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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. LOL, those platforms!!! They DO match your outfit though!!!
  2. That's very correct. True friendships take time and effort to develop. The same applies to enemies.
  3. Lol. I absolutely wouldn't!!! I wouldn't want to interact with them, because I am no candidate for sainthood on the sexual level!!! Even if it were a "friend" who I was involved with, I could see issues, because there are too many ways to hurt each other unintentionally. But if I left permanently, or they could never know who I was, I would recommend SL definitely!!!. There are opportunities to experiment with things we wouldn't or couldn't do in RL And we can make some very good friends.
  4. I tried to sign this pic as Swallow, but it just didn't work!!!
  5. I switched from Lelutka Avalon to Genus Strong face with my Swallow AV, because I found the look too smooth. I have the Lelutka Erin head for my Pearl AV. I'm happy with the way I got it to look, so I won't be changing it. Personally, I prefer the look you have in your profile pic over the one in the pic above. I think that look is amazing!!! But it's all personal preference on what we are trying to achieve with our AV's though.
  6. My Friend Vita Theas, who I met earlier this year at an art exhibit we took part in.
  7. My Friend Vita Theas, who I met earlier this year at an art exhibit we took part in. She's not using a pose, and what appears to be a lake is actually snow. It's at a Winter charity exhibit. She was setting up her booth.
  8. And I'm not happy with my hair as Sandor either. It's really difficult to find a specific look for a man's AV!!!
  9. LOL, no, no, no!!! I'm still helping Caitlin with her look!!! We aren't happy yet!!!
  10. LOL, I love the outfit!!! But I'll never be a fan of extreme platforms!!!
  11. Thank you so much!!!! In a sense it IS a still. It was unposed, and our AO's were on. I think I took about 20 or 30 shots to get the one I liked!!! And the situation wasn't preplanned. We were together in the Tower to chat for a bit.
  12. I'll ask the landowner to do that. I don't know enough to answer any questions LL might have.
  13. OMG!!! Thank you!!! My recent shots have been adjusted in post, obviously, but they aren't posed.
  14. A quick pic of my friend Caitlin, who I've been spending a lot of time with.
  15. Spending a bit of time chatting with my old friend Athena in the Tower. Who I've known since my Pearl days.
  16. Spending a bit of time chatting with my old friend Athena in the Tower. Who I've known since my Pearl days.
  17. And I found out how a banned person could come into my Sim. From the person who owns the land where I have my Island estate. There ARE exploits that at person can utilize. It's not an easy thing do though, because certain criteria have to be met.
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