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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. This is such a fun pic!!! I love the duplication effect.
  2. Photoshop is a tool, just like a paintbrush. It's the artist that makes the pic. The tools make the expression possible. I say Hooray to Matt, to you, and everyone else here for creating and sharing their wonderful imagery!!!
  3. Marigold is right. Your pic is very expressive. It's a wonderful image!!!
  4. A nice chat with Aiyumei as Sandor at my art exhibit for the diabetes charity. Her eyes are just as striking inworld as in her pics!!!
  5. You always make me think Scyll. I look at your pics and wonder if I could accomplish what you can with your deep ambience. A combination of your images and the words you associate with them make them even more effective.
  6. Thank you so much!!! The head skin is Angelina from Sessions, and the body skin is from their fatpack for female bodies. I added imperfections to the body from Izzie's, and moles. Head moles from the Genus hud, and extras from WOW skins. I experiment with mixing from different things I've bought. The blur isn't intentional. It's just the way my settings were when I took the pic. I was RP'ng at the time, and I took the pic at random at the end of the RP!!! I did crop and filter the image with photoshop, but the base image is the same in terms of head and body detail. I find there isn't as much available for men though, unfortunately. So maybe that's why you can't get the detail you want. And thanks for reminding me. I'll have to check for my Sandor AV!!!
  7. Wait lol!!! I didn't write in Cyrillic!!!
  8. Thanks Scyll!!! I was literally deep in RL thought, rotating the cam around my AV randomly. I was alone there, wherever I was. I wasn't even focusing on what pics I was taking. I bracketed a bit, maybe by 1 stop wider in each. I like the first new one, but I think it's starting to lose the mood a little in the second.
  9. Asking for what? If you mean comments, yes please!!! And thank you!!!
  10. LOL, you have such a great sense of humour!!! Love the pic!!!
  11. This pic is fully raw. A new, better skin. I haven't had a chance to add more eye makeup, but maybe subtle is better.
  12. You make wonderful pics. I'm surprised you don't get more compliments!!!
  13. I believe it!! It was worth the work. It's just great!!!
  14. Absolutely Stunning!!! Leaves me breathless!!!
  15. I took this pic of Charalyne and her partner when they were visiting the Island.
  16. Charalyne and her partner visiting the Island.
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