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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. There is nothing mystical about Hungarian runes. It's just about having different looking letters. https://www.rovasirasforrai.hu/Forditasok/About-the-ancient-Hungarian-writing.htm
  2. Apparently, the closest other existing language to Hungarian is Finnish. There are theories about it being related to the Sumerian and Scythian languages as well. It's hard to sort through what's real and what isn't, because it's been affected by politics. Hungarian was originally written in "runes". My Sandor AV has the word "Vagyok" tattooed on his arm, written in old Hungarian runes. It means "I AM".
  3. In Hungarian, the letter "S", has a hidden h. To pronounce the English equivalent of "S", it's written as "Sz". Sandor translates as Alexander BTW. Fun fact: in Hungarian, there is no equivalent to the English "Th" sound. My parents never could pronounce it.
  4. Thanks!!! Bagnu was just a random word I used to create my account. I thought it would only be used as a login. I have always hated it. Sandor ( pronounced Shandor ) is an expression of my Hungarian background!!!
  5. It's probably less work if I take my SSD out, and plug it in with a USB 3 Sata drive connector. No installing everything twice on different disks!!!!!!
  6. The one I'm trying for myself is an internal Samsung EVO 1 TB SATA III SSD. I have all the curse words to prove it, LOL when the angled SATA connector didn't want to fit right because of the case (I bought a straight extension). I can't get at the motherboard SATA socket without removing components to put in a straight one. I WILL use a 2.5" USB 3 SSD, for the external test. Hopefully secure boot can be turned off in my friends' laptops in the BIOS!!! I remember it being difficult to install Windows on a new Nvme on my Acer Nitro 5 I used to use!!!
  7. I installed a new 1 TB Samsung SSD last night. I'm going to install Linux after work!!! It must be a decade since I've fiddled with Linux, so It's going to be a learning curve. Then onto FS after it's setup!!! I WILL try Linux on a USB 3 SSD as well. If it works, I could help some of my friends set that up for themselves too!!!
  8. I agree!!! I use speedlight to say hi to Caitlin when she's online and I'm at work. For all of 5 minutes. But I don't need visuals for that, It's not always SFW, so I don't even WANT visuals!!!
  9. I HAVE had to very slightly bend the metal flange attaching a card card to the Case frame (with the screw or screws), if the case wasn't a good one, and slightly misaligned. But not in the last 15 years or so.
  10. I remember praying through my first hardware upgrade!!! And I'm an atheist!!! I went to BBS's to find instructions, and printed them out, because once my PC was apart, there was no access to any instructions!!! And my 40 Meg. Yes...MEG hard drive that had to be partitioned into 30 and 10, because DOS wouldn't recognize over 30!!!
  11. Unfortunately, I AM old enough to remember!!! And lets not forget all the little DIP switches that we had to set pre "Plug and Play!!!
  12. I WAS being a bit sarcastic. That's why I mentioned a whole series of things to consider. I've built maybe 20 PC's since the mid 80's though (I will probably give a slightly different number each time), and had to replace a few dead GPU's. I've never had to break off anything. I could see a seating issue though with that. Sometimes the case doesn't align perfectly, and the back of the card could be lifted a bit. when screwed in.
  13. Installing a GPU is usually super easy (unless something is blocking access to the locking tab). But you still had to make sure it was compatible with your Mobo, and your power supply was powerful enough, and had the right connectors!!! And of course the size factor!!! You also had to make sure your output was the right type (or you had the proper adapter) Not to mention having the right drivers for your OS!!!
  14. LOL, I've never cut myself on LEGO, but I have on the sharp exposed metal edges inside a PC case. Fortunately, it was never bad enough to get on my internal components!!!
  15. @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I tried it together on Sunday. She couldn't see proper images, and I couldn't install it on my Samsung A13. I had to use a Vastking phablet to get it to work. But...NOT well!!! The chat was super annoying!!! Not ready for a full release.
  16. I was disappointed when I couldn't install it on my Samsung A13. I don't know the hardware requirements, but it DID work on my VastKing Phablet. Just not well. I could see more than you could, but I didn't know how to take a screenshot, and the chat was VERY annoying, as you just said!!! It DEFINITELY needs LOTS of work before a I final release. Oh well. Otherwise, I got to spend time with you and change my horrible "Bagnu" name!!! Plus a years worth of premium, with a Linden home that you can help me decorate!!! The app was the only bad part!!!
  17. OMG!!! I really need nylons!!! what WAS I thinking!!!
  18. Caitlin didn't like my dress!!! Hmph!!! I showed HER!!!
  19. Oh god....please...NO Nirvana LOL!!! SAFEWORD SAFEWORD SAFEWORD!!!! I never liked 70's looks though, TBH. Mid fifties to mid sixties were my favorites!!!
  20. It just hit me how scary this is, when 90's is considered vintage!!! /me runs to colour his hair!!!
  21. Thanks!!! I literally took hundreds of pics that day, and had to wade through them!!! I know the outfit she's wearing in this pic is the "Henrietta" dress from Valentina E. She suggested that store for my "Celia" alt, and it has some nice vintage stuff. Celia has this same dress!!! I'm sure Cinny will give you the names of more stores to try!!!
  22. Thanks!!! That's not a shadow. It's someone dancing in the background. I was using a fog EEP, and the built it :"toy camera". That's how it turned out!!!
  23. This pic turned out with a a bit of a "Norman Rockwell" feel. At least I think so. I just randomly tested a PS filter!!! I can hear old style radio music in my head when i look at this.
  24. We went to the mobile app get together. It didn't work properly. I couldn't install it on my Samsung phone. I had to use a tablet instead. It was confusing as all hell. Cinny and both logged off mobile, and went back to our PC's. This was the get together: Then we went dancing. LOL, we started off as Sugar Gliders!!!!
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