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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. LOL, word gets out quick!!! I just found out last night that I'm the Best Man!!! Her AV reminds me of Dianna Rigg as Emma Peel.
  2. That's the thing with Catwa. Lag lets the brain become visible, so it's so easy to tell who's wearing one.
  3. LOL, I must admit, I've never let my hands rove unless it was clear that the lady wanted that!!!
  4. LOL, in most cases if a man asks you out for dinner, they do have something in the back of their mind!!!
  5. Yes, Caitlin lives with me for free on the Island in the penthouse, because she is partnered with my Swallow AV (she prefers me female).
  6. Sure!!! IM me inworld, or I'll try and look for you. If you get an IM from Sandor, Swallow, or Toy, that's me trying to reach you.
  7. Hi!!! I have lots of rooms to rent in my Tower on the Island. It's an Adult community, though. If you're OK with that please contact me!!!
  8. I have met people like that. They have all ended up ejected from my island and from the group. Region banned, unfriended and blocked. I had one person it had to eject three times in a row as Swallow. After the second time I got upset and pulled a glock (my Island greeter clearly tells all not to enter unless they accept the possibility of being attacked). Hitting region ban did the trick most effectively. I am sure they would have returned a fourth time had it not been for the ban.
  9. I have have never experienced loneliness in SL, so I don't understand.
  10. I only ever had one person disappear. She was my closest friend, and we weren't in a relationship. I wasn't overly upset by it (perhaps because I knew she was very busy with something RL), but I hope she is OK!!!
  11. Very true. There can be circumstances where a person can't contact anyone, like death. Or they simply didn't care enough to tell their partner that they left SL.
  12. Doing a bit of target practice on the Island. These targets DO shoot back, so I posted a warning sign in case someone wanders close. The worst that can happen is they get sent home, though.
  13. I never looked for anything free for my Sandor AV, but I never saw anything free either for men. I'm going to have to check for that. I do totally agree that there is so much more available for female AV's.
  14. You would be surprised at what's available for free for female AV's. My Toy AV started with all free things. The Lucybody is mesh, free, and is Maitreya compatible. You just have to click on their board, and by next morning, you usually have one!!! A very cheap addon is available to get BOM. I can't see a visual difference between lucybody and Maitreya. The Free Dove has lots of things. Hair, clothes, etc.. Scandalize has or had a whole free section. D'Evil for free latex clothes. Genus has a free strong face, which I still use on "Toy". There are free skins available too, depending on which head you have.
  15. My position is that we have to help ourselves first, before we can help others. We can't help if we aren't in a position to do so. I know one ex drug addict who has become a teacher and drug addict counselor. They couldn't help anyone while they were addicted. I do charity work for some in my profession. I get no tax break. Do I do that to make myself feel good? I don't know. I just do it.
  16. LOL, this is a discussion, with everyone respecting each other's opinions. I don't see anything wrong with it. No name calling. Nothing destructive. Perhaps a bit of a debate, but debates are about learning, and they can lead to truth.
  17. Yes, I agree. But there personal needs have been met. The monastaries and convents provide for their personal needs. They wouldn't be able to provide for others unless their needs have been met first. But there is the concept of why anyone does those things. Is it to make themselves feel good about doing those things, or actual altruism? I can't answer that question. That is another philosophical concept. Or is altruism such as that meant to ensure our survival as a species? Again I can't answer that question.
  18. I did overstep my bounds. But can you provide a "grain" of evidence to refute what I wrote?
  19. Very true. This is my personal opinion. To reverse the situation, do you have a mountain of evidence against it?
  20. The only thing is, in a close community, without reciprocation, the parties involved stop helping each other.
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