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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. This is where I disagree. Altruism is only possible AFTER our own needs have been met. Human nature may not be immutable, but we have our own survival needs. Otherwise, as I said before, we become a community of ants.
  2. Yes, because both parties wanted to help each other. They cared about each other.
  3. I am well aware that capitalism is not perfect. I bring it up because communism has caused a great deal of suffering for my family. I am more keenly aware of that.
  4. The wasn't a charitable act. It was way for both parties to ensure their mutual survival. Because they cared about each other.
  5. The barter system requires an exchange of goods. The extra turnips would be exchanged for other goods, not simply shared. The turnips were a form of currency.
  6. That was my point. Without the ability to amass wealth in some form, that is impossible.
  7. Providing goods and services without compensation requires the resources to do so.
  8. To answer the original question, no I am not afraid of the future. There is nothing I can do to control it. I can prepare for it as best as possible. But other than that, I could die in my sleep
  9. Really, the only value currency has, is the value the current society places on it. Whether it be gold or paper is irrelevant. I remember reading about someone fleeing Pompeii, and leaving a chest of gold behind, because they couldn't drag it anymore ( not exact, just by memory, so please correct me if I'm wrong ). Ultimately, the only things that are important are food, water, and shelter from the elements. And lest I forget to say, our loved ones.
  10. I don't believe human nature to be immutable. But a future like that would make us into a society of ants. In my opinion. Living only for the colony.
  11. It is the fault of both in my opinion. The people in charge for twisting it. And the ideology for ignoring human nature.
  12. That sounds somewhat like the supposed goal of the Bolshevik revolution. It ended up with a totalitarian regime that killed millions and forced state labour.
  13. The biggest question is, what can replace it?
  14. Great pic!!! Your name reminds me of early 1970's Jack Kirby DC comic book characters. E.G. "Mister Miracle" or "Big Barda". Was that on purpose?
  15. And old friend invited me to a spot where she was fishing. She had never seem my Toy AV, so it was the perfect opportunity. She still can only call me Pearl, even though she knows I'm a man. I couldn't get any pics of us together, because we were were too busy chatting. I took this one after she had to leave for RL. I could have fixed the fishing line in the background to look more contiguous, or removed it, but sometimes wet fishing line glinting in the sun actually looks similar to that.
  16. I don't know about the other guys here, but I agree with you. I find the 1950's look the sexiest. The pencil skirts especially. And business suits. Not much exposed skin in those. That's RL. But in SL people do put time effort and money into their skins. I spent many hours getting the right skins and skin addons for for my AV's, so I like people to see (Sandor AV included).
  17. Looks great!!! The Lumipro certainly gives you a lot to work with!!!
  18. This is my Toy AV in silhouette. The difference in this case is, I drew this by hand on a drawing tablet . It's not traced. I printed out the original with a grid, placed it beside my tablet and drew by eye. With the same grid in Krita, but otherwise empty. I started with a silhouette to make sure I had the shape roughly correct, and I'm hoping to work it up as a proper full BW pic, but I haven't picked up a pencil to draw since 1998, and this is the first time I have ever used a tablet to draw with. It's a very different experience. I added the pic I worked from. It's the first one, with the grid.
  19. Thanks!!! It's the Genus free strong head!!!
  20. There used to be a discussion group meeting at the guild, and I used to go with Katie. But the guild closed recently..
  21. I was showing her the dungeon on the Island. She fell asleep in front of Nal and me a bit later!!!
  22. I love the pencil drawing effect!!!
  23. Someone I helped with their AV. I only knew her briefly, and then we lost touch.
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