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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. SL IS important to those of use that are still here.
  2. I'm a "boomer", and I hate answering the phone too LOL!!!
  3. OMG!!! My bad!! I meant "ultraviolet"!!! /me slinks away into a corner....
  4. There IS a truth. An ultimate and all pervasive truth. We are simply not capable of understanding it. Just as we can't perceive infrared, like some insects and animals can. We are ultimately limited in our understanding of the "truth" by our physical bodies.
  5. LL DOES have everything we say or do saved on their servers.
  6. I truly have to laugh when you say that. So much can happen in SL that can affect our real lives.
  7. I personally wouldn't mind the autodetachment. It would have prevented you and I from having an argument once. Only a griefer would deliberately TP into a "G" region while being visibly "A" rated. It really IS easy to not notice what we have on that others can see. It's even easier to not see the land rating.The autodetach would solve these issues. I suspect it would require RLV though.
  8. This might be an issue for people who can't afford it.
  9. I want to hear your opinion on it. I don't always care for your sarcasm, but when you are discussing a topic seriously, I take your views seriously.
  10. I don't believe in taking forum grievances inworld. I meant that forum disagreements should stay on the forums. Whether it be public, or in PM. And yes, it should be civil. No point in sending someone a PM just to hurl insults. That defeats the entire purpose in my mind. It should be to resolve an issue, not add to it.
  11. To the best of my knowledge, it can only be disabled if it requires a server to function. No creator can reach into our inventories and change what's already there. And we don't have to accept updates.
  12. I got that with older non PBR versions too. Many times. Especially if I forgot to turn my VPN off.
  13. Something like this happened to Caitlin a few years ago. She was looking at an outfit in a major retail inworld store, and it said it was compatible with Lara Petite. She bought it. It wasn't. It was nearly $L2k. She contacted them with no reply. I figured I would try. No response to either one of us. And we both sent IM's along with notecards. caitlin gave up, but I repeated this a number of times. The contact person seemed to exist and not exist at different times in search, even though their name was listed on the MP store. It was just bizzarre!!!
  14. I tested a much rougher "combined normals" version (that WAS a bit difficult combining normals in photoshop) of the pic I took yesterday. These ARE both on prims. I could see a use for the rougher one, but definitely NOT to hang in a gallery, unless a pic needs to be on a VERY rough surface. The first is what I had made yesterday. The second is a result of today's experiments. If I want some light scratches, the normals DEFINITELY need toning down. A LOT!!! They are both PBR materials on the prims. These are raw pics btw.
  15. It's your pic that inspired me to experiment with materials for inworld art. I LIKE the normals you have, and that was what I was going for! in the pic you asked questions about in my thread!! Hopefully later today I will have a chance to experiment more.
  16. Thanks!!! I have worked with local files before, but I end up saving new copies of things, instead of updating. I always end up with a mess, where I can't remember which ones are local files LOL!!! The pic I posted isn't a material on a prim.. It's just a pic with a fotosketcher filter. I ran it through Adobe Substance Sampler afterwards to create the various maps for the material. Then I combined them into a gltf, and uploaded it as a material. Then I put it on a prim. I didn't have time to take a pic of it, but I have to go back to Substance Sampler to readjust paramaters. I want the surface rougher.
  17. Speaking of Cinny, she and I were together in our alts tonight. She was decorating one of her houses. We were testing to make sure the furniture worked, and I took a few pics. We ended up liking this pic, and I turned it into a PBR material. I am not happy with the degree of roughness as it turned out, but this is the base image I worked with. I should have tried it in the beta grid first. It was $L200 to upload!!!
  18. You weren't the only one slinging mud, and we DID get scolded by the teacher for it!!! And rightfully so!!!
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