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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Yes, please feel free to post some. I don't have any.
  2. Thanks!!! It was fun!!! Caitlin would have come if she didn't have an online meeting. I gave her the LM's to the stores for your dress btw, and I saw she was just there from her collar, but I don't know if she found it. She logged off just as I was opening Speedlight. @Saskia Riekowas there too, and I said hi. I don't know her well though. I DO actually have to go back and see your artwork. I was so busy chatting with you and taking pics, that I forgot to look!!!
  3. Pleeeezzz???...Pretty pleeeezzz... With sugar on top???
  4. This last one looks to me like Scylla is smirking as she looks at me, and saying: " Sandor what ARE you doing...Stop that!"!!!
  5. Could you tell me the exact items? Caitlin won't remove my "cage" until I find out!!!
  6. I went to see Scylla's exhibit today. I took a whole bunch of pics, but most of them turned out really bad. I was having a nice conversation with Scylla, so I wasn't focused on taking pics.Plus, I didn't really know anyone.
  7. Thanks!! I'm online with her right now, and I sent her the link to your post!!!
  8. I showed Caitlin this pic. She loves your dress!!! Where did you get it? She wants it too!!
  9. Ok, I occasionally take Caitlin dancing. Not her thing. But Never 5 minute luls. I dance with @Cinnamon Mistwoodmore often. The only iuls we get are when we are taking pics, and then we send each other gyazos to see what we've taken!!! I've danced with @LittleMe Jewell, @Scylla Rhiadra,@Leora Greenwood at forum meetings. We were always chatting about something. It was never boring with luls. So I don't get it!!!
  10. LOL, and then our own RL names and birthdates too. Just to make it easier!!!
  11. I turned shadows off to get a better pic, and my framerate doubled from 40 to 80. It makes sense though.
  12. My RL occupation isn't even vaguely related to anything in SL. Some of my my RL hobbies, however, are very much of a help. Building PC's, 3D modelling, graphics and video production are a BIG help!!!
  13. Neither one of us was feeling well, and we weren't in a particularly good mood. I didn't realize how much it affected me, and subsequently, my visual style in these pics until I looked at them all together.
  14. My english teachers were actually great!!! We didn't just have to read mind numbingly boring books. We also had to read ones such as : "Farenheit 451", "Fifth Business", "Lord of the Flies", "Shane", and many other ones that captured our interests. I feel we were being exposed to a variety of literary styles. Which IS a necessity. Of course another one I felt ill from was "The Stone Angel". I had to force my way through that one too. Written by a dead white woman. And sorry, but I don't think Shakespeare's writings are worthy of being anything more than toilet paper. /me ducks to avoid being hit by rotten tomatoes being thrown at him...
  15. Ummmm...What??? Bored??? Tabbing out while you wait for a response???
  16. Lara X is a FREE upgrade. Just get a redelivery of your Lara body. You aren't left behind!!!
  17. I fully agree with you on the fact that people shouldn't behave like dorks. But I never have that happen with my sexy female AV's, and Caitlin doesn't either. Where are these places where that happens?
  18. Thanks!!! Yes they DO automatically appear.
  19. Then there are those of us who haven't had any major issues. FS IS slower with PBR features turned on, but nothing that isn't adjustable.
  20. I WAS able to install Linux without it adding an ESP to my Windows drive. FS IS faster, but it's a nightmare trying to get things installed on Linux. It's been a long time since I did.
  21. I just checked. Works fine for me. But I haven't used that feature before.
  22. i actually ended up avoiding libraries because i didn't WANT to return the books. Unfortunately, too many years of forced reading in learning institutions destroyed my love of reading. Which brings me to the question of what defines good literature. Some supposedly high level literature is so incredibly boring that is painful to read. Is it the theme, the plot, or the wording that defines it? Is "The Diary of a Country Priest" superior to "The Chrysalids", or "Rendezvous With Rama"? I was literally physically ill having to have read the former, but devoured the latter two!!! And who exactly are those people, LOL???
  23. LOL, I haven't lived in Toronto for over 30 years now. So That doesn't help!!! Hush on this, but there was an occasion where I deliberately paid a few hundred dollars in library late fees because the U of T textbooks I needed for an exam were no longer available to buy!!! The late fees were bad. a few hundred dollars for a few books for maybe a week.
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