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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. Someone I helped with their AV. I only knew her briefly, and then we lost touch.
  2. Thanks!!! I'll have to check and see if they have a Genus version.
  3. OK, please forgive me for my denseness. I don't understand how the videos relate to either your friend or my friend.
  4. LOL, that would be my friend Caitlin!!!
  5. I have no patience for that sort of thing. Here in SL we come from all races and all walks of life. There is no place for that here...or anywhere else for that matter!!!
  6. Lol, the last time you saw Caitlin was at the winter exhibit, and Permaruthed was handing us Vodka, and you were falling over drunk. I wasn't in much better shape. I think Caitlin was the most sober of all of us!!!
  7. I forgot to mention. She looks very much like my dear friend Caitlin. Here's an older picture of her I posted in the past so you can see.
  8. My friend Mysteria. In the dungeon. I was a little "peeved" at her at the time.
  9. As an artist I can say sometimes there really is no intent other than to have the image visually pleasing. That's me though. Each artist is different.
  10. With Scylla's pic, I asked because she made me think. Made me wonder: "what's going on here?". She very effectively brought me "in". Wanting to know more. I disagree with you that art is supposed to make us think. When I look at your pics with windswept grassy fields, I don't think. I just "feel" as if I were there. That's why I enjoy seeing them.
  11. LOl, no. Your explanation makes much more sense. P.S: You could always bury it on the Island. No one would find out...
  12. This is a very beautiful and deeply moody pic, as all of yours are. I don't understand what you're trying to express with it though.
  13. The brand is everything!!! I switched to Genus from Lel, because I had more luck getting the look I wanted. But then I helped my friend with her LEL, and it turned out great. But then she was the one in a actual control, I was just adding suggestions.
  14. This is a great technique for controlled circumstances!!!I can't do this with most of mine, because I can't just stop the action when it's happening. So use a number of different approaches, depending on the background complexity. One pic, I made 3 background copies. I shifted underlying layer to the left, and started erasing from top layer. Once it looked decent, I merged the two top layers. Then I shifted the underlying layer to the right and repeated the process. Then merged those, and fine tuned with clone stamp and blur. This was because clone and healing brush didn't look good. In most cases clone stamp is my "go to", and works great!!!
  15. I don't know anything about stylized but I can certainly say that photorealistic is very time consuming and can be expensive. It took me many hours of demos just to pick one particular hair!!!
  16. What's the main reason you go to music clubs?. I mean for meeting people, getting hooked up, chatting, other reason?
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