn't "Wren", it would be a slap in the face to my SL wife.
  20. I'm using Ubuntu LTS, because that's what Firestorm is tested on. I won't use Linux for anything other than SL. Unless you give me ideas to use it for something else!!!
  21. On the occasions I've used linux, (I am right now), I've always found it to be very stable, and everything DOES work as expected. It's Wndows that has issues. I have a Windows network at my office, which develops random glitches, Things just suddenly don't work. @BriannaLoveymay corect me on this, but it has been my experience.
  22. I tend to agree with you that there has been previous contact in most cases. Unless someone particularly enjoys grieffing a random stranger, there would be no point otherwise. I've been griefed twice, and in both cases it was by an ex. This is why I have extensive security, and have reports on who comes in to all of my home locations. Plus, rezzing is only allowed for group members. I haven't heard of that military group, but from what you described I don't think of that as griefing. True griefing is malicious. That sounds like it's supposed to be fun for everyone!!!
  23. I have spent some time chatting with Brianna inworld. She is a very lovely person, and absolutely positive. She was the one who helped me with a linux issue, when the Firestorm support group couldn't!!! Brianna knows her stuff!!!
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