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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. NOW Celia is ready to do some SERIOUS shopping!!!
  2. Cat keeps a "signature look", so even if I had names turned off in my collar, I would recognize her AV Not to mention all the little details she wears would be a giveaway.
  3. LOL, she doesn't truly look like Caitlin, but that was the first thing that I thought when I saw your pic of her!! I hope you had a great lunch with her!!!
  4. I uploaded 1024 for $10L, and 2048 for $50L just yesterday.
  5. Caitlin and Celia. Creating an alt isn't about getting away from people who I care about. Without them, there is no point.
  6. I didn't even imply that you were high maintenance, or not easy going. I know you. You aren't. I simply said that you don't tolerate BS. A friendship requires much more than mutual courtesy and respect. that is how strangers should treat each other.
  7. I really DO agree with you. There should be multiple versions, so everyone can be in SL. I don't want any of my friends to not be able to login because their PC isn't capable. I would be pissed as hell if that happened!!! Not to mention actually hurt!!!
  8. It's an obscure detail for sure. Just like having banlines on will prevent a person from a direct TP even above 50m.
  9. The writing is reversed, but the particles aren't.
  10. It takes curiosity not bravery. I probably have more time to be in SL than you do. Bravery is about spending time with Cat and Cinny. Those two Ladies do NOT tolerate any form of BS.
  11. I have created a lot of mirrors. Some of them end up with a reflection of the box edges at the sides, and some are blurry. So i must be doing something wrong. Some just look perfect, so I'm scratching my head trying to figure it out.
  12. Yes, but the point was that particles aren't reversed. They should be.
  13. I always love seeing your fuzzy coats!! Celia is SO jealous!!! Which one is that one?
  14. Another pic that goes up in the penthouse.
  15. Thanks!!! I came as Celia because I've been posting pics as her, and I thought it would be fun for you and others to see her!!!
  16. I went to see Scylla's exhibit today as Celia. I ended up chatting with her and not even looking at the pics she put up. I will have to go back and look. I didn't feel a need to go. I simply wanted to. OH no, my mascara!! it must be running by now!!!
  17. Possibly. Absolutely maybe. But the chat window structure in FS is far superior to any other in my opinion, and that also makes the official viewer, and other viewers with that type of structure useless to me.
  18. The other major thing is the way the chat windows are setup. I MUCH prefer the way FS has it.
  19. Listen Dahlings... I ran into an issue with banlines the other day. They work to 50 metres, and anyone can come in past that height. BUT, they cannot TP into an LM inside the land. I spent an hour with my friend Sheri trying to get her to be able to directly TP into my penthouse that is far above that.. I couldn't get another one of my alts to be able to directly TP in either. BUT both my alt and Sheri could fly into the skybox, and walk around as normal. There is no set landing point. It turns out, that it was the banlines. When I turned them off, the issue magically disappeared!!! Now hand me a tissue Dahling, I have lipstick on my teeth...
  20. The downside of the official viewer is that it doesn't support RLVa. To some of us, that makes it totally useless, no matter how stable it is. And honestly, I rarely crash with FS if I am using an official release, and not a beta. I have been down to 2 FPS with no crash even on my older PC's. I have zero experience with MAC though.
  21. LOL, as Caitlin said to me a a few minutes ago: "You ARE old". You would have to be (old in SL) to post images from a year ago that look this good!!!
  22. I went with one of my friends to a CFNM place as my alt Celia. What? You in the peanut gallery...Her legs look better than mine? SLAP!!!
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